Welcome to Cleopatra's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Cleopatra
My Sweet Miss Cleo,
Oh how I miss your physical presence in my life. My heart is aching and it hurts so much to know I will never be able to hold you again and stroke your beautiful fur. I will never again hear your sweet soft gentle purr, nor will I ever forget it. Please forgive me for the delay in sharing my beautiful memories of you. We parted only two weeks ago when you could no longer fight your battle with Renal Failure. You were so brave and courageous and fought strong and hard for 15 long months. I so love you for the many beautiful lessons you taught me in our short time together in our earthly journey together. You taught me so much about life, about the meaning of unconditional love, which you gave so freely, and you taught me how to be a better human being. I also knew that in your own sweet way you would let me know when you had had enough. You did just that on Valentine's Day and that was the day your battle ended.

I was called by your doctor and informed that your condition had worsened overnight. You had been there for two days because you needed IV fluids and a blood transfusion. I rushed to the hospital to be with you and when I arrived the doctor said that you had been having seizures, and your conditioned had worsened quickly. They brought you to me and I held you in my arms and sobbed my heart out as I knew I was losing my best friend. But I could not let you suffer any longer, enough was enough. I stroked your beautiful fur and told you how pretty and beautiful you were. I told you how much you were loved by me, and how much I would miss you in my life. I told you not to be afraid. I thanked you for the time we had shared together and that I would never, ever forget you. I held you in my arms tightly and was with you when you so bravely gave in, and then my heart broke into a million pieces. You would never greet me at the door ever again. Nothing would ever be the same. Even though you were heavily sedated from medication given for the seizures I am sure you knew that I was there with you till the end, and that I loved you so very much. My Sweet baby girl Cleopatra,please know that you shall live in my heart forever and always. You left your sweet little paw prints forever etched upon my heart, and I was so blessed by God to have had you in my life. Your beautiful spirit shall forever live on and shall always be present in my life until we meet again.

I wanted to let you know that your brother Markie (Marc Antony) misses you since you went away. I know there were times when you did not have much patience for his silly shenanigans.I do know that you loved him very much because every now and then I would catch you giving each other Kittie kisses. I am not sure if he really understands where you went and why you haven't come home. He has been "calling out" for you on a daily basis since you been gone. He wanders throughout the house looking and searching for you, and visits all your favorite places. I know he misses you as he seems sad and lost these days. I am giving him a lot of love and special attention now, and I know that both he and I will be okay but it will take time. We both miss your physical presence and our lives will never be the same again now that you are gone. Please watch over us because you are now our special guardian angel. I know you are making many friends at Rainbow Bridge and that you are happy and free and chasing butterfly's. I will cherish your memories and love you forever.

"until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened" Anatole France

My sweet girl, you were "a faithful friend in the medicine of life" Ecclesiastes 6:26

Kalil Gibron "When you are sorrowful, look again in your heart and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight" Miss Cleopatra you are and will always be my delight!
I hope Rainbow Bridge has a big supply of your favorite foods, my how you loved tuna, french fries and ice cream.

My Sweet Girl Cleopatra, you been gone just a little over 3 weeks and I still miss you so much.My heart aches for you and I still look for you. When I realize you are gone, the tears begin to flow, my heart aches, and I tenderly remember your gentleness. It is hard to sleep at night without you and I spend a lot of time hugging your favorite pillow so I can feel close to you. Your birthday is coming soon. You would have been 13 and I was going to make you your favorite tuna cake, but I know you will celebrate with your rainbow bridge friends. You came into my life in the beautiful springtime and we parted on a winter's day. That was Valentine's Day and losing you on Valentine's Day was so bittersweet for me. To let you go was so hard but I knew I had to because you did not deserve to suffer any longer. You were as brave as you could be as you battled your renal disease and I love you so much for the additional time we had together as you fought your battle.I love you my sweet girl and there will never be another Cleopatra, your were so special and God Blessed me with your presence and love. I will send you a birthday present at the bridge so keep your eyes open for its arrival. Please be good and take care. Aunt Paula and your brother Marc Antony miss you terrible and send you their love. Markie is still missing you and thanks sweet girl for watching over him from the bridge. XOXOXO MOM

My Pretty Girl Miss Cleo, tomorrow would have been your earthly birthday, I wonder if your birthday is the same now that you are at Rainbow Bridge. I still miss you so much much but it helps to know that you are waiting for me and that we shall meet again. I know you are probably curled up and sleeping so sweetly and softly as you did when you were here with me, oh how I miss you cuddled up next to me at night. I am sending you a birthday cake and a special present so you will have them when you wake up tomorrow on your birthday. I know you will share nice with all your new furry friends.Remember I love you and am thinking of you always. Happy birthday sweet angel, we miss you with all our hearts. Love Mom, Aunt Paula, Marc Anthony, Dejah and Monkers.

Hi my beautiful girl, I hope you had a grand birthday celebration with all your furry friends at rainbow bridge, and I hope you liked the birthday cake I sent to you. It has been a little over a month now and I still miss you so my sweet girl. I would give anything to have you here with me. When I look at the favorite places where you loved spending your time I get a glimpse of you for a brief moment and then you are gone. It must be your sweet little spirit that I see.Had I have known you would never come home again I would have never taken you to the hospital.While I held you in my arms as you took your last sweet breath I know you knew I was there with you,and how much you were loved. Words can not explain the emptiness I feel without you in my life but from the bottom of my heart I thank you sweet angel for your unconditional love and for the time we had together, you were a special angel and a blessing from God. Stay safe my little girl and mommy will see you again someday at the bridge. Look for Maggie Mae and J.C. who are at the bridge so they can show you the ropes. Your brother Marc Antony, and sisters Dejah & Monkers all miss you so much, please watch over them from the Bridge. Sleep tight my precious angel. Mommy loves you with all her heart.
03-02-11 Today I was given your precious little ashes and I brought you home where you belong. Soon your beautiful urn will arrive.Your memory is forever etched in my heart,I miss you so my sweet girl.I think of all you went through with your illness and you did it with so much courage and grace.The creator of all living things sent you to me when I needed a special angel. You were my angel sent from God. Now you have gone on to be my heavenly special angel watching over me from the bridge where you wait for me so we can cross the bridge together. In case you are wondering your brother Markie misses you to and he is doing okay. He sleeps on your special blanket.You were wrapped tightly in your special blanket in my arms on the day you departed for the bridge. When I brought it home that day I placed it on your favorite pillow where it has been every since. He doesn't sleep on it every day some times he justs stares at it and occasionally I will see him snuggled on it and I know it is because he misses you deeply. After all you were his constant companion for many years so he feels your absence as well. When you were here you always let him know that you were the first cat and certainly kept him in his place. He was such a sweet brother and he always complied to your wishes. I know you loved him to so please keep watch over him and let him know you are waiting for him at the bridge. Mommy and Markie love you sweet girl and we are happy that you are free. Please keep an eye for Calico who left for the bridge yesterday. Her mommy is hurting and is missing here deeply just as much as I did when you went away. So please look for and take special care of her at the bridge because Calico had kidney disease just like you. Take care and remember you are forever in my heart, I love you.

04-23-11 Hello my sweet baby girl you've been gone 9 weeks now and I still miss you so.I placed your precious ashes in a beautiful urn a few days ago and that was very hard. I know you are not physically here with me anymore but somehow it brings me comfort to know that I have a part of you here with me.I know your spirit is soaring freely in the heavens now,and that you now reside in my heart along with all my beautiful memories of you. Please know you will always be in my heart and never forgotten.You are so missed and I still love you and miss you every single minute of the day. I believe your little sweet spirit has been visiting me every now and then because there are times when I actually catch a glimpse of you out of the corner of my eye but when I turn to look you are gone. I know this is your way of letting me know that you really never left me and that you are waiting for me at the bridge. I love you my sweet girl and always and forever will. Just so you know your brother is doing better these days. He still sleeps on your favorite pillow and blankie and I know he misses you so much. Thanks for being his angel and watching over him. Until we meet again I love and miss you deeply, miss your sweet gentle paw caressing my cheek so much. I send you kittie kisses every night in my prayers, I hope you are receiving them.

08-08-11 My sweet girl I still miss you so and my heart aches for you everyday.You can never know how much you meant to me and how much you were loved. I hope you are doing well up at the bridge. Down here your brother "markie" and I I are still missing you so. I think of you every day and how you took your treatments everyday just so you could stay with mommy longer, how brave you were. I know you had to go and I didn't want you to go. As you lay in my arms that day at the hospital I could see it in your eyes and I knew then that you suffered enough and so deserved to be at peace without pain. Thank you for the extra time we had together I know in my heart you knew that I needed you to stay around longer and that is why you put up with all those treatments. You are the sweetest girl ever in the whole wide world. I love you & miss you deeply. Markie is taking good care of momma and he misses you so. He is still sleeping on your pillow and special blanket that you were cuddled in on the day you took your last breath and entered heaven. Aunt Paula misses you to and sends her love. Take care my girl and don't forget I will join you at the bridge in God's due time and we will be together again. I love you Mom
Dearest Cleopatra Please be on the look out for your beloved brother Marc Antony who left for Rains Bridge On Saturday 06-16-2012 at 1045pm. He lost his courageous battle with cancer and has come to join you. Please take good care of him I will write more and I love and miss you and still grieve the loss of your physical presence in my life. Now I grieve for Markie and miss you both terribly. Mom has to go now but I will be in touch. Please be sweet to your brother and take good care of him.
07-08-2012 Hi sweet girl hope you are taking good care of our Markie. You and he had your good and bad days in life but I know you loved each other so much. Just so you know Markie forever honored you in so many ways after you went to the bridge last year in February. So please be nice to him now as he needs you. I still miss and love you more than ever stay sweet. Mom

Please also visit Judy Lynn Barkley and Marc Antony (Markie).

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