Welcome to Clover's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Clover
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. ~ A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)

"Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened." ~ Anatole France

"While there are many different paths we take in life, it is those who hop beside us that make the journey worthwhile. Although we can no longer snuggle, and I miss stroking your soft ears, I thank the Lord for our journey that left your pawprints on my heart."

"Perhaps you are the star in the sky, letting me know you are near, guiding me through this darkened night, chasing away my lonely fear. Your love was a light inside my heart, that made me happy & free, my wish tonight as with every night, is that you were still here with me."

Clover was brilliant and lightning fast. She ran laps around her room and could maneuver around anything in her path without slowing pace. She loved to run around "Daddy Land" (the rest of the house other than her bedroom) & investigate every inch of the house except the kitchen!

Her favorite game to play was chicken with her Daddy (she always won). She was so excited for him to come into her room & play. It was her favorite time of the day. Daddy would start to run across the room & she would take off & pounce on his feet! Then she'd dart back & wait for him to start again.

Clover was so clever. She always knew when Daddy came home. She would run to the door & wait for him to say hi. She made it very clear when Mommy gave her veggies that were not up to her standards by throwing them off of her food level & glaring at Mommy until she got something better. She would trick Daddy & Cafeteria Lady (Aunt Linda the babysitter) into giving her multiple yum-yums by either knocking the container over & fitting them all into her mouth & running, or setting one aside & reaching for another like the first one was gross then eating them both. She could tell when it was time for a visit to the vet by the time of day & clothes we were wearing & she would run & hide.

The 2nd visit to her dentist in Columbus (we live in Cincinnati & drove up there every other month), she found a way to escape her make-shift cage. We had baby gates set up to block her into a corner of the hotel room. In the morning, while we were packing up to leave, she darted out of a hole between the edge of the bed & the baby gate (which had been blocked by Mommy's duffle bag), ran up to Mommy, then realized she wasn't suppose to be out & darted back in. She looked so guilty & yet so proud of herself! All Mommy & Daddy could do was laugh.

6/3/13 - Dear Clover,
It's been nearly 3 months since you had to leave us. Daddy says goodnight & tucks you in every night still. Don't worry, he still turns on your night light for you too! I come and say good morning and ask how your night was and talk to you while I do the laundry. I know you hear us and are speaking with us too. We have seen more bunnies on tv and around the house than ever before. I'm sure you sent them to keep an eye on us. We still talk about you every day and I'm sure that will never change. I cleaned your room & made sure to put everything exactly where you like it. Daddy has been taking naps in your room too. Please continue to watch over us & send us reminders of how much you loved us. We miss you terribly & love you so very much. You opened Daddy's eyes to a whole new world of love that he never knew before and you have always been my amazing princess, so strong, demanding, intelligent, and loving. I hope you like the pictures I've posted of you. I know I can't express to the world just how amazing you are but I'm certainly going to try. I see you have met many new friends from the posts people have left us. Enjoy running and playing all day in the sun and know Mommy & Daddy are always thinking of you. We love you. - Mommy

3/23/14 - Dear Clover,
It's been over a hear now since you had to leave and we still miss you terribly. The sun is starting to shine & it's strong in your room. I remember how much you loved to stretch out & bask in the sun. I'm sure you are enjoying the eternal sunshine still.I hope you look down on us & remember how much you were loved and send us your love & strength. You helped show your Daddy how amazing animals are and opened his heart to you & all creatures. We adopted a little girl, Clara, to be your little sister. I know you speak with her often. She has learned some of your tricks without us showing her so we know you are helping her. She takes good care of your room. She will never replace you but we hope we can provide a loving joyful home for her like you had. Please continue to look over the 3 of us and continue to send us your love. We think of you often & speak of you almost as much. We miss you and love you very much. - Mommy & Daddy

Hi my sweet baby Clover. I miss you every day. I cannot believe how long it's been. Little Clara has been doing well. She loves to snuggle and have all our attention. She climbs up to view your photo often too. I think you would like her. Your loss is still hurts so much when I think back on it. But I know you are in a much better place and not suffering. I love you so much.

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