Welcome to Cocoa's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Cocoa
February 3, 2010
My Precious Cocoa,

You were my Y2K baby, a tiny & delicate boy, so very ill on the day you found your way to me. The angels knew where to lead you then and now on this day they have come once more to carry you home to heaven. Despite all the life long health issues you endured, you lived a life of honor and dignity. I will so miss your gentle manner and your quietly loving presence.

Run free in the meadow my love, where it is always warm & sunny, with all the tasty food you want and many soft places to rest your head. There is no more discomfort, no more medicines, no more restrictions to abide by. You are healthy and whole now.

All is joy as you reunite with Tramp and Tiko and Molly on the other side. My fantastic four are all together again. How very blessed I am to have such beautiful angel kitties watching for me from heaven's door!

You are forever in my heart Cocoa Puff. I love you baby boy.

August 29, 2010
Dearest Cocoa,

Today I honor our Tiko and as always, I'm overcome with precious memories of all my angel kitties. The melancholy I feel on every special day of honor is but an expression of my ongoing love and devotion to you all.

You've been in Spirit six months now Cocoa Puff. Maybe I'll have a chicken sandwich today in honor of you. I'll save you a few bites my sweet buddy.

I love you bo-bee!

December 26, 2010
Merry Christmas Cocoa!

I saved some turkey for you sweet boy, hope you like it. I've felt you close to me this holiday season and I love having your warmth beside me. Please stay with me always Cocoa, our love is so very special!

Cuddles and kisses,

February 03, 2011
My Sweet Cocoa Puff,

One year ago we said our sad goodbye. My heart knows you were ready and eager to leave your failing body but I still miss your physical self. At times I catch a whiff of your scent and feel you resting beside me. I know that whenever I think of you, you are near.

Today I honor you by placing your Rainbow Bridge site in perpetuity. Such a radiant angel you must be, dear boy!

Loving you every minute of every day,

December 26, 2011
Happy Holidays Cocoa!

Another day of honoring brother Tramp and precious memories of my angel babies fill me with comfort and joy. Please join us on this quiet Christmas day as we bask in the glow of the season. Your sweet spirit is all around me Cocoa.

Loving you forever,

February 3, 2012
My Darling Cocoa,

Two long years you've been gone now, baby boy. I love visiting your site and listening to the music as I write a note. On these special days I always miss you so much. You are still and will always be my dearest bo-bee. How I look forward to seeing you in heaven one day. You'll show me all your favorite spots and we'll rest together in the everlasting sunshine. Until that day, I will look for you in my dreams.

You are in my heart, held closely with love,

February 3, 2013
Dearest Cocoa Puff,

Three years have passed, my sweet one, and I've never stopped missing you. I've been browsing through old photos this week and remembering our time together. You were always such a precious and delicate boy, and so stoic as we faced the years of health issues together. As hurtful as it was to let you go, I rejoiced in knowing you were restored to vibrant health as you made your transition to heavenly form.

You are with me always in spirit, Cocoa. I often feel your sweet kisses and know you are near. I glimpse the Divine every time you visit. Although my own mission in this life is not yet complete, a part of me longs for the day when I too may return home to heaven, reunited with all who have gone before. I'll be looking for you at the front of the line!

I love you baby boy,

February 3, 2014
My Dear Cocoa,

Oh baby boy, I'm a few days late with this year's note. I'm sorry your special day came and went without my special care. Four years ago I helped you cross to Spirit and yet you remain always in my heart. I see your sweet face every day and in the quiet moments I often feel your warmth next to me. Remembering your loving and gentle way brings a smile to my face along with a tear to my eye.

Heaven is so beautiful with you there, Cocoa Puff. I long for the peace and wholeness you enjoy. Wait for me, my precious boy, I will be there one day.

I love you so much,

February 3, 2015
Dearest Cocoa,

It's been five years since we said goodbye. In my heart, you are still my baby boy and I miss you every single day. I rejoice in knowing how happy and whole you are in the heavenly meadow. Thank you for teaching me about unconditional love and about perseverance through difficult times. You are and always will be my special boy.

I love you so much,

Please also visit Molly May, Tiko and Tramp.

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