June 20th, 2016 I still remember the day I saw your for the first time, February 13th 2003. You were at a small town dog rescue and you sat there so calm and never barked once like all the dogs around you even though you were only 8 months old. You looked at me with those big brown eyes telling me to take you home. I went home and was back there the next morning when it opened and you were coming home! We lived in Ontario and moved around until finally in 2009 we moved back to Alberta and my home town. You were spoiled rotten by everyone who saw you. Then you and I moved to the farm with your wonderful Dad, Randy in March 2011! He was taken over by your charm immediately just like all the others! You were free to run and be a dog on the farm for the last 5 years of your life. You and your sister Utah were free and had the best life ever! You became sick in June 2013 where you were diagnosed with throat cancer. You fought for 3 years and showed that you were a strong loyal friend. Then on June 16th 2016, a short 2 days after your 14th birthday, you were taken over the Rainbow Bridge with Mommy and Daddy beside you holding you and telling you how much we love you! That was the hardest day and you will never be forgotten. Daddy and I wished that you could live forever but we know you can't. You will be forever here at home just like your sister Utah is as we are having you cremated so you can sit near your sister and Grandpa Omer who went before you. I wish that things could have been different and you were still here. We love you very much Colby! xoxoxoxoxo Mommy and DaddyAugust 31st, 2016 Colby I miss you very much each and every day! I go outside and keep thinking you will be right behind me trying to help in the yard or just chase and play with the cats! Daddy is still sad whenever we talk about you, we are both still having trouble not having you here. We went camping on the August long weekend and it just wasn't the same without you there sleeping next to us and sitting by the campfire enjoying the night air and stars. We love you buddy but know that you are over the Rainbow Bridge with Utah, Grandpa and all the others that passed before you. God Bless you my boy and know you are here with us forever! Mommy and Daddy! xoxoxoxoxo December 23rd, 2016 Colby Mommy and Daddy are missing you very much right now. Today is the 3rd anniversary of the passing of your sister Utah. The house is empty here without you our best puppy friend. We have no presents to buy for you, no special desserts to make, and no dinner to cook you after 14 years. I dropped some cheese on the floor today and almost said "Colby come get a treat!", but then I remembered you are no longer physically here with us. We love you our boy and we know that you and your sister are now happy running around the Rainbow Bridge greeting others and showing them around. Please give Grandpa a big lick from Mommy as I miss you all. This is a tough year losing you and Grandpa but knowing that you are now happy and free makes our hearts sing. Merry Christmas honey, Mommy and Daddy miss you dearly ðŸ˜ðŸ’–ðŸ˜ðŸ’–ðŸ˜ðŸ’– June 15th, 2017 Colby Mommy and Daddy can't believe that tomorrow is 1 year since you left us to be with all your past friends and family. We miss you each and every day still and can't look at a picture of you without remembering the best times and having tears come to our eyes. We see a dog on TV that does something that reminds us of you and we are blubbering again! (yes Daddy too!) There are still days when I accidentally drop something on the floor when I am cooking and catch myself before I call you to come and get it 😠You will never, ever be forgotten and truly are the last of the great ones to enter our lives. I know you would want us to move on and love another friend, but we just can't do it. I hope that you and Utah are playing and running around like you used to here on Earth and that Grandpa Omer is there throwing the ball for you and giving you all the pats and rubs that we used to. We love you baby boy, now and forever! It still hurts! Mommy and Daddy ðŸ˜ðŸ’–ðŸ˜ðŸ’–ðŸ˜ðŸ’– December 23rd, 2017 Our dearest Colby today marks the 4th Anniversary of the passing of your sister Utah. We were watching a show called "The Incredible Dr. Pol" about a Vet in Michigan and they had a show that was dedicated to losing your best friends and it made Mommy and Daddy cry a lot 😠because it reminded us of you. Everything we do we still think of you because you did everything with us. You were there when I went to the barn with the horses, all the cats loved to play with you, and I know that your best friends Grayson and Priestly miss you dearly. They are still looking for you whenever we open the door. They expect you to come out and play with them. I know that you are being well taken care of especially with Grandpa Omer up there with you playing and loving you for us. Merry Christmas our boy, you are so deeply missed that even writing this brings tears to our eyes just thinking how we wished you were here! God Bless you our baby boy and we will once again see each other! Until then, watch over us, take care of Utah and give Grandpa lots of licks and cuddles for us! Love and forever remembered our Little Buddy! Mommy and Daddy 💖ðŸ˜ðŸ’–😠December 23rd, 2019 Our dearest and loyal friends always Colby today is the 6th anniversary of your sister Utah passing. It has been 2 years also since I actually wrote on your wall or your sisters wall 😠which is not like me! Life has been really busy and Mommy has been busy with her business and riding Rey (your best horsey friend) and 2 others you never met, Bandit and Honey. I know by now you have your other cat friend Priestly there with you too! I know you would have been one of the first to help him cross along with Utah and showing him the ropes. It has been 21 months since he passed. Thanks for helping all the friends passing feel comfortable and giving them those big licks and all the love that you hold inside you. I am still busy barrel racing, making tack and helping people get healthy. I wish I would have had this product when both you and your Sister Utah were alive. I know this would have helped you live a healthier longer life! But things all happen for a reason and you were here to teach us, love us and show us what love really is! Merry Christmas my dearest friend and know that there isn't a day that doesn't go by that we don't think about you or talk about you with people that know you and even those that don't! Love you always and forever and please give Utah, Priestly, Tiny, Gigi, Midnight and all those others who were part of our lives our love! Mommy and Daddy 💖ðŸ˜ðŸ’–😠June 16th, 2020 Our dearest and sweetest boy ever, Colby, we can't believe it is 4 years today that you went over the Rainbow Bridge ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ You are missed so much each and every day. A lot has happened since you left us. Bandit went to a new home, Honey is coming home after being gone for 9 weeks to a breeder at the end of July and Rey just got home a few days ago from training. You would love how Rey looks, he is the same as he was when we got him as a 5 year old and he is 12 already, remember that? Mommy and Daddy are selling out of cattle over the next couple of years so that we can spend more quality time together since we aren't getting any younger. Your other friends Graycat, Grayson, Oreo and Tiki are still with us! I still remember when Grayson and Priestly(RIP BUDDY) were 6 months old and they had to stay in the house with us. You let them play with your toys, climb all over you and just hug you with their little paws. I know you are here with us still and whenever I say your name, Grayson, you best cat friend, will look up and get a content look on his face. We miss your handsome face and beautiful personality. You were definitely 1 of a kind and that is why there hasn't been nor will there ever be, another one in our home. You are the last of the lineage because after you left us, it was too hard to imagine losing another best friend. You are always in our thoughts, dreams and we talk about you often and all the great memories. 💖💖 Oh I forgot to mention, Grandma Mary is moving into an Extended Living facility on June 30th, 2 weeks from today. Her health is starting to deteriorate and her memory isn't the best anymore. She can't take care of herself in her own apartment any longer. Can you go and visit her and make sure she stays safe always? You always held and still do hold a special part of her heart! She loved you as much as we did! Daniel sure misses you too! He is like Daddy and I when we talk about you, we start to cry but a good cry with lots of terrific memories! We love you my darling boy, now and forever!! 💖💖 October 19th 2020 Our darling Colby we miss you so very much!! Well we got our first snowfall a few days ago and we remember how much you used to love jumping into snowbanks and sticking your head under it and flipping it up! We can still see you doing it lol Grayson used to pounce on you when you did that playing and running just like you did! Grayson was more of a dog than a cat lol Just so you know, he is still our biggest protector of the property because he had to step up when you and then Priestly left us. Mommy is still barrel racing mostly on Honey and we have been doing really well!! She has won us some good $$ almost every time we have gone out to run at big events in the last 2 months! I saw a dog the other day that looked like you and went OMG that is Colby, but nope it wasn't. It did make my heart skip a couple beats lol Daddy is going for double hernia surgery on November 10th, so if you could possibly keep a close eye on him and comfort him while he is going through the surgery and after I know he would really love that! I still haven't gotten the tattoo of you on my other calf like I did for Utah, but I promise in 2021 I will get it done! I am putting the one of you and your little monkey toy as I love that one of you the best of them all! Then I will have you with me always and forever! Mommy and Daddy love you honey and miss you very very much! God Bless 💖💖 December 28th 2020 Colby our darling, Mommy and Daddy wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and to let you know we thought about you and watched a video of you the other day when Dad was taking his time to give you your big real bone from Christmas in 2014. I always laugh at the end when you look at me as if to say "Mom, Dad isn't giving me the bone, can you tell him to NOW" lol We miss you so very much and can't believe it is going on 5 years that you have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. I hope you have been able to play with Grandpa Omer who passed coming up 5 years on Jan 10th as much as you can. Rey and Honey (my new horse) are doing okay. Honey has something going on in her back left hip, but the vet will be looking at her on Jan 6th to help her out! She can walk, it is just that when she tries to run or lays funny, she gets up and can hardly walk. But once she moves a bit, she is good. She is going to be 18 this year so a few aches and pains are to be expected, but I think it happened when your best friend Rey (bad horsey) decided to get mad at her and kick the crap out of her when she returned after being gone for 2 months to the breeders. (which didn't work in the end) I think he missed her so much and was so mad that he just had to release his frustration but in the end, it may have created a few issues. I am thinking positive that she will be fine. She may need stall rest in the barn for a while, but all will be good! We love you baby boy, we miss you more than words can say and will one day see you again!! Love you, Mommy and Daddy! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo March 26th, 2021 I have been thinking of you so very much our boy Colby!! I saw these great words and had to share them because I cried knowing that these were words you have sent to me too!! "Hi, Mum Now that I've been across The Rainbow Bridge for a time now, they said I should write a letter home. Sorry, mum, but I'm so busy 'across the bridge' that I haven't thought of home much. They said it's okay and that you would understand. I hope you do. (I think you will.) Remember that night when I wasn't feeling very well and we were all crying? I don't remember much, but I do remember seeing and hearing all of you and feeling your touches and hugs...I remember hearing "we love you" and that one last command of "Go through". I didn't know what you meant, so I turned around and walked through the fog that was in front of me. I saw the biggest bridge I've ever seen! And so many friends on the other side of it! They were all playing with toys and balls! You were right to tell me to go there! My feet kept moving forward, but my heart kept pulling me back. Your touches became lighter and lighter and I wanted to come back and nudge your hands for more love, but I was overcome by this feeling of curiosity for the happy place over the bridge! My feet started moving on their own, like a gentle breeze was moving them forward for me! I can't explain it, but I had no doubt that it was the right thing to do! So, I walked across that big, huge bridge by myself! I looked for you, because you're always by my side, walking with me, but this was different. I didn't have a collar around my neck or a leash connecting me to you ~ I was 'free'! Even though you weren't there with me, I never felt alone! I actually felt like I had a huge cape of love wrapped around my body and the more I walked, the easier it was to breathe! So, I kept walking! And I would feel more warmth in the big hug, so I kept on walking! I eventually made it over the big bridge -- I did it by myself, mum! When I got here, all of my new friends greeted me and helped me walk off the bridge ~ it was so cool! They gave me a pair of wings and said that I was now a Guardian Angel! What I've learned over these past few weeks has been amazing and nothing like I've seen before! We're all the same up here ~ we all have wings and we all have Forever People to watch over ~ that's YOU, mum!You're my Forever Person and I'm your Forever Dog! We had such a great life together and I do miss you a LOT, but please know that I am so happy in my new home across The Bridge! I'll send you another Earth Angel so you won't be alone. Give them your whole heart, like you gave it to me. I'll check in every so often to make sure they treasure your love ~ I always did! When you miss me, think of a rainbow and know I'm on the other side of it, waiting to walk with you again. I'll always be in your heart. I love you, mum! Time for me to go play Here i am......see me !" Your Dad and I miss you so very much!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo Love Mommy and Daddy!! June 30th, 2021 Our dear darling boy Colby, We miss you so very much as much or more than the day we lost you and you went over the Rainbow Bridge. You are always going to be our special boy and will be missed forever! We still can't get ourselves to get another dog because you were the one and only who made our lives complete. I am sorry that I didn't post on here on your 5th Anniversary of passing on June 16th but Daddy and I were thinking of you very much!! Daddy is out haying the last few weeks trying to get this done before this terrible heat makes the hay dry up and we lose it all! He is still working hard as he always did. Yes he does more than he should as he always did. If you can whisper in his ear and tell him to slow down a bit, I am worried about him! He works so hard and sleeps so little. I know you will keep on him to be a bit more careful! Love you so much our boy!! Mommy and Daddy!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO June 17th 2022, Our darling boy Colby, June 15th would have been your 20th Birthday and yesterday, June 16th, was the 6th Anniversary of your passing and a lot happened here at home. I don't want to get into it, but just want to let you know that Mom and Dad miss you and love you very much! I think of you just as much now as I did when you passed and miss you even more it seems. I did want to tell you that Mom and Dad are getting 2 new little kittens to be our house companions finally. We still can't bring ourselves to get another canine companion as you were 1 of a kind. I know you and Utah would be happy to know that we are starting to want to spread the love to others again. Grayson, Graycat, Tiki and Oreo are still here as well and they are loved just as much as always. But it is different with them being outdoor farm cats. It just doesn't feel the same as when you and Utah were in the house all the time but we love those 4 just as much! One of the new little guys (looks exactly like Grayson when he was little) is named "Walter" after the Chevy commercial on TV that Dad saw lol He started to call Grayson that and I said NO you can't do that, he has been Grayson for 9 years lol So he decided to get one, then 2 so that Walter can have a companion growing up. We aren't sure of a name yet, but I will let you know when we do figure one out. I am thinking of actually taking 1 of them with me as a companion when I am on the road at rodeos or special events lmao Dad thinks I am crazy to do that, but a lot of people take cats, roosters, dogs, goats, mini ponies....etc with them so I am doing just that too! ;) I hope that you, Utah and Priestly are running around and playing together still as well as any of the others that have passed before you. We sure miss you guys very much!
Much love, hugs and many many kisses :* Mom and Dad! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo December 25th 2022 Our Dearest Colby, Merry Christmas our boy!! I can't believe this year will be 7 years since you left us. I hope you, Grandpa, Utah and Priestly are all the best of friends and Grandpa Omer is giving you tons of treats and playing with you all the time. We miss you so very much and I had to tell you that we named the little girl kitty that we adopted at 1 month old (she was born on the streets as a stray poor thing) so I now call her Angel because she came into our life when we really needed her! You would love her, she loves all animals just like you do!! I can't believe how much my heart still hurts every day since you left us. Today is especially hard for us! You were always there ready to open your Christmas presents and now we don't even put up a tree, decorate anything or even feel like Christmas anymore. I did want to tell you that Mommy and Daddy finally got engaged yesterday (Christmas Eve) and I know you would have been so happy for us!! Always know, we love you and miss you!! Rey still misses you as well. He doesn't like the cats much, but he always had a special place in his heart for you! I also know that Grayson, your best kitty bud still misses you. I mention your name and he perks up! Love you and many many hugs and kisses, Mommy and Daddy!!! xoxoxoxo June 16th 2023 Our dearest Colby, Today is 7 years since you went over the Rainbow Bridge and you we wanted to also wish you a Happy 21st Birthday. It still feels like just yesterday that you left us! Daddy and I are finally getting married and I would have loved to have you there with us as our ring bearer! I will be riding Rey up to Daddy to meet him. We are having a small wedding but that is all we need as we are getting married here at home. I hope you are running and playing with your sister Utah, brother Priestly and all the others that passed before you! Make sure Grandpa is throwing the ball for you like he used to before you both left us. I am sure you are both taking great care of each other. We miss you so very much that whenever we see a memory of you, we still cry :( You were a very special boy. Until we meet again our boy, know our love is forever! Love you always and forever and many hugs and kisses each and every day! Mommy and Daddy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo December 23rd, 2023 Our dearest Colby, I have been thinking of you so much lately my best friend! I can't believe that this is our 7th Christmas without you in our lives! We think of you all the time and really wish that you were like us and lived longer lives but that isn't how animals are unfortunately. I did want to say, Mommy and Daddy got MARRIED on our 13th Anniversary of the day we met August 13th.I could feel you there when I was getting ready telling me it was the right decision because I know how much you loved him just like I do! He really is an amazing man who is always there for me whenever I need him to be there! Just like he was for you and Utah. Our newest additions 1.5 years ago, Angel and Walter, are growing up like a weed. Angel is so much like Utah was, Walter is a bit of a pain lol But he is a good boy! I hope you are enjoying your time up there with your friends and running and getting all the treats you want! Merry Christmas our baby boy! You are missed more than words could ever say! Love you always and forever, Mommy and Daddy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo June 16th 2024 Our dearest Colby,xoxoxo Today is the day you left us 8 years ago. You are thought of on this day and each and every day now and forever. Mommy sold your best friend Rey to a little 6 year old girl to use as a barrel horse since he wasn't getting used here much anymore. He is loving his new life chasing cows, doing pasture rides and taking his little partner around the barrels. She loves him as much as I still do! I am still in contact with them and get updates on Rey and Rylee his new little girl quite often. Mommy and Daddy bought a new acreage closer to town that has a pool! I know you would have loved that. Honey and Harley (my new horse) will have a great new place to live with us. We are keeping the farm, but Daddy just wants to make sure that I am taken care of just in case something ever happens to him since the farm is a partnership with his brother, Uncle Evy, and the boys Tory & James would get it and I would have only 3 months to move off the farm. You always knew that Daddy loved me and he was a great man, that's why you loved him right from the start just like I did! (we have great taste) We are thinking of you every day, but especially on this day, the day you went over the Rainbow Bridge! :( Love you always and forever our handsome boy Colby, Mommy and Daddy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox To our handsome boy who we miss so much!! :( Mommy and Daddy wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025 and we hope that you and your little sister Utah are enjoying this time of year and are getting lots of treats and playing with all your friends. I hope Grandpa Omer is there with you playing and telling you how much you are loved. Hard to believe that Grandpa passed 6 months before you! Mommy and Daddy moved to a new home August 15th and you would love it here. Lots of room for you to run and play or just sit on the deck and relax. You would have loved to play in the pond because you always loved the water! How can it be that you have been gone since 2016 almost 9 years ago :( My heart still breaks everyday because you aren't here with us. Daddy has rough days when we talk about you. He cries because you were his Buddy and we just couldn't ever get another dog because you were the best and therefore, the last. I know you wanted us to get another one. But we just can't do it! Can you believe that Mommy is going to be 62 next week and Daddy will be 63 in Feb wow time sure flies! It was 23 years ago that you came to live with me and then eventually met your new Daddy when you were 9 so you got to spend 5 wonderful years with your amazing Daddy. We love you darling and will forever be in our hearts!! Love you always and forever! Mommy and Daddy xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Please also visit Utah.