Welcome to Clancy's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Clancy
9/1/14 - Clancy, my dear sweet lovable puppy. Where do I begin? It started by reading a wonderful book by James Herriot. One chapter was devoted to a giant Irish Wolfhound named, Clancy. From that day on, I knew I would someday have a wolfhound with that name. You arrived by air and I drove to the airport and anxiously waited while you arrived. I heard you barking long before I saw you. When I first laid eyes on you, all I could think of was 'what a gorgeous pup' you are. Your beautiful white face, white chest and four paws all tipped with white. Just gorgeous. I loaded you in the car, you pretty much cried the whole way home, but once we arrived, you came out of your crate and straight into my arms. You settled in very quickly, your character and personality just amazed me. Sure, you were a terrorist, you chewed up a ton of sandals, but how you loved your squeaky toys. None of them lasted long, you destroyed them all within seconds of getting them. Each day that passed, your Mommy loved you more and more. You were quite a challenge though, you loved nipping me, you pretended not to hear me and rarely did what I asked of you. How did we ever make it through puppy kindergarden? we did!! and you did learn some manners. Absolutely everyone loved you. What wasn't there to love? We went through a stage of puppy issues and a small fortune in vet bills, but you were worth everything.
Had quite a few knick names for you, Sir Clancelot, Clancypants, Mr. C, The Clancer, Mr. Clancy or just plain 'pups' or 'puppy' You loved going for long walks, especially Playwicki Park. We had our share of adventures.
The one memory of you that'll never go is the day I fell and broke my leg. You had every chance to run away, but instead you chose to lay down next to me, with your head on my leg and waited till help came. You guarded and protected me. You went to stay with Mary while I recuperated from several surgeries. I'm so very sorry you weren't at home with me pups, but I couldn't take care of you and with Mary you got all the care and love and best of all, romp around with all the ladies. Each time I visited you, you knew I was coming and would run along the fence when you recognized my car. I was excited and scared to bring you home, afraid that you might try to pull me or try to run, which I couldn't do anymore, but you never did. You just walked next to me and became a perfect gentleman (well, sometimes!!!).
You absolutely loved going for car rides. Your 'Daddy' Bud took you many times and you loved every minute of it. Bud was always there when I needed his help. He helped bath you, which was no easy feat.
Sweet Clancy, you were mine and mine alone, then I met 'Joe', at first you didn't let him sit next to me or get close to me. You would find a way to squeeze in between us. Pretty soon though, you two became best of buds. Joe moved in and you had yourself a Daddy. The best daddy a big boy could ever want. Daddy did everything for and with you. Walking you, feeding you, brushing you and loving you. I know how you both loved to sit near the basin soaking up the sun. You always made a point to bark when you wanted to go out or wanted food. Of course, I loved to encourage you to sing and what a noise we made. Your signature touch? A high 5. How I'll miss those high 5's. All this time went by and your back legs started to get weak. The vet told us you had 'wobblers disease'. We tried all different treatments for you sweetheart, but nothing really seemed to be helping. You were so incredibly brave. I truly hope you weren't feeling pain puppy, I would have done anything to eliminate that. Both Joe and I asked you to hold on and stay with us till we got married. You did, in fact you stayed with us for another 2 months. How lucky were we?
On Thursday, I knew you were telling me it was time. You were alert, barking at noises and just being you, but you weren't really eating or drinking. I made you your food and brought it into the living room so you wouldn't have to get up and walk. Spending Friday night and most of early Saturday was wonderful. We talked, cuddled and just loved each other. Making the decision to take you to the vet came far too quickly but we both knew the time had come to say goodbye. I asked one last time if you wanted to go for a ride. We stayed with you for awhile, stroking you and telling you what a good boy you were and what it privilege it was to be your Mommy. Puppy, I just hope you know how much you were loved, not only by me, but by Daddy and everyone else. I miss you SO incredibly much. Your passing has left a huge hole in my heart and a void in my life. There will never be another Clancy, never another wolfhound as magnificent as you. I love you to the ends of the earth and back. You just have to promise me you'll be there to greet me when my time comes. You can visit with me, in my dreams at anytime ok? I don't know how I'm going to get through these next few days/weeks, but as long as I know you're beside me in spirit, I'll be ok. I love you Clancy. Never, ever forget that.
9/3/14. Back to work today Clancy, I have to get ready for a round of questions that I'm not sure I want to answer. I love you so much puppy and God, I miss you. Had a rough day today Clancer. I still haven't wrapped my arms around your loss. I don't know that I will. I want to bury my face in your beautiful white chest and just hold and hug you, I want to rub your paws, I want to scratch your ears, I want to kiss your nose and I want a high 5 but I know that's not going to happen. In my dreams isn't enough. To say I love you and miss you isn't enough. My heart is aching for you sweet boy. Take good care of your brother and sisters. I know they're so happy to have you there. Don't ever forget me puppy and be waiting for me.
9/4/14. Clancy, today is starting off very heavy hearted. Stay by my side big boy, ok? I need you. Daddy misses you terribly too Clancypants. He loves you so much. Help keep both of us strong. Mommy. I'm writing to you now and still don't understand why my big boy has a residency at Rainbows Bridge, your residency is here, with me.
9/5/14. Clancy, my sweet boy, you touched my heart yesterday. Your presence was felt, you wrapped yourself around my heart and let me know you're with me. It brought me incredible peace and stopped the crying.
9/6/14. Puppy, how can it be a week already? Today would have been a fun day for us at the Wolfhound picnic, but without you, I just can't see going. I can't believe I come home and don't get to say 'there's a wolfhound in the house' or give you a big cuddle and tell you that 'everybody loves a wolfhound'. I miss seeing you standing at the kitchen window waiting for me to come home, or sitting in the sun, with daddy while you wait for me to come home. Your loss is incomprehensible. Just miss you so much. Mommy
9/7/14 - Clancy, Daddy and I went to dinner last night and decided that we were going to toast you. It had been raining, but then the sun came out. At the same time we said we were going to toast you, the most magnificent, brightly colored rainbow appeared. We know it was you, telling us you had crossed over and were doing just fine. At dinner, I was unable to speak when it came time to toast you, so Daddy said it. Daddy said how hard it was for him, during the day to not have you there to keep him company or go sit out in the sun. Today, we went to Playwicki park, where we shared so many good walks together. It was so peaceful. We both knew you were there with us. I know how much you enjoyed the ride over. Clancy, I still don't believe you're gone, in my heart you are perhaps at the groomers, or you're at Mary's, but you're not gone. I want so badly to hug you and rub your face and tell you in person, how much I love you. I miss you so very much Clancy. I'm functioning, but I feel empty. Anytime you want to visit with me you can. Give Mommy a high 5 Clance and let Mommy know you're with her.
9/8/14 - Hi sweet boy, to say I miss you is an understatement. Just know how much I love you and miss cuddle time. Mommy
9/9/14 - Clancy boy, we'll be bringing you home tomorrow. It's going to be very difficult for Mommy and Daddy, but I take comfort knowing you'll be home again. High 5 sweet boy. Mommy
9/10/14 - My sweet boy, we picked up your ashes today and brought you home. We placed you, in the living on your bed. I felt better knowing you're home again Clancy.
9/11/14 - Clancy, we spent the day in AC today and talked about some of the great memories we have of you. My wooly wolfhound, how I miss you. You touched Daddy's heart in a way I never thought possible. He's really missing you sweetheart. Send Daddy a sign to let him know you're with him, please? Love you sweet boy! Mommy
9/13/14 - Clancy, my grief for you today is overwhelming. I miss you so incredibly much. I just want to cuddle into you and tell you how much I love you. This morning, I held you close to my heart and cried my eyes out. I know you're with me, I've felt your presence. I want so badly to see you, so visit me tonight, in my dreams sweet boy. Rest easy. Love Mommy
9/21/14 - My sweet boy Clancy, I miss you desperately . In the last couple of days though, you did something very special. I have donated your medications to the Irish Wolfhound rescue. Your food fed some worthy pups. I also made a donation in your memory to help other wolfies. Your Aunt Laura made a donation in your name to the Morris Animal Foundation. Everybody loved you Clancy and you're missed by many. I have felt your presence so many times, I know you're with me and that's of great comfort. Hugs sweet boy and high five. Love Mommy.
10/19/14 - My beloved Clancy, I'm so sorry I haven't been by lately to visit with you, it's just too painful. I talk to you everyday on the way home from work in the car and I know you're with me. I feel your presence and aura. Clancy I truly hope I gave you the best home every. I tried so hard to make it comfortable for you. I miss you terribly and still look at the couch hoping to see you there. I'm going through a lot of guilt now thinking that maybe I held onto you for too long. I'm praying you didn't suffer big boy. That's the last thing I every would have wanted for you. I LOVE YOU Clancy, never, ever forget that. Mommy 02/11/14 - Clancy boy, I look at your sweet face everyday, and everyday I shed tears for you. You simply shouldn't be here, you should be with me, where I can enjoy cuddle time and high 5's. I miss you more than you'll ever know. You'll always be wrapped around my heart sweet boy. Mommy 8/30/15 - How am I supposed to get through today puppy? It say I miss you is an understatement. I want to hold you, cuddle with you, get as many high 5'vs as possible. I still feel your presence, but it's not enough. I want you. Please always know how much I love you Clancy and so wish my accident never happened. I would have had you for two more years. I feel very cheated. Don't hold it against me pup. I did what was best for you and you loved Mary and her hounds. I picked up some of your hair from my car yesterday. I started crying because it was your white chest hair. Clancy, I miss you to the moon and back. Send me a sign today to let me know you're close by, please? I love you, forever and always and until we weet again!! Sweet dreams my Clancypants. Hugs, kisses and high 5's from Mommy. xxxxxxxx. It's almost 2 years Clancypants. 08/29/16 How is it possible? I miss you so much sweet boy. I know you visit often, I feel your presence, I sense you're near me. I love you sweet boy. Stay with me. I need your strength xxxxx. I see you everywhere Clancy and I miss you more and more each day. I love you Clancypants. Mommy 10/03/18. I love and miss you big boy. Wait for Mommy. Hey Clancypants, I love you 😍

Please also visit Chelsea, Ciara, Mariah and Sean.

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