3/6/22 Darling CLydie Bails... Daddy moved all your letters to a folder for me so I would have room to write to you. I can't believe next month, it will be 11 years since you had to leave me. I cry all the time for you and Zoe. You are such a wonderful dog. You made my life so beautiful. It will never be the same. I miss you so much. I have your pictures and Zoe's pictures all around me. I love you so. Send me a sign. I hope you are wonderfully well. Your loving Mommy. 4/6/22 My darling Clydie. I am sitting here crying, as you are gone eleven years today at one o clock. Oh God. I miss you so. I was just talking to Linda Carrier and she said you were her favorite and she loved how you put your face against hers. I loved everything about you. You were the perfect dog. Never asked for anything. So good. So unselfish, so loving. You had such a tough ending and I hope I did right by you. I just wanted to keep you with me. I was selfish. I couldn't let you go. I'll never let you go. Oh, Clydie. I love you so, so much. It's hard to see through my tears. I miss you more than words can say. Thank you for being in my life, which will never be as bright without you. Forever and ever, your loving Mommy. 5/6/22. My angel Clyde-Bailey. At this time, eleven years ago and a month ago, you left for the Rainbow Bridge. My darling dog. My heart is forever broken. It will never be the same without you. I look at your picture every day, along with Zoe and pray for you every night. Come back to me. You made everything better DEAREST CLYDIE...IT IS DECEMBER 5, 2024 I m writing your note here as my computor isn't co operating and i pray YOU FIND IT. I KNOW IT'S A DAY EARLY, BUT WE ARE LEAVING FOR GEORGIA TOMORROW MORNING VERY EARLY. THIS WEEKEND IS JORDAN'S 60TH BIRTHDAY AND SINEAD, HIS WIFE, IS THROWING HIM A BIG PARTY. WE WILL BE BACK SUNDAY. OH, HOW I MISS YOU CLYDIE BAILS. I LOOK AT YOUR PICTURE, ALONG WITH ZOE AND I AM IN TEARS, NOW. I MISS AND LOVE YOU SO MUCH. YOU and zoe WILL ALWAYS BE A PART OF ME. DELILAH IS HERE. GOD BLESS HER. SHE IS HAVING TROUBLE SEEING. SHE IS MORE THAN 13 1/2 NOW AND YOU KNOW HOW I WORRY. STAYING IN THE NOW IS NOT ONE OF MY STRONG POINTS. PLEASE TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER. I'LL ALWAYS BE YOUR LOVING MOMMY.
and wonderful. My tears will never end. I miss you so and I love you so. Daddy and I got that Covid virus and are trying to recouperate. It's tough. We are supposed to go the Florida on Thursday, but I don't know if we will be well enough to go. Please send some doggie prayers our way. Can you send me a sign today that you and Zoe are ok? I hate being without you, special doggie. Never forget how much I love and miss you. Be well, my angel. Forever and ever your loving Mommy. 3/6/2025 Dearest Clydie, i dont know why this site won't let me write in the appropriate space, so i hope you find this letter ive had shoulder replacement surgery, and doing well How are you, my angel dog? Hopw you are well I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'VE BEEN GONE ALMOST 15 years MY DARLING, I MISS YOU SO and love you so so much DON'T worry about me Send me a sign daddy and Delilah are taking great care of me loving you so your, mommy
7/7/22 Please forgive me, my angel. I am recouperating from a knee replacement. You have been through that with me, but this time, it's really tough and very painful. I am sorry for missing writing. You know That's not like me. I see I wrote last month before the operation. Oh, Clydie. I miss you so. Your care, your love and concern. Delilah is watching me and has been very sweet. I hope you are fine and by Zoe's side. I love you so very much. Forever and ever, your loving Mommy. 8/7/22 Stupid me, I am a day late again. It is my birthday today and how I wish you were here with me. Cousin Bonnie is here and we talk about you and Zoe. Delilah is here to love me and remind me of how much I loved you two. You were the best thing that happened to me and how many birthdays we were together. I love you and miss you so. I pray that you are alright. Franny's cat, Littles died and I hope you meet up with him and take care of him. She loved him so much. Look down on me, Clydie and keep me safe. Daddy, too. He adored you both. You are my boy and always will be. Forever and ever, your loving Mommy. 6/6/22 My angel dog, Clyde-Bailey. I miss you more than ever. Life is not the same without you. We were well enough to go to Florida and got to see some of the children and grandchildren. It was wonderful. Thank you for your prayers. Now I need them for a rabbit named Pichu and a doggie named Perrogi. They are not well and need our energy. I pray for you and Zoe all the time. God, how I miss and love you. You are such a wonderful dog and friend. I love you so, my boy. Thank you for all the time you spent with me. I have to have my knee replaced next Monday and I know you and Zoe will be with me. Delilah is here and is such a saou.I adore you forever and forever. Your loving Mommy. Be well. 5/21/22 The doggie of a friend of mine named Raven, who I know for 12 years, is coming up to the Bridge today around 1:30 and I need for you to look out for her. I don't want her be alone and scared. She is black and brown, a mix between a shepard and and an Akita with a white muzzle. Please take her under your wing. She means a great deal to me and to her mommy, MJ. Thank you, darling. I love you, Clydie. Dearest Clydie. It is August 28th 22 and I am asking you a favor and please pass this along to Zoe. There is a white boxer with black spots coming soon to the Rainbow Bridge. His name is Pierrogi and I am so in love with him. He is only five and suffers from an incurable disease. He is telling his Mommy it is time to give him her last gift and told her he would not be alone, because you and Zoe will take care of him. You know me. My heart is breaking. Please pray for him and watch out for him. Tell me when he gets there. I love and miss you two so very much. Please look down us all and protect us. Delilah, Daddy, Me, and the children and grandchildren. I love you so. Thank you, Clydie. 9/6/22 It is your day, Clydie. I miss you so much and I am tearing up as usual. Where are you, Clydie Bails? Life without you is so sad and so hard. Did you see Pierrogi? Take care of him. I know you and Zoe, along with Raven, can do it. Delilah is swallowing very hard and getting me very nervous and worried. There can;t be anything wrong with her. Please send doggie prayers down for her. Look down on all of us, my angel. I will never be whole without you two. Grandpa will be gone 12 years on the ninth. I know you loved him so and he loved you both. Loss is so hard for me. Remember Cousin Steven? He died suddenly four months ago and we miss him terribly. Remember how much I love and adore you always. Why did you have to go away? I'm so unhappy without you two. Your loving Mommy 9/10/22 Dearest Clydie and pass this on to Zoe, Too. Aunt Kathi's maltese mix doggie, Doris Day passed away today. She had a sudden aggressive cancer that made her very sick. We are all grieving, but will feel comforted by the knowledge that you and Zoe will take care of this little white dog and keep her close. She just came up there this afternoon. I love you all so much. Mommy 10/6/22 Dearest Clydie, I love and miss you so. Remember JR? He took care of you and Zoe sometimes. He lost his black lab, Lily, the other day. Could you look for her? She is probably with Doris Day and Cody. My life is so much less bright and happy without you and Zoe and thank God for Delilah. She is 11 1/2 now and it gets me very nervous. You know how I am. Please stay with Zoe. Have you seen Grandma and Grandpa lately? Give them licks for me. I adore you, my little boy. Send me a sign. I need to hear from you. Your loving Mommy. 11/6/22 My darling Clyde-Bailey, Where are you, my darling boy? I hope you are with Zoe. I miss you so very much and I am so beyond grateful that you were and are in my life. We talk about you and Zoe all the time and you are always near me. We lost Papa's brother last month after he battle esophogial cancer for five years. It is a terrible tragedy and we will miss David so very much. I wish you both were here for real. It is around this time 11 and a half years ago you had to leave me. My tears are endless and so is my heartache. God, I love you so, Clydie. Look down on me and take care of us all. Forever and ever, your loving Mom. 12/6/22 My dearest darling Clyde-Bailey....How I miss you Life will never ever be the same without you. I pray one day I will see you and Zoe again. My friend, Cathy Robinson, lost her white standard poodle, Zoey, on Tuesday. I think she is with her dog, Tiffany, whom I think you met. Can you look around with Zoe and see to it that she is ok? Oh my God, how I miss you. The tears always flow. That will never change. You made such a difference in my life and in the lives of everyone who ever met you. What a wonderful boy. A miracle doggie. So selfless. Send me a sign, darling. I love you so. Your Mommy 1/6/23 It is another New Year and I am without you still. I miss you and love you so. Today, Grandma has been gone three years and I miss her so. I cry for her and Grandpa like I cry for you and Zoe. I pray you are together and well and looking down on us and protecting us. Ryan is having a hard time. Doggie prayers for him. Have you met Zoey yet? It's important for me that you do. She is another wonderful dog that has come to the bridge. I miss you so, Clydie Bails. You were such an angel and a gift in my life. Oh my boy. I love you so much. The tears are flowing. I am doing my best. Forever and ever, your Mommy. 2/6/22 I have been crying for you all day. I miss you so and I love you so much. Tell me you are with Zoe and please send some kind of a sign that you are both alright. It never gets easier without you and my heart breaks over and over again without you. Clydie-Bails...... please let me know you are here with me. Thank God for Delilah. She is going to be 12 in April and you know that makes me afraid and worried. I try not to, but you know that is how I am made. Please be well, my Clyde-Bailey and remember how I adore you. Forever and ever, your loving Mommy. 3/6/23Dearest,darling Clyde-Bailey, I miss you more than ever. So hard without you and Zoe. Delilah is at the groomer today and I am in tears. I can't be without her. I can't be without you and Zoe. My life is so different without you both here. Time goes by so quickly. Feels like such a long time and such a short time. Missing you is just part of my day. Of my life. Where are you? Please, please send me a sign. I need you just as I've always needed you. Oh, my darling. I miss and love you so. Forever and ever, your loving Mommy 4/6/23 My darling Clyde-Bailey..12 years ago at one o clock today, you left for the Rainbow Bridge. The most selfless, sweet angel of a dog there ever was...that was you and I am crying now, missing you so and thanking you for being so kind and good. 28 days later, Zoe followed you and you are together for all eternity. I pray everyday for you both, for you have changed my life for the better. I wil always be heart broken that you are not with me, and I look for a sign from you. My angel. Clydie. No. I will never accept that you are gone and therefore I will have no peace until I see you again, and I pray to God that I will. I love you so. So much. Forever and ever your Mommy 5/6/23 Dearest Clydie, I'm sorry my letter is late. I couldn't get onto your site and I had to call the Rainbow Bridge....they just called and told me how to fix it, thank God. I know you were waiting. Oh, Clydie. I've been so depressed. All I do is cry or try not to cry. So much is going on. Jordan and Sinead lost a baby; Jordan's children are mean to him and break his heart. Ryan finally want to move out but there is a money problem, along with five pets and a three year old. Jordan will help him when he can. Thank God, Brandon is ok, the angel. We are going to visit him on the eighteenth, but you know how broken up I am about leaving Delilah. I can't seem to be happy. I am grateful for all my blessings, but having you, Zoe, Gram and Gramps gone is something I can't deal with. I am worse than ever. Delilah turned 12 last Saturday and I am so scared of losing her and nothing is wrong with her. I just can't seem to live in the now and can hardly accept anything. Everything makes me sad. Facebook doggies looking for homes, or owners grieving their loss. I should stay off of it, but maybe sharing a dog that needs a home will prompt an adoption. I just want to cry all the time. I am going to see my psychologist friend, Marty on Tuesday and hope I get some help. I also, in the last six weeks have had a lipoma taken off my neck, a colonoscopy, a cardiac cath and a cataract surgery, all under anesthesia. I'm tired and I so wish you were here with Zoe and Delilah. What a great trio we would be. Oh, please Clyde-Bailey. I never needed a sign from you more than I do now. I love and miss you so, you wonderful creature. Your Mommy always. 6/6/23 My dearest darling angel, Clyde-Bailey, my beautiful boy. The tears are flowing. They will never end, missing you. Missing you so goes without saying. It never gets easier, but only cry when your name is mentioned, I see a picture of you or a memory comes to me. Sometimes I watch the video I have of you and Zoe. It's hard, though, because it was after your leg operation. I will never know if I did the right thing by you, but I tried to keep you from experiencing pain. I'm sorry if I was wrong. I would never do anything to hurt you. You know how much I love you and how much you mean to me and always will and I pray that we will all be together one day. Please God, make it so. What your epitaph says is so true. Part dog, mostly angel. Selfless, kind and loving. They don't come any better than you. Send me a sign. Daddy and I are leaving for ten days to be with the children and to see Jordan married. That means I leave Delilah behind. You know how hard that is for me, but I know she will be alright with my niece, Megan. They get along very well. I love you so. Kiss everyone up there for me and remember how much I adore you. Be well. Your loving Mommy 7/6/23 Oh my angel, Clyde Bailey. I miss you so. We had a wonderful time with the family. I missed Delilah terribly. I am never happy without everyone around, and that certainly includes you and Zoe. I will never get over losing you. The tears are coming right now. Hope you are fine. Look for a Boxer called Mayo that was hit by a car. Find him, please. Oh, I miss you so, my angel dog. Why couldn't you stay forever? Send me a sign. Love you always. Mommy 8/7/23 I am so sorry that I am a day late. I get the days mixed up sometimes. Today is my birthday and I am without you and Zoe again. I miss you so very much there are no words for it. Why are the things I love taken from me, like you, Zoe, Gram and Gramps? Thank God Delilah is here with me. I was with Franny for lunch and Aunt Kathy. I know you remember them. They sure remember you and Zo. Remember the little bagels she used to bring? Boy. Did you love bread. Me, too. Hope you are well up there. I will never get used to you not being with me, you wonderful boy. The best boy. Send me a sign. I love you so, so much. Mommy 9/6/23 Oh, my darling boy, Clyde-Bailey. I miss you so, my angel. Why can't you be here with me. I will not be afraid of going to heaven if you,Zoe, Gram and Gramps are there. Until then, I will cry for you and miss you so very much. Daddy and I and Delilah are fine. It's Daddy's birthday next month and I am having a party. Jordan, Brandon, Ryan and Tommy will be here. I know they loved you, too. Also, Bonnie, who I talk to about you and Zoe. Please be well. I am so guilty about your ending. I think I was selfish, but I wanted you with me for as long as I could have you. Please forgive me, Clydie. I'm sorry. I love you so. Mommy 10/7/23 My darling Clydie. I am sorry I am a day late. I know you were waiting for your letter. I am suffering from shingles in the surgical site in my mouth and I remembered writing to you very, very late last night. Forgive me, my darling boy. I am crying here writing to you, as I miss you so much. Are you ok? Tell me you are with Zoe. Send a sign to me today, Clydie-Bailes. What a perfect boy you are. I am still wearing the band around my wrist with your name and Zoe's name on it. It is in black, as it is for mourning and the other side says, Forever and ever. My baby. I love you so and life is so much less bright without you here with me. My grief mirrors my love. Forever and ever your loving Mommy. 11/5/23 Dear Clydie Bails. I am a day early because I will be in NY and away from my computer and I didn't want to miss your letter. I love you so and I am crying, of course. Delilah is here with me, thank God and I know you sent her. I am getting nervous because she is twelve and a half. You know me. I cry over everything and now I am crying because you are not here with me and Zoe is not here. I pray you are together. Israel was attacked by Hamas and they did horrific things to the people . Israel is striking back with everything they have. There is a trememdous rise in anti semitism all over the world and in our country. They are rooting for Israel not to exist anymore. Tell Zoe and we need your doggie prayers so badly to keep us all safe. I love you and miss you so. Mommy forever. 12/6/23 My darling little boy, Clydie.The tears are coming as they always do, when I write you, think or talk about you or look at photos. I will always miss you and wear you and Zoe's name on my wrist so when the day comes, a long time from now, you will find me right away at the bridge. I was talking about you this morning to Susie. God, how I love and miss you. Please tell me Zoe is right there by my side. I couldn't take it if either one of you are alone. No wayy that could happen. Please look down on me and make sure I know it. I want you guys back so much. Even for five moments. I'm sad. I am loving you..........your Mommy forever. 1/6/24 Dearest Clydie, Here is a new year beginning without you. I am so sad as I write this, because things can never change It is four years today the Grandma died. She loved you and Zoe so much and I know you loved her and Gramps, too. I am so blue without all of you and just the mention of your names make me cry. I can't help it. We always talk about you and Zoe and your photos are all around. Your names are on my wrist. I will forever be indebted to you for who you are and what you mean to me. Send me a sign. I pray you two are well and see Gram and Gramps. Loving you always and forever, your Mommy 2/6/24 Dearest Clydie. Tears are rnning down my cheeks missing you. It will soon be one o clock when you had to leave me this day in April. I pray you are getting my letters all this time. Do you remember Vyolet? She used to massage you. She lost her Shepherd, Max yesterday. Look for him and also a fox hound named Fred. He is my doctors dog. I was so upset. You know me. Too sensitive. I love you and miss you so very, very much. Loving you. Mommy 3/6/24 My angel Clyde-Bailey. Tears are in my eyes, as I write to you today, one month short of you being gone 13 years. It has been a lifetime without you. I am so sad. You were sch an angel. Kind. Sweet. Understanding, selfless and loyal. You should have lived forever and deserved a better ending than you had. O only did what I thought was best and will be haunted by that as long as I live. I miss you so very much and cry at the mention of you or Zoe. You know I was never good at saying goodbye and I never will. I hope you are fine. I love you oh so much, my Clydie. Look down on me and protect me, Daddy and Delilah. Forever and ever, your loving Mpmmy 3/30/24 My darling Clydie, please pass this message on to Zoe. I know you remember your groomer, Linda. Well, she lost her black standard Poodle, Ralph, two weeks ago. Could you and Zoe look for him? he will probably be with two other black standards named Tux and Demo. Thank you, baby. We are coming on 13 years apart and I grieve every day for you and Zo, and pray for you. I miss you both so very mch. I love you, my darlig boy. Send me a sign. Always and forever. Your Mommy 4/6/24 Dearest . Clydie, my boy. In an hour an ten minutes, 13 years from today, you left me. I laid with you for hours and my heart was broken into pieces. Zoe laid there next to you, not knowing she, too, would be gone 28 days from then. It was my darkest time and I mourned so. I still do and am crying right now as I always do for you and Zoe. I miss you so. You were such a joy to so many people.Part dog, mostly angel. That's what you are. My life will never be the same without you. Send me a sign today. I need to see you near me. I will love you forever and ever. Your ashes will go will me when I leave and we will be together at the bridge for all eternity. Forever and ever, your loving Mommy 5/6/24 My darling Clyde-Bailey. It is 13 years and a month since you are gone and I am crying tonight as I write to you, my darling dog; my boy. There is never a day without you and Zoe by my side; I know that. It's so hard. Delilah just saw Sammie today and everything seems well. Thank God. She just turned 13 on the 29th. But you know me. I get sad and nervous and wasting the days like that instead of being joyful with her. It's not fair to either one of us and I will try harder. You are such a special boy. Everyone loved you so and you were so easy, so easy to love. My heart misses you so. You and Zoe left pawprints on my heart. Send me a sign tomorrow, will you? I will look for it. I will love you through eternity. Your Mpmmy 6/6/24 My darling little boy, Clyde-Bailey... I was crying so badly for you and Zoe yesterday, and I am crying now. I will never accept the loss os you two. So much an enormous part of my life and soul. I need you to send me a sign. I need to see you. Thank God Delilah is fine, and she's 13 and I am so scared that I won't know how to live without her and that's how I felt without you two. Believe me, it's hard for me to do even now. It won't get easier but I loved every moment of you being with me. You are such an angel and I love and miss you so. Forever and ever, your loving Mommy 7/7/24 my darling Clyde Bailey. Please forgive me for being a day late. I wasn't well and we had a lot of people over. I am so sorry. I miss you so, my darling. Not being with you is horrible. It doesn't get better. I still cry and always will. I love you so much, take care of other. I miss and love you and Zoe. Take care. Life will never be the same without you. Your loving Mommy 8/3/24 Dearest Clydie. I know it is early, but I have to leave tomorrow to go to NY and then Florida. Bonnie's son, Leigh has passed away and we are all devastated. I didn't want to miss writing you and telling you how much I miss you and think about you. I pray you are well. Loving you so much. Mommy 9/6/24 Dearest Clydie, It looks like some of the letters I've written to you have disappeared. I don't understand. How can that be? I'm so sorry. Maybe you saved them in a little box, or your memory. I miss you so and everytime I talk to someone about you or see your pictures, I am so sad and cry. I can't help it. You and Zoey were some of the best, best things that ever happened to me. Thank God, Delilah is here, although getting up the steps is getting harder and harder It breaks my heart. This Sunday, Grandpa will be gone fourteen years. I can't believe it. What happens in life? Someone said your grief mirrors your love. It truly does. I will love and miss you forever and ever. Mommy 9//17/24 Dearest Clyde... Aunt Mary's German Shepard Hanna Lola passed today. She is beautiful and please take her in. We are heartsick. I love you. Mommy 10/6/24 My Clyde-Bailey...tears are flowing, as usual. The song I picked for you, over 13 years ago is You Raise me Up. It certainly was the truth. You raised me up to all that I can be, and I don't think I will ever be that good again, without you and Zoe. Delilah does make me a good person,, but my heart breaks more easily now that you and Zoe are gone. Delilah is 13 and I worry. She was limping badly the other day and remember that was happening to you. Thank God she only has arthritis, but there are a couple of things bothering her. She has a hard lump on her tail and we are seeing Sammie tomorrow for her shots, so she will look at it. Hopefully, it's nothing. God, I miss you so. Did you send a white feather the other day? I found it in the kitchen. I love and miss you so much. Always, your loving Mommy 11/6/24 My darling angel, Clyde-Bailey. Tears are flowing of course. At one o clock today, so many years ago, you had to leave me. It almost killed me and then 28 days later, Zoe joined you at the bridge. My darkest days. I pray you are both ok. Send me a sign. I have been seeing feathers. I love and miss you so, my sweet boy. Oh, Clydie. I still carry the guilt around about what I put you through at the end. I was so selfish, I just couldn't picture life without you. I am so sorry. From the bottom of my heart. I pray that you can forgive me. I miss you, Clydie. I love you so. Forever, Mommy 1/6/25 My darling Clydie...life without you is not a joyful as it was with you and Zoe in it. Thank God for Delilah, but she is having trouble, being over 13 years old. It's her vision. It makes me cry as she falls down the steps. I need her so badly, so send prayers.I miss you and hope that you are ok. Can you believe Tommy is turning 30 this month? You remember him. Today, Grandma is gone five years. It feels so long and it makes me so sad. Remember how much I adore you. Look down on me and send me a sign. I love and miss you so. Mommy 2/6/25 My dearest Clyde-Bailey, Oh how I miss and love you. The tears I am shedding will never end. I can't believe you and Zoe are gone nearly 14 years. How is that possible. Delilah is almost 14 now and I worry every day. You know me. Please send some doggie prayers to keep her well. I am going for an operation for a change. This time it's my shoulder and on the 20th, it will be replaced, so I can use some prayers, too. I hope you are well and you can look down and see us anytime you want to or need to. I told Zoe that I see white feathers all the time and know they are from you, her, Grandpa or Grandma. Daddy is fine and we talk about you two a lot. Your pictures are everywhere. God, I miss you and love you so. I would give my leg to spend five minutes with you guys. Come to me in my dreams. Your loving Mommy Please also visit Zoe.