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Memories of Cody
07/13/2024-My sweet pumpkin bubbabear. No matter how much time passes, I cannot forget you. You are forever in my heart and I love you forever! Hugs and kisses ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
07/13/2023- The beginning of happiness in my life began with you. You taught me about real unconditional love. I miss you love, your cuddles, your wonderful personality. You brought so much joy to my life. Forever my pumpkin, forever in my heart. I love you always 🥰😘🥰😘🥰😘🥰😘
07/13/2022- Forever And always my Pumpkin. I love you more than you will ever know. Two brothers later and still no one cuddles like you. I miss your special cuddles, your expressive face, the delight you found in the sun in the front yard, all of your wonderfulness. You are my heart ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️
7/13/2021-Oh my Pumpkin, *sigh*, I miss your loving sweet cuddles. Your amazing spirit lives on in my heart and in my memory. 12 years later and I miss you all the same. Paradise only exists if you are there. I still love you more than words can express my bubbabear. Lots of hugs and snuggles and kisses ❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️
7/13/2020- Hi Sunshine, I can't believe it's been 11 years. I still miss my sweet pumpkin every day. You are a truly special and unique soul and I dream of the day we can be together again. I still see you laying in your favorite spot in the yard. Your life was cut so short. You are my bubbabear, my best guy, my best friend. You are in my heart and a huge part of me forever. So many hug and kisses to you! I love you more than words can say❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.
7/13/2019- Hi Bubbabear, I hope you are happy and running around as much as you want until I'm with you again. My sweet pumpkin, I still miss you every single day! I miss your awesome snuggles and cuddles. I miss your love and your amazing personality. We didn't have enough time. You are so special to me, my best friend, forever in my heart. I would give the world to have you back even for a day to to show you all the love in the universe. Biggest hugs and kisses from me to you. Mommy loves you sooooooooo much! XOXOXOXOXOXO

7/13/18- Nine long years and I miss you every day. The though of losing you still brings tears to my eyes. The comfort of your snuggles is something I wish I still had. You are a special boy, mommy's sweet pumpkin and there is no other being like you. You are one of a kind. I hope that you are happy, pain free, and at peace. As soon as it's my time I will find you. I will love you forever. You never leave my heart.

7/13/17- My sweet pumpkin muffin, I miss you tremendously. I could really use your amazing snuggles and cuddles right now. You gave me so much love and joy and I miss you everyday. My sunshine when skies are gray. I hope that you are happy and playing everyday. I can't wait to see you again when it's my time. I love you so very much, forever and always!!!!!

07/13/2016- Hi pumpkin, my sweet Cody bubbabear :). I have been thinking about you so much lately. Even after all these years I miss you terribly. You are my baby, my best friend, and I just want to snuggle and give you so much love. I cannot wait until we are together again. I love you more than you will ever know. You are my best guy, forever and always. XOXOXOXOXO. Mommy

11/16/15- Hi pumpkin :). I know I don't usually send you a message when it's not your anniversary, but it's your birthday and I'm missing you something fierce. I adore and love your brother, but it doesn't make me love or miss you any less. You'll always be my number one guy! I still think of you everyday and love you soooooooo much... Forever and always! Xoxoxo, Mommy

07/13/2015-Hi my love. I hope you are enjoying your days, pumpkin. I can't believe 6 years have passed. I still miss you every day. I miss you wanting to snuggle with me every moment of every day. I miss your happy body wags and sweet kisses. I even miss you stomping your feet and whining at me when it was time for me to come to bed. I miss your wonderful spirit that filled everyone who met you with joy. I may only write to you once a year on here, but you must hear me talk to you all the time. And I get every one of your dragon fly kisses. Until we meet again, my sweet bubba pumpkin bear, I'm sending you huge hugs and kisses!! I love you forever!!

07/13/2014- Sweet pumpkin, my Cody love! Another year is gone and I still miss you just as much. I miss your awesome snuggles. I miss how you wanted to be with me all the time. I miss your happy face and sweet kisses. I never doubted how much you loved me and I hope you always knew and know how much I love you. You will always be my number one guy. I miss you more than I could ever put into words. I still think of you everyday. Your Mommy is sending you lots of hugs, kisses, and love, bubba bear!

07/13/2013 - Oh my sweet love, Cody, how I still miss you so much. I still both smile and cry every time I think of you and I think of you everyday. I miss you snuggles and cuddles and kisses. I miss your love, little pumpkin. Your brother, Titus is doing well and I wish you were here to show him the ropes and help him build his confidence. You are forever and always my first love and I hold you in my heart. Mommy is sending you a great big hug and kiss! Sweet dreams, bubba. I LOVE you so much!

07/14/2012 - Hi my pumpkin! My sweetest bubbabear, Yesterday was your thirds anniversary at Rainbow bridge and while it has been three years, I still miss you every single day. I still cry when I think of us apart, but try to smile with the thought of us reuniting one day. I have adopted a new baby and his name is Titus. He will never replace you; you will always be my number one. He is already around 4 years old and he is very sick. Your mommy is doing all she can for your brother, but if he does not make it through, I have told him all about you and know you will show him the ropes at the bridge. You are still my one and only pumpkin and I love you and miss you very much. I hope you are having a lot of fun at the bridge and I always smile with your dragonfly kisses. I will see you again, baby bear. Love, Mommy

07/13/2010 - To the love of my Life, Cody - I can hardly believe a whole year has passed, it feels like it was just yesterday that I lost you. I still think of you all day everyday and miss you more than I can put into words. My life has been so empty without you this last year and I wish everyday that you were here with me. But you are in my heart, my soul, and my thoughts everyday. Life just isn't the same without you here. I hope that you are happy at the bridge and I send you all my love until I see you again. I will never stop loving you, pumpkin!

Dearest Cody, my pumpkin, my soul mate, my best friend ... Oh, Mommy loves you with my whole heart! I miss you so much. You just got your angel wings on July 13, 2009, but you were always my angel on earth. I remember the very day I got you. You were only 3 weeks old, so tiny, just 3 lbs. Your birth Mom couldn't be with you so that is why I took you home so young. You couldn't see very well then and stumbled as you walked and fell every time you tried to run. You were far from housebroken, so you just went wherever you happened to be standing or lying at that moment. I couldn't bear the thought of you sleeping alone, so we slept on a comforter (That got washed daily) on the terrazzo floor (easier to clean than the mattress) until you had better control. You were so young that I didn't want to leave you home alone when I went to work, so I brought with me in a laundry basket filled with soft towels and stuffed animals. You had my heart from the moment you were in my arms the very first time. You never liked collars. You would always find a way to chew them off ... I didn't mind. When you had friends over, you would chew theirs off, too. You were all about freedom. But, not once, did you ever run away, even when you had the chance. No, you were the king of your castle and you liked home. That's not to say you didn't let yourself out, you did do that when you thought you could get to your Mommy, but you always stayed in your yard. You are so smart; you learned how to open every kind of door. Deadbolts were the only thing that could keep a door closed around you. We had great times. When you were young and full of energy we would go to the beach where you would frolic in the ocean and play in the sand. We went to parks and played. We took long walks. As you grew older you had bursts of energy where we would play tug with your toys. You would always win. We still took walks. But your favorite thing to do when you got older was sleep with Mommy all snuggled up. You had to have most of yourself smooshed up against me (all 150 lbs) with my arm wrapped around you and we would sleep. Oh you snored so loud! But, that snore was comforting. You loved burying treasures (your bones) in the yard and letting them marinate. Then weeks or months later you would dig them up and bring them to me (so stinky and dirty) all proud and offer them as a gift to me, which I happily accepted and thanked you for. You loved to steal my side of the bed or the couch when I got up. Of course I wouldn't care. Your favorite game was not to let me leave the house, even when you got sick. You would either block the door, knowing Mommy's 100lbs were no match for your solid 150lbs. There was no moving you; I couldn't leave. Or, I would open the door and you would unexpectedly dash out the door. You wouldn't go anywhere. You would just stand on the front stoop, not budging, knowing I couldn't leave until you went back inside. You LOVE me so much you never wanted us to be apart. I love you the same. So many memories; SO MUCH LOVE! Mommy LOVES YOU FOREVER!

07/23/09 - Cody,It's been 10 lonely, heartbreaking days since you went to the bridge. I wanted to say that I think about you all the time. I'm so sorry!! I miss you so much! I love you so much! I hope that you are having fun with your new friends, cancer and pain free. Who loves Cody? Mommy does! Kisses, baby.

07/27/09 - Hi baby! How's my number one guy? My perfect man, I miss you and love you so. Two weeks today, bubba. I want you to know Mommy is lighting candles for you tonight so if you see a pretty light tonight, that's Mommy sending you love and kisses. Go play and have fun, bear!

07/31/09 - Hi Sweetie! I hope you are dreaming sweet, happy dreams right now. I really miss you! I know I haven't talked to you as much these last 2 days, but it has been hard with so many people around, but I am thinking of you all day. Cody, I love you so much! I looked for you when I came home last night ... I guess it will take time to stop doing that. It's your friend, Nikki's, birthday today, so please give her a big birthday kiss! I hope you have a wonderful day today when you wake up. You are always in my heart, baby boy! Big Hug! Lots of kisses!!

08/14/09 - Hi baby! How is my sweet pumpkin? I am so sorry I didn't come here yesterday :( Mommy was traveling and couldn't get on here to say hi and tell you how much I love you and miss you. Yesterday was 1 month you have been at the bridge. It is still so lonely here without you. I can't believe a whole month has passed. We have never been apart for that long. I really miss you!!! Thank you for those wonderful 8 years and 8 months of wonderful love, company, and support! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! Mommy loves Cody!!! Kisses!!!

12/13/09 - Hi my sweet pumpkin! I'm sorry I haven't been to your residency in awhile, but Mommy has been having a really hard time without you. You have been at the bridge 5 months today. I celebrated your 9th birthday last month, your first birthday apart from your Mommy. I know that you had fun at the bridge with your friends. I miss you so much!!! You were the best thing in my life and I wish you never had to leave me. I can't wait until we are reunited. I LOVE you, my sweet angel!!!! I'd give anything to have you back with me. Lots of hugs and kisses baby!

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