Welcome to Coco's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Coco's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Coco
Coco loved laying in the sun no matter what the season. She loved warm sheets from the dryer and sticking her head in her daddy's armpit. She never stopped talking or learning new words and she loved to look out the window to watch the birds and squirrels. She demanded to be fed the minute we walked in the door and would make her displeasure known when we talked to the phone and not to her. She loved to hide and spy on us. She had perfected the silent meow and used it to her advantage. She believed she should always come first and she always did. She was supremely self confident, but never conceited. Everyone always commented on how sweet and soft she was. Our house is so quiet and lonely without her. We miss her more than words can say.
"Though my world has gone awry
Though the years my tears may dry
I shall love you 'til I die
Goodbye" (Noel Coward)
"I take you and pile high the memories.
Death will break her claws on some I keep."
(Carl Sandburg)
Miss you, my sweet baby girl.
Merry Christmas Cocopuffs; miss you.
Hard to believe it's been 3 years sweet baby; miss you more than ever.
Another Christmas without you. Your daddy, me and your little sisters, Silver & Belle, send our love. Not the same without you.
Think of you every day. Hope you're happy, safe and warm. Miss you.
Merry Christmas sweet girl. Wish you were here with us. Miss you this Christmas Sweetie.
Thinking of you Cocopuffs. Hope you like your Easter decorations. Merry Christmas baby girl.
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