Welcome to Coco's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Coco
Grandma Norma picked out your name. We loved it too, and so it was. As you know we had several names we referred to you, such as:
Silly (originally referred to those "With The Spirit Of God"), Pretchets, Pretchen, Sneezers, Cozy, Good Girl, Cocopuffs, Trickster and more.

You were only 5 when you passed away. Our Family is still very much sad. I'm sure you know I have never wept so much in my 57 years on Earth. As for Mommy, well, you know you are her special singing partner. She misses you so, so much because you are such a big part of her life. The most favorite part of her day was coming home to you and the family. Johnny and Christina are heartbroken as well with the loss of you but, they too, try to concentrate on all the special times with you. But don't you go being a saddie now, you know how silly your family is.

God made you a big part of our Family for good reasons. When we needed Love, He sent you to do the job, and wow, what a good job you did. I remember like it was yesterday when I brought you home. We were just like kids on Christmas morning. Mommy and Daddy were blessed with your brother and sister, and then we were blessed with you. I need you to know that we are very proud of you for making our Family stronger and teaching us even more love.

As you know, we didn't know much about how to give you the best care in the world right away. Day by day we learned more but, from the night you came home, we all loved you and everything about you. And as you know, there wasn't anything we wouldn't have done for you.

Certainly, we could see the power of your love and how you shared that love for each of us, no matter what. That's the special "Unconditional Love" that's always talked about amongst humans.

You were such a jokester with all those tricks you played on us. Hiding things, bringing us paper and leaves and tossing them around. And you knew you weren't allowed to have certain things, and you showed us that you knew by bringing them to us and then tossing them away. And that's what all those treaties were for.

I heard about the mind reading abilities that some dogs might have. So, I looked further into it and realized much too late what your stares really meant. You Little Silly, such a miracle from God. God gave us a dog to love, and that we did. And you gave back much more. More than most humans would allow themselves to. And this... is why you are so special. I believe God Put animals on this Earth to enhance the Human Race, to help make us better people, and also to reward us. The best things in life, really are free.

Your special personality brought us so much laughter. I always think of our little talks on the couch and when you would answer my questions with your sounds and gestures. And, I always tell people how smart and funny you were. One of my favorites was when you were about 1 year old. You were upside down in the living room, getting your eyes closer to the floor trying to look under the coffee table. Not too many others would know how to do that?

When it came to teaching you something, we only had to say it once and you took it from there. It seems everything else you just learned on your own. You had such a mysterious way about you that you knew things automatically. But you knew never to hurt anyone's feelings and when you found someone was sad, you came to us to make us better. Such the "good girl."

You came to us like a flash but, it feels like you left just as fast. The day you passed away, I knew you went to Heaven but, I'm sure glad you showed up in the sky for us the night after. And I also saw the Rainbow in our backyard the day after without any rain. Blatant Miracles. We've acknowledged many signs you sent us after too, but I have a feeling we missed some. Johnny and I saw you upside down in the sky tonight acting like a big silly. Sure gonna miss seeing your face in the front door waiting. So grateful for all the miracles allowed. Yet somehow, I'm still sad.

You are forever in our heart, Silly. Just where Jesus put you and in our hearts you will stay forever. Go ahead Silly You are in Paradise now, run as fast and as hard as you want, your knees will never hurt you again. And you can jump off the couch like a bird anytime you want.

Until we are together again, we will feel you in our heart and see you in our dreams. We love you so, so much Silly. Mommy, Daddy, Johnny and Christina.

-September 10th 2010 Hi Silly Pretchets...Mommy and I have been tinkering in your yard a bit this weekend. I keep "Mad Face Dogs" on the table near the garage. Your squirrel friend keeps coming around looking for you. For the most part, he lays in the Dogwood Tree gazing into your yard. Oh, thanks for putting leaves in the living room. I feel your love Little Girl. Give Jesus hugs and show Him your pencil trick. I left you a basket of leaves too. I love you Silly.Daddy

-September 24th 2010 My Silly Pretchets...I Love You as much as I hurt, but don't be sad because I am learning to carry both of these feelings in unison because they're a part of my life that I will never forget anyway, so I treasure them together. I hope you're having fun in the beautiful Green Meadows playing with the others. Please do some pencil tricks in Mommy's dreams to help her along. Thank you Jesus for helping me again. I love You and I love you my Silly.Daddy

October 15th, 2010 Hi Silly. Are you playing and jumping like a reindeer my good girl? Mommy and I always talk about when we'd throw you a toy in the porch just to watch you jump through the doorway two feet in the air like a reindeer. I know, you loved that room because it was easy for you to run and turn fast on the rug. Such a "Pretchets." Love you so much. Forever in my heart, my soul and my life.Daddy

November 03rd, 2010 Hi Silly. I love you. Yep, that's me squeaking mad-face dogs when I go out there. Pretty ingenious alarm system you had, leaving all the squeak toys in every room. Well, it's fall now, getting chilly around here. Stay cozy and please keep those dreams coming. We love you so much!Daddy

November 22nd, 2010 Our Coco is included with others tonight on The Rainbows Bridge Monday Night Memorial. A wonderful tribute for You Silly and all the other loving souls waiting at The Bridge. Share your leaves with them Silly. Love you forever.....Mommy, Daddy, Johnny & Stina.

Christmas 2010 I'm still learning from you Silly Pretchets. I still don't know when to keep silent, but I'm trying. Thinking of your Love brings me out of my moody times. I always think of Jesus, and through you is just another way he's been reaching out to me. I thank him for that. Thank you Jesus, always thinking about You and Your Love. Love You always. Love you Silly Pretchets, From Daddy and The Family Forever!

January 06th 2011 Mommy heard you singing last night! You are so special. Thank you Jesus. Thought I'd mention, we started talking about rescuing someone soon. Don't know who or when but, we'll use what you taught us. I keep Madface in the house now. Too cold out there. Can't squeeze frozen rubber. We're keeping the birds and squirrels fat too and your squirrel friend is starting to listen to me now. He's still a bit afraid but, he comes closer now for his food. Always thinking of you. Love you Silly. Daddy and The Family.

February 07th 2011 Hi Silly. Still trying to share our home with someone. It's not easy when so many fur babies are waiting in stores and shelters. Soon, we will share our home when that special someone comes around. Thinking about you all the time. Mommy and Daddy love talking about you. Can't say it's getting any easier and please don't feel sad for us, we're okay. We're still laughing at your jokes and tricks and how smart you are. I know you're waiting with Grandma Norma for us. You can play the same trick on her everyday if you want to. Keep giving her leaves for us. And Dreams, keep them coming. Love you so much, Pretchets. Daddy, Mommy, Johnny & Christina.

March 15th 2011 Hi Pretchets! Always thinking about you and how wonderful you made our lives. Starting to warm up here now cause spring is coming. So, what do you think about Snarlie...I suspect you had a paw in me finding him and bringing him home. Don't know much about him but, he needs us and he is certainly enjoying his life in our Family. Always thinking what your doing up there in Paradise. Saw Dr. B a few times lately cause he's been looking out for Snarlie but, I made sure to thank him for doing whatever he did to keep you with us for that extra month. He was very sad while we were talking...as you know, he loves you so much too. Please keep those dreams coming. Such a Silly Pretchets. Love you forever! Daddy.

May 07th 2011 Hi Silly Pretchets! Just want to say that I know you see me when I look up to Heaven for you and without a doubt, you can hear me. I know you're not alone in Paradise playing with all your friends but, I hope you're playing tricks on Grandma Norma every day. Snarlie listens closely when I talk about you. When we're in the back yard, he even looks up to Heaven when I mention where you are. Love you forever Pretchets! Daddy.

August 01st 2011 Hi little one. Hoping you're loving Paradise. Sure do miss your little self. You're in my heart of hearts. Sure miss you running and barking in our yard. Your routine going from corner to corner, so so happy to be out. Smiling and looking at me on every stop to make sure I'm proud to watch you. It's all there, inside me. Summer's moving along, birthday's moving too. My precious little girl. Love you.Daddy

October 11th 2011 Hi Pretchen! Always thinking of you. Such my good girl! Summer's gone again and the Holiday's are just around the corner. Getting your yard ready for the cold once again!. Time is just whizzing by. It seems you've been away for so long but at times it feels like you just left. I'd wish you were here but, I don't want to be selfish. Oh, Snarlie's being a very good boy though he doesn't talk much yet. Thanks again for finding him. Stay in our dreams. We love you Silly girl.Daddy

March 03rd 2014 Hi Silly Girl. Always thinking about you. I don't write much anymore but that doesn't mean I stopped thinking about you. It's been years since you left but I'm confident it's not even seconds for you in Paradise. We still tell stories about you and I know you'll never forget us. Keep frolicking around your leaves. We all love you so much.Daddy

July 04th, 2015 Hi Silly magician dog. We know you are safe but still miss you dearly. Always think of you because you are in each of our heart. Keep spreading your leaves around Paradise. Mommy, Daddy, Johnny, Christina & Snarles Barkley.

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