Welcome to Coco's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Coco
Coco was born October 13th 2002.
Coco and I became mom and son on December 28th 2002 when Coco was 10 weeks old.
Coco always greeted me with so much happiness every time I came home.
Coco always licked my tears away when ever I cried.
Coco slept next to me every night in bed.
Coco woke me up every morning with kisses.
Coco loved his favorite spots on the furniture.
Coco loved going outside during the nice temperatures.
Coco loved and accepted me and my husband for who we are.
Coco loved going for rides in the car.
Coco loved hanging out in the car every time we went to the drive in to see a movie.
Coco loved going to the park.
Coco loved walking at the park.
Coco loved hanging out on the couch with me and my husband while watching TV.
Coco loved going to the pet store and being in the cart while I pushed.
Coco loved sitting on my lap.
Coco loved children.
Coco loved other animals.
Coco loved his little sister Sadie. (Sadie is a Toy Yorkie) She misses Coco very much.
Coco loved playing with Sadie.
Coco loved laying next to Sadie on the dog bed and furniture.
Coco loved traveling up and down the east coast with Sadie and I.
Coco loved going to the Sonic drive in during the summer months.
Coco had his cute way of letting me and my husband know when he wanted to go outside.

Those are just the few of the many wonderful memories of Coco. I had Coco for almost 14 wonderful years.

Coco and I had a very special relationship.

Here are some of my favorite memories with Coco.

When he was a puppy I was sitting on the floor as he was wondering the house. That was the first time when Coco came to me and sat between my legs. That was an amazing feeling. I picked him up to put him a few feet away and he came right back and sat between my legs again. On September 21st 2007 I got Coco a friend who ended up being his little sister due to Coco becoming attached to her very quickly. Her name is Sadie and she is a Toy Yorkie. Coco and Sadie were the best of friends and had a wonderful brother and sister relationship.

We traveled up and down the east coast a few times. January 2011 I drove Coco and Sadie to Coconut Creek Florida and we stayed there for 3 weeks. Coco and Sadie had a great time and enjoyed the warm weather. June 2013 I drove Coco and Sadie down to Landrum South Carolina and we stayed there along staying at Hendersonville North Carolina until the end of August 2013. Coco and Sadie were not fond of the Carolinas so I drove them back home to New Jersey. May 2014 I drove Coco and Sadie down to Davenport Florida and we stayed with a friend until mid June 2014. Again. Coco and Sadie had a great time and enjoyed the warm weather.

Having so many wonderful memories of our Coco is something my husband and I will always love and cherish.

Everyone that knew Coco knew he was a very special dog.

He gave me, my husband, Sadie and everyone he knew so much love and joy.

Coco is greatly missed.
We will always love and miss you Coco.

Love Always
Mommy, Daddy, & Sadie.

October 12, 2018.

Today marks 2 years since my sweet Coco crossed over the Rainbow Bridge and went to Heaven. Tomorrow he will be celebrating his 16th Birthday in Heaven. The day Coco went to Heaven is the day he became a puppy again. Coco is never going to age and will always stay young, happy, and healthy.

My sweet Coco. We are hurting, missing you, and we love you very much. We know that you are living in the beautiful life of forever paradise. Always warm. Always sunny. Always beautiful. Always fun and you can have all the treats, yummy foods, and toys you want. We know that you are looking down on us and we see that you live in Sadie. Sadie loves and misses you very much and sometimes she acts like you. Sadie is very happy and very healthy. She still plays with her toys and loves getting treats.

Mommy and Daddy are taking great care of your little sister Sadie. I remember the day I told you I promised you that we will take great care of your little sister.

Someday we are all going to be living together forever in the beautiful place of paradise which is Heaven.

We love and miss you very much Sweetheart.

October 13, 2019

Happy 17th Birthday in Heaven sweet Coco. Mommy, Daddy, and Sadie love and miss you so much. Yesterday was 3 years since you started your new life in paradise. We know that you are looking down on us. Yesterday Daddy and I took Sadie to church and we got her blessed. She is doing very well and we are still keeping our promise that we made to you. Keep living over the rainbow bridge sweetheart. We love you so much.

October 13, 2020

Happy 18th Birthday in Paradise sweet Coco. Sadie, Mommy, and Daddy love and miss you very much. We know you are enjoying your life in paradise sweetheart. At times we notice Sadie acts like you and sees you are here watching over us. She definitely feels you alot more then Daddy and I but we know you are here with us in spirit everyday. Sadie is still doing very well and we are still taking great care of her like we promised you. We love you so much Coco and we miss you more and more as each day goes by. Keep enjoying your beautiful life over the rainbow bridge sweetheart.

October 13, 2021

Happy 19th Birthday my sweet Coco. I cannot believe it has been 5 years yesterday since you started your new beautiful life in paradise. Sadie is acting like you more often. She is 14 now and having health issues but she is still going strong. Mommy, Daddy and Sadie really love and miss you so much. We know you been watching us and you are giving Sadie signs that you are with us. Someday we are all going to be together again. That is a promise. Keep living your beautiful life sweetheart.

October 13, 2022

Happy 20th Birthday in Heaven sweet Coco! This is going to be a wonderful day for you and your sister Sadie as the 2 of you will be celebrating your Birthday together for the first time in beautiful Paradise! Yesterday was 6 years since you started you new life in Heaven. Now you have your sister Sadie with you! Mommy and Daddy love and miss you and Sadie so much! We know that both of you are looking down on us. We adopted a beautiful 1 year old Maltese name Bo. Bo was so needed for a new home. His last home was not good. Bo even has you and Sadie's personalities and at times he acts like both of you. Now Daddy and I know for sure you and your sister are with us way more then we know. Sweetheart. Have a wonderful day and keep living the beautiful life you and sister now have together! Someday we will be together again. Mommy, Daddy, and Bo love you so much sweetheart.

October 13, 2023

Happy 21st Birthday in Heaven my sweetheart Coco! I can imagine the great fun day you and your sister Sadie will be having today! Mommy, Daddy, and Bo love and miss you so much and we know you and Sadie are here with us in spirit. Have a great birthday and keep enjoying your beautiful life in paradise! We love you sweet Coco!

October 13, 2024

Happy Birthday in Heaven my sweet Coco! You are so loved and mommy misses you so much! I know you are having a great birthday with your sister Sadie and everyone who loves you! I think about you and look at you every single day! Keep enjoying your birthday sweetheart! We love and miss you so much Coco! Keep enjoying your beautiful life over the Rainbow Bridge!

Please also visit Sadie.

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