Welcome to Colby's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Colby's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Colby
Colby was a special little guy who loved people. He always got excited to see them and gave them his full attention. He wanted them to know that he was happy to see them and loved them. He rarely ever barked at anyone. He especially enjoyed being with those who wanted to see and be with him to brighten their day. He had a special needs friend named Danny, who he and Dad would visit often and go for golf cart rides together. Danny would often say, "Colby, Danny, and Tom will be buddies forever". He became a Therapy dog and spent more than 5 years going to an Assisted Living facility every Monday afternoon with his Dad to visit residents there. He made many friends who enjoyed his visits. Colby loved his golf cart rides with his Dad throughout the community where he often saw many of his Dad & Mom's friends, and would stop by to see them. Colby loved his daily walks. He is now in Rainbows Bridge with his brother Bailey, and in Dog heaven with Bailey, Casey, Daisy, Lexi, Pumpkin, and Sandy. Rest In Peace little man, we will miss you more than you can know, and cherish the memories of the 13 years we were together. Mom & Dad

4/16 Hi little guy! You left us today, and are already on Rainbows Bridge with Bailey. We already miss you so much and always will. We will visit you daily so we can let you know how we are and to see how you are doing. You are no longer in pain. Rest In Peace and enjoy Rainbows Bridge. Mom & Dad 4/17 Good Morning our little man, Here we are the day after losing you, having much time to reflect on how much joy you provided us in the 13 years that you were with us on earth. It was a difficult night for us since you weren't with us in bed, and to wake up to. We hope that your first night in Rainbows Bridge was a good one and that you rested peacefully. You will now get to meet your family members and many friends on Rainbows Bridge and Doggie Heaven. They look forward to seeing you again. Several people paid you a visit yesterday and left us soothing comments about you and our family. That meant a lot to us. We miss you so much and always will. As promised, we will visit you every day so we can see how you are doing and let you know how we are. That is important to us. Have a good first day our boy. You will hear from us again tomorrow morning. Love you! Mom & Dad 4/18 Good Morning Our Little Guy, How was your night? We hope you are resting and making new friends and enjoying Rainbows Bridge. You are now back home with us as we picked up your Urn at Shannon's yesterday. We love it and have it displayed on your section of the Bookshelf near Bailey. We also received a beautiful Commemorative stone with the following inscribed on it, "Forever in our hearts COLBY, with a paw print. It was given to us by Patty & Michael, our friends. That was so nice and thoughtful of them. We love it and have it on your shelf. As we are sure you know, we are struggling without you, yet, our fond memories of you are holding us together and always will. We think of you all day, and miss you so much! I started playing golf again as Mom and others encouraged me to, to help me. Remember how you sulked and went in to your crate when you knew I was leaving to go play golf? Yet, when I got home, who was the first to greet me, COLBY, who was so excited to see me. I cherish those memories. Have a good day today little man! We will talk to you in the morning. Love you! Dad & Mom 4/19 Good Morning Little Guy, We hope you had a restful night and are making lots of new friends. We think of you often and miss you lots and always will. Not much new here other than trying to cope without you. Have a great day our boy! We will be in touch again in the morning. Love you, Dad & Mom 4/20 Good Morning Little Boy, Another day has gone by as we continue to reflect on all that you meant to us and how much we miss you. I just created a Tribute of all your special Traits. There were so many. You would like it. Many people have already paid you a visit and shared with us how much they enjoyed their visit and your Memorial. Many more will follow. Witt came over to see how we were, so, I explained everything to him, and showed him your Urn, and Rainbows Bridge. He handled it well. Such a strong little boy. He and Charlie loved you lots and miss you. Talk to you again soon. Enjoy your day. Love you, Mom & Dad 4/21 Good Morning Our Boy, Hope you had a restful night and are making lots of friends. We will be attending the EN Play tonight. Looking forward to it. Will tell you all about it tomorrow. Have a nice day. Love you, Mom & Dad 4/22 Good Morning Our Boy. We hope that you had a good night. We attended the EN Play and really enjoyed it. The Cast did a great job. You would have liked it too. We are supposed to get rain today through Tuesday. Hope all is well where you are. We love you. Mom & Dad 4/23 Good Morning Buddy, A rainy night and morning here. Hope the sun is shining on you in Rainbows Bridge. Today will be a week since we you left us and entered Rainbows Bridge. We will reflect on that at 9:45AM this morning. It was a difficult week for us, yet, we are finding ways to think of all the good things you meant to us rather than on you no longer being with us. We think of you everyday and miss you lots. Have a good day. We love you. Mom & Dad 4/24 Good Morning Our Boy, Hope you had a good night? We are sure that you are making lots of friends and enjoying being a resident of Rainbows Bridge, a very special place with so many wonderful companions. Another rainy and dreary day here. Dad is going to lunch at Wild Wings with his Golf Buddies, as we had to cancel golf due to the weather. Mom will visit Mom Mom and have dinner tonight with friends at the Club. Have a good day today buddy. We will be thinking of you. Miss and love you lots! Dad & Mom 4/25 Good Morning Our Boy, We visited Bailey yesterday and told him that you were now with him, so please be sure to visit him and enjoy your time together. Thirty one people have now visited you since you entered Rainbows Bridge. That was so nice of them all. We continue to miss you and always will. It is such a struggle for us without you. We think of you all the time. We have all your belongings still in place so we can reflect on them throughout the day. Your Urn is over the fireplace on the mantle so you are near them. We love you. Dad & Mom 4/26 Good Morning Precious Boy, We hope that you had a restful night and are enjoying your time on Rainbows Bridge. We had a nice dinner last night with the Mickelsen's. They gave us a beautiful portrait they had made of you. We just love it. You would too. We have it displayed for all to see. Wish you could see it. Have a good day buddy. We will check in later today to see how your day is going. We love you. Mom & Dad 4/27 Good Morning Colby, hope your night was restful and that all is going well for you. A neighbor stopped by yesterday with a nice card, muffins, and a beautiful plant for us to plant in your memory. That was so nice and thoughtful. We decided to plant it in an area that you would like along with one of the commemorative stones that we were given for you. It will look nice there. Dad played lousy golf yesterday as I am having difficulty concentrating as you are always in my thoughts. Not your fault, mine, as I need to focus and will in time. The weather is improving so it should be nice for the days ahead. Have a good day today buddy. Say Hi to everyone for us. We love you. Dad & Mom 4/28 Good Morning Our Boy, Have lots to tell you this morning. We went out to dinner last night to OJ's with Gail and Ted, who you and I visited often during our Golf Cart rides. They always enjoyed our visits and miss seeing you. Groomingdale's sent us a beautiful plant in an nice white basket in memory of you. They too miss you. That was so nice of them. We also received a nice card from the Northern Georgia Pet Crematory with a paw print filled with seeds to plant. You plant the paw in your garden and wildflowers will blossom year and after year in your memory. We will plant it near Elaine's plant along with the commemorative stone in the area on the right side of the driveway near the garage. They will all look nice there. I will take a picture of it when done to add to your Album. You now have 646 pictures in your special Album. We look at it everyday. Well, that's about it for now. We hope all is going well for you in your new residence with all your new friends. Have a good day little man. Mom & Dad 4/29 Good Morning Buddy, How was your night? Not much to share with you this morning as not much went on yesterday. The neighbors next door are finally moving out. Wish you were here to witness it. You would be happy as we are. It was long overdue. The weather is nice now with sunny days. Your favorite. Miss you so much! We reflect on all the wonderful memories we have of our favorite boy. Have a good Sunday little man. Talk to you again soon. Love you! Dad & Mom 4/30 Good Morning Little Boy, Hope you had a good night and an enjoyable Sunday with your new friends. I am up early as I have a Dr. Appt. and Dental Appt. Mom is still in Cherokee yet coming home later today. I will get the car washed later and let Melissa know that you are now in Rainbows Bridge. It will be my first time there without you with me. It will be a sad time for me. We always loved going there together. More work to do later to get the pollen off the front porch and deck. Have a good day today my boy. We miss you and love you lots. Dad & Mom 5/1 Good Morning Our Boy,
How was your night and day yesterday? We know that you are making lots of friends and enjoying your time with them. We are trying to stay busy. Mom got home yesterday. I am in an all day Golf Tournament today. I hope to do well. You will be on my mind throughout as you always are. I will be talking to Monica tomorrow morning at 9 and having lunch with Ron, two of your good friends. Have a good today buddy. We will talk again soon. Miss and love you lots. Dad & Mom 5/2 Good Morning Our Boy, How are things going for you? Well we hope. Knowing you, we no doubt that you are making many new friends and enjoying your new residence. Dad played in a Golf Tournament yesterday. We did well yet didn't win. It was a great day with nice weather. Mom had a very busy day with Gwen and other friends. I will be talking to Monica at 9AM. I feel that she can help me with what I am going through with your loss. I will then have lunch with Ron at the Club. He too will be of help to me. We are trying to stay busy which helps to ease our pain without you. Will check in again soon. Have a good day. Love and miss you lots buddy. Dad & Mom 5/3 Good Morning Buddy, Another busy day yesterday. Hope yours was a good one. We got all the pollen work done, so, everything looks good. You would like it. Had lunch with Ron. He and Nancy gave us a nice card. We got caught up as we had a lot to talk about. I spoke to Monica and she was a big help to me as I had hoped. My Navy friend Dave has been so supportive to me. He reads my messages to you every day and stays in touch to see how I am doing. He is very special. Playing Golf today. Another nice day ahead. Hope your day goes well and that you are making lots of friends. We love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 5/4 Good Morning Our Boy, How was your day and night? Dad had a good round of golf yesterday. Looks like my game is back. We'll see. Golf again today, and then we leave tomorrow for Melissa & Kevin's to watch Dunkin & Scrappy while they go to Florida for a Wedding and to be with Kevin's family. You will be with us as we are taking your Urn with us. We want you with us all. Just want you to know that you are always on our mind and in our thoughts every single day. We took our first golf cart ride without you last night. It was tough, yet we felt you with us and had a picture of you in the cart on my phone displayed in the cart. That was special. Charlie and Witt stopped by to see how we were and to let us know that they think of you often and are praying for us. How nice. Bye for now pal. Talk to you again soon. Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 5/4 Tough day for us today buddy. I had to leave the Golf Course to tend to Mom to taker her to the Emergency Room due to severe back pain and having trouble breathing. They checked her out throughly and found nothing seriously wrong with her other than her cronic back pain that she has lived with for years. They gave her meds and sent us home. She is resting now and feeling better. We received a beautiful plant and nice card from the McNair family. That was very nice of them. I went to the Bank today and told the Bank ladies about you and they were saddened to hear of your passing and cried. They too along with everyone you ever touched wish that you were still with us. We all miss you so much and think about you all the time. We won't be going to Melissa & Kevin's tomorrow as Dunkin hurt his other leg and will require ACL surgery next week, just like the surgery he had on his other leg. Such a shame. Have a good night my boy. We will touch base in the morning. Love you. Dad & Mom 5/5 Good Morning Little Man, How are things going for you? Well we hope. We think of you all the time and miss you so much and always will. Mom is doing better, yet, we must be careful that she doesn't do anything to hurt her back and cause problems for her. Since we had a change of plans and will not be going to Melissa and Kevins, we will just stay at home and accomplish things here. Not much else to tell you, so, we will sign off for now. Have a good day Bud. Love you, Dad & Mom 5/6 Good Morning Our Boy, Hope that you had a good day yesterday. Mom rested and while still in pain, is feeling a little better. The Meds are helping. The Gore's brought us a nice Mexican dinner for Cinco de Mayo last night. That was so nice of them. They are great neighbors as you know. Witt & Charlie ask for you everyday and miss you. We all do! Another nice day today. Rain forecasted for tomorrow. Have some things to do around the house today, and then will relax and watch some golf. Have a good day buddy. Miss and love you more than you could ever know. Dad & Mom 5/7 Good Morning Little Man, how are things going for you? Well, we hope. Not going too well here as I am having trouble sleeping as usual and lay there thinking about you and all the good times we had together and how much we miss you. It is so difficult to not have you with us anymore. I am trying to cope with your loss, yet it is so hard for me. I need to stay busy which helps me. I am scheduled to play golf 4 days this week with a Tournament so that may help. You are always on my mind. Mom is doing better, yet, should know more about what lies ahead for her when she talks to Dr. Slack, hopefully today. We will let you know. Chores today to help Mom since I will be golfing the rest of the week. Have a good day my boy. We miss and love you lots! Dad & Mom 5/8 Good Morning Our Boy, How was your day and night? Well, we hope. We know that you are making a lot of new friends. You have had many visitors. I changed the bulb in the taillight on the Golf Cart yesterday along with other chores I needed to do. Mom rested as she needs to do so her back improves. Playing Golf today and then have a Board meeting at 3. Big Tournament tomorrow. I know you will be thinking of me. I went in to the Grief Center to do a write up on you and have had people visit and respond already. It has helped me yet I have a long way to go. Think of you all the time. Have a good day. Love and miss you lots buddy. Dad & Mom 5/9 Good Morning Little Guy, How are things going for you? Knowing you, you are making lots of new friends and enjoying Rainbows Bridge. We want the best for you. Big day today for Dad, as we have the monthly RSMGA Event. I hope to do well. I won the back nine Blitz yesterday and took the money. Wish you were here to enjoy it with me. Mom continues to rest her back to get better. While still at risk, she is feeling better. Have a good day today our boy. Always thinking of you. Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 5/10 Good Morning Colby, how was you day yesterday? We hope that all is going well for you as we continue to miss you not being with us. What is tough for me is to not walk you anymore, take you out at night, feed you, and spend quality time with you. I keep refecting on that and all the joy that you gave to us. We miss it so much and always will. My team didn't do well yesterday, so we didn;t come in the money. I played OK, yet, not my best. Decided not to play today as 4 days in a row would be too much for me. Will do some things at home and take Mom to BareBones tonight for dinner to celebrate my birthday on Saturday. Dunkin's surgery was a success. We decided to go to Kevin and Melissa's for the weekend to celebrate my birthday and Mother's Day. Wish you could be with us. We will take your Urn so you will be there with us. Have a good day today. Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 5/11 Good Morning Our Boy, How was your day yesterday? Good we hope. Mom & I went out to dinner last night to celebrate my birthday tomorrow. Wish you could be with us. You will in spirit, that's for sure. Playing golf today. Have a good day day our boy. We miss and love ou lots. Dad & Mom 5/12 Good Morning Buddy! It's Dad's birthday today. The big 72! Sure wish you were here with me to celebrate it as we always do. We are going to Melissa and Kevin's today through tomorrow to celebrate my birthday and Mother's Day. We are taking you with us. It will be our first time visiting them without you. Very sad for us. Hope all is going well for you. We think of you all the time. Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 5/13 Good Morning Little Man! Hope all is going well for you and that you are continuing to make lots of friends. I had a nice birthday yesterday and received many good wishes from so many people. It really made me feel good. I just wish you were here with me. You are in spirit as your Urn is with us at Melissa & Kevin's. We had a nice dinner last night at Portofini's in Buckhead. A nice celebration for me. Today is Mother's Day, so we celebrate for Mom and visit Mom Mom on our way home today. Dunkin is doing well after his surgery. He and Scrappy miss you. We can all tell. Have a good day today our boy. We will visit again in the morning. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom Good Morning Little Boy, How are you doing? I had a real bad night as I was thinking of you and couldn't sleep. It's not getting any better for me without you. I miss you so much! We got home mid day yesterday from Melissa and Kevin's. Had a real nice time there. We visited Mom Mom and took you with us. I also saw Juanita and Miss Pat and showed them your Urn. They all miss you too. Everybody does! I am changing Vendors for our Lawn Service, Termite, and Pest Control today. They are all coming out to get started. You would like my choices. Very hot here, in the low 90's, with lots of rain expected from Tuesday on this week. We leave on Saturday for Hilton Head. We know that you are doing well with Bailey and all your new friends. Have a good day buddy! We love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 5/15 Good Morning Buddy, hope your day yesterday was a good one. We got lots done yesterday. Golf today yet rain is forecasted throughout the week, so we'll see what faces us. I continue to struggle daily with your loss and expect that to continue for some time to come as I miss you so much. I feel that you are still with us as we go through our daily routine. All your stuff is still out as if you were here. Tomorrow will be a month since you left us. It will be another tough day for us. Have a good day today. Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 5/16 Well our boy, today marks one month since we lost you. A very sad day for us. Everything remains the same here as all of your stuff is still out and about as if you were still here. That will not change. Our thoughts will be with you throughout the day as they usually are. We hope that all is well with you. We love and miss you lots. Your Dad & Mom 5/17 Good Morning Our Boy, Hope that yesterday was a good one for you. It was a tough one for us, yet, we thought of you all day as we always do. Lots of rain here, which threatens our week in HH, so, not sure yet what we will do. A very nice man named Mike Marsh has been visiting you and reading my messages to you, just like my good friend Dave. That is so nice and appreciated. I canceled golf today and tomorrow due to the forecast and wet conditions. No fun when it is like that as you know. So, we will pack with hope that we can still go to HH. Thinking of you always little man. Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 5/18 Good Morning Colby, How are things going for you? Well, we hope. Weather still not good here, so, no golf again, so, we will pack and get ready to leave tomorrow for HH. You will be in our thoughts the entire time we are there. Our good friend Larry is in a 9 hour surgery this morning. He is in our prayers for it to go well for him. I heard from Monica yesterday to check to see how I am doing. She has been a huge help to me as I grieve your loss. My good friend Dave has been the best and so caring and helpful to me. He reads my messages to you everyday. That is so soothing to me. I will visit you every morning we are in HH. Have a good day buddy! We love and miss you so much! Dad & Mom 5/19 Good Morning Our Boy, we leave this morning for HH and have our you and Bailey in charge of the house for us. You will be in our thoughts all week. Witt & Charlie will watch the outside for us. We will talk to you throughout the week so we can see how you guys are doing and let you know how we are. We are watching the Royal Wedding now before we leave. We will let you know when we arrived. Love you guys! Dad & Mom 5/20 Good Morning Our Boy from HH. We arrived safely yesterday afternoon and got settled in and then went to dinner at Sea Shack. We will go food shopping this morning. The weather is iffy, yet, we are hopeful that it improves for us throughout the week. Hope all is well with you. We are thinking of you all the time. Miss and love you lots. Dad & Mom 5/21 Good Morning buddy! How are you? Well, we hope. We are thinking of you everyday! We miss you so much! All is well here, as the weather is holding up for us, yet, not a good forecast throughout the week. We will make the best of it. We had a good dinner last night at Chow Daddy's. We will keep in touch little man. Love you! Dad and Mom 5/22 Good Morning Our Boy, How are you doing? All is well here so far. The weather has been OK so far, yet, rain is expected. We continue to do what we do to make it an enjoyble week for us. We think about you and talk about you often. We will remain in touch. Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 5/23 Good Morning Our Boy, How are things going for you? Well, we hope. Our thoughts are always with you. You had a nice visitor named Shirrle yesterday who left you a nice message. She works with Melissa at Aetna. That was so nice of her to pay you a visit. All is well here as the weather has held up for us so far. There is still a threat of rain for the remainder of our stay, yet, we just may luck out. We'll see. Have a good day buddy. We love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 5/24 Good Morning Our Colby, Hope all is going well for you. We had a great weather day at the beach and saw little Ziggy. She reminds me so much of you. She is now 7. I told her Dad and Mom that we lost you in April. They were saddened to hear that. We also had a nice dinner last night at Hudson's. We enjoy it there. Looks like we could finally get some rain today. Should be able to get some beach time in this morning. Have a good day our boy. We lovve and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 5/25. Hi Buddy, leaving HH now heading home. Will visit later once home. Have a good day. Love you! Dad & Mom 5/26 Good Morning Our Boy, We are now back home after a nice week in HH. We sure do miss having you here with us. It's the holiday weekend with more rain forecasted. Hope all is well with you. Out thoughts are always with you. Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 5/27 Good Morning Pal, How are you? We are now settled in and back to our normal lives, yet, thinking of you all the time as we continue to miss you so much. Our thoughts are always with you. We love you so much. Had some computer problems yesterday which took much of my time. Cost me, yet, resolved for now. Went to Church and then OJ'S. Some more rain forecasted this week so my golf will be iffy. Have a good buddy. Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 5/28 Good Morning Buddy, Happy Memorial Day! Sure wish that you were with us. Rainy day today and forecasted throughout the week. Not good for Dad's golf. Sandy paid us a visit yesterday. She saw all your stuff still displayed and played with some of your toys. She was looking all over for you. So sad that she is confused and can't ask us where you are. She misses you as we all do. Rest in peace our Boy. Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 5/29 Good Morning Our Boy! How are you doing? We are sure that you are making lots of new friends and enjoying your time with them. We continue to have bad weather down here. Lots of rain which is supposed to continue. So no golf for Dad today or maybe most of the week. Thinking of you all the time and as we say daily to you, we miss and love you lots. Dad & Mom 5/30 Good Morning Our Boy! Hope all is going well for you. Still lots of rain here. Aunt Gwen had a Dr. Appt. at Emory, so, Uncle Charlie took her and Mom & I watched Sandy for them. We had a nice time with her. She was so good. She played with your toys and was looking for you. She misses you lots too. We are putting the new porch fan up today. Wish you were here to see it. You would like it. Charlie and Witt came over and met Sandy and enjoyed their time with her. She had fun with them. Have a good day little man. We love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 5/31 Good Morning Buddy, today is the final day of May. The weather is still not good down here. Will attempt to play golf today before it rains again. Uncle Charlie put our new fan up yesterday. It looks good. You would sure like it. Wish you were here to see it. I showed both Aunt Gwen abd Uncle Charlie your memorial shelf in our book case. They really liked it. Are you making lots of new friends? We know you are. Have a good day. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom
6/1 Good Morning Our Boy! It is now June 1st! Hard to believe! Still seeing lots of rain. I got to play golf yesterday and played rather well. We went to dinner last night with C & G and had a nice time. Witt came by yesterday to see us. They leave for Fla. on Sat. for a week. We will miss them! Witt said that if he could have one prayer answered it would be t have you here with us! That was so nice of him to say. Playing golf again today at Lanier. We have 12 guys playing. We love it there. Hope you are doing well and enjoying all your new friends. We love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 6/2 Good Morning Little Man! How are you doing? Looks like the rain is finally leaving us down here. The sun is out this morning. I played golf yesterday and had the lowest score of our 12 players. It sure was hot. I continue to struggle without you and think of you all the time. I miss you so much! All your things are still out and will remain that way as it makes us think that you are still with us. Have a good day today buddy. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 6/3 Good Morning Our Boy, How are you today? We know you are doing well with all your new friends. The weather is improving so we should now start to see nice days. We are going to a Concert this afternoon and then dinner with the group. Other than that, not much else going on. We love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 6/4 Good Morning Colby, How's our boy? Well, we hope. Nice morning here. Sunny with a good forecast ahead. Mom says Hi. I am going to the Dentist at Noon to have a cavity fixed, then the Bank. Our Air unit upstairs stopped working last night and had a burning smell, so, we called Comfort Control and hope they can get here today to work on it. We enjoyed the concert and dinner last night with friends. A nice night. Have a good day buddy. Thinking of you all the time! Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 6/5 Good Morning Little Man, How are you doing? Well, we hope. We think of you all the time and miss you so much and always will. We got the A/C fixed yesterday, so all is well with that. All is well here except for not having you here with us. Playing golf today as the weather is nice now. Have a good day buddy! Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 6/6 Good Morning Our Boy! Thinking of you as always and miss you lots. Hope all is well with you in Rainbows Bridge. Weather is better here, so, able to play golf. Not much new to share with you. Have a good day today. We are thinking of you! Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 6/7 Good Morning Little Man! Here's another day before us. Hope is well where you are. We are hanging in there. I continue to have my problems without you and always will. I miss you so much and think of you all the time. Playing golf today. Another nice weather day for us. Have a good day buddy. Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 6/8 Good Morning Our Boy, How are you? Dad is playing golf at Lanier today. Hope to play better today as I had an off day yesterday at RCC. It's been real hot and humid. Monica text me to see how I am doing without you. I told her that it is still a struggle for me as I continue to mourn your loss. Doubt that will change as I miss you so much. Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 6/9 Good Morning Buddy, Another nice day ahead yet without our boy. I played lousy golf yesterday. Not sure why. I just didn't have it. We hope that you are well and making lots of new friends and enjoying Rainbows Bridge. We think of you all the time. All your things remain out and will stay where they are as it makes us feel that you are still with us. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 6/10 Good Morning Our Boy! How was your day yesterday? Well, we hope. As we say everyday, we missed you so much and always will. Our lives our not the same without you. You are always in our thoughts. Not much going on here. A mild weekend. Have a good day buddy. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 6/11 Good Morning Buddy! Up early as four of us are playing in a Golf Event today. Dad is driving. We are supposed to get some bad weather again later today and throughout the week. How is everything with you? Well we hope. We continue to think of you all the time and always will. We love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 6/12 Good Morning Little Man! How was your day yesterday? Well, we hope. Dad's foursome placed 5th out of 24 groups yesterday in the Event, so, we did well. We each won $40. I bought a nice belt with my winnings. I played well. A nice day. I have to go to the Dentist today for a root canal evaluation. So we'll see how that goes. Not much else going on. Sandy may stay with us when C&G go to NJ next week. That will be nice. She will play with you toys. Have a good day today. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 6/13 Good Morning Buddy! Hope you had a good day and night. Dad's root canal went well as I have limited pain and discomfort. So far so good. I have a big Tournament today so I hope that I do well. I will be sure to let you know. It may rain as they are calling for 60%. We go to a birthday party surprise tonight, so it will be a busy day. We will though, be thinking of you as we always so. Have a good day. Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom Good Morning Our Boy! How is everything going for you? Dad had a good day yesterday placing second in his flight. Played well. Big Match tomorrow against Ted. Hope to do well. Mom leaves for Cherokee today with Gwen. Hope they do well. Weather is still iffy down here. Think of you all the time buddy and always will. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 6/15 Good Morning Our Boy, Hope you had a good day and night and all is well with you and your many friends. Dad plays his Match today against Ted. I know you wish me luck. Win or lose, we will enjoy our time together. We motivate and root for each other. Mom & Gwen are in Cherokee and enjoying their time there. They will be home today. Have a great day buddy. Think of you all the time. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 6/16 Good Morning Our Boy! How are you? We are hanging in there down here. Dad lost his Match yesterday, 3/2 to Ted. It was a good Match yet I made some mistakes that cost me. Oh well, I gave it my best. I know that you are proud of me. Tomorrow is Fathers Day. It will be tough on me without you with me. I will think of you all day! Mom & Gwen had a real nice time and did well at Cherokee. Have a good day and enjoy all the good things Rainbows Bridge has to offer you. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 6/17 Good Morning Little Man! Today is Fathers Day! I sure wish you were with me to celebrate it, yet, I know you are thinking of me and wish me a good day. Sandy comes today and will be with us while Charlie & Gwen are in NJ for Blaine's graduation. She will be looking for you and playing with your toys. She will like that. We had a big storm last night and expect more rain today, yet next week looks good. Have a great day our boy. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 6/18 Good Morning Colby, This is Sandy. I am here with your Mom & Dad for a week while my parents are in NJ to attend Blaine's graduation. I am being good and playing with your many toys. I really miss seeing you and having you here with me. We all think of you all the time. We all love and miss you lots! Dad says Hi! 6/19 Good Morning Colby, How are you doing. Dad just came in from walking Sandy. She is doing good for us. She misses you and is playing with all your toys. We wish you were here with us. Dad is playing in the Blitz today. Have a good day buddy. Love and miss you lots. Dad, Mom, & Sandy 6/20 Good Morning Our Boy! Hope all is going well for you. Dad played well yesterday, and will go to the Club this morning to audit score cards and then to visit Larry Yates this afternoon. Sandy girl is being so good for us. We know that you are looking down at us and enjoying what you are seeing. We just wish you were here with us. We miss you so much! Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 6/21 Good Morning Boy, Its the first day of summer. Getting ready to walk Sandy. She is being so good for us. I am playing golf today, so, Mom will watch her. We all miss you ao much. Hope all is well with you. Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 6/22 Good Morning Our Boy, How are you? We are doing fine here with Sandy. She is being a good girl and enjoying your toys yet keeps looking for you. We all miss you so much. Played golf yesterday and will play again today. Its supposed to rain this afternoon. Have a good day buddy. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 6/23 Good Morning Boy! Taking Sandy out for a walk now. She is being good yet doesn't like when she sees other dogs when we walk. Have to do an audit this morning at the Club and pick up my new bag. Then Church tonight. Have a good day buddy. We all love and miss you lots! Dad, Mom, & Sandy 6/24 Good Morning Colby, I am going for a walk with your Dad now. I am enjoying my visit and being a good girl. I wish you were here with me. I know that you are looking down on us. We think of you all the time and miss and love you lots. Sandy, Dad & Mom 6/25 Good Morning Buddy! How are you? We had a nice Sunday. Went to a concert and dinner with friends. Sandy is doing well, yet, will be leaving us soon as Charlie and Gwen will be coming home tomorrow. We will miss her. We know that you were looking down on us. We love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 6/26 Good Morning Our Boy, How are you doing? Today is Sandy's last day with us. She has been real good for us. We will miss her when she leaves. Playing golf today. Chance of rain again. Have a good day buddy. Miss and love you lots! Dad & Mom 6/27 Good Morning Buddy! Sad day down here as Sandy will be going home. She was a wonderful house guest and brought us such fond memories of our boy. We know you were looking down on us and happy for us. It helped me a lot. Hope all is well in doggie heaven. We miss and love you lots. Dad & Mom 6/28 Good Morning Our Boy, Sandy is now gone and back home, so, Mom & I are alone again. We miss her already. It was nice to have her with us. We know that you were looking down on us and with us. More bad weather forecasted yet will golf today and tomorrow. Hopefully we will get it in. Our friend Ted has a medical issue which will prevent him from playing golf for awhile and concede his Match Play competition. Such a shame. We feel real bad for him. How is everything with you? We know that you have made many friends and are enjoying you new home. We continue to think of you everyday. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom Good Morning Buddy, Hope you had a good night and day yesterday. We had a lot of rain so no golf for me. Somewhat of a quiet day with Sandy no longer with us. Hope all is well with you. Think of you all the time. Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 6/30 Good Morning Colby! How are you doing? Today is the last day of June already! Time sure flies! Dad played golf yesterday and had a good round. I have been remiss to mention in my messages to you, that my special friend Dave from Oregon still visits you every day to read our messages to you. How special! It means so much to us. Pls say a special prayer for his wife Neddy as she is going through a difficult time with some medical issues that continue to confront her. We pray for her every day. As we tell you every day, we think of you everyday and miss you so much. We look so forward to being with you again one day. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/1 Good Morning Our Boy, It's now July 1st. It will be a quiet day today, yet, a busy week ahead. I have to get my Crown tomorrow and then give blood in the afternoon. Golf on Tues. morning, then we leave for Melissa and Kevin's for the 4th through Thurs. Sure wish you could be with us. Happy 4th buddy! Enjoy the day with your many friends. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/2 Good Morning Our Boy, How are you? Hope you had a good weekend. We did. I have to go to the Dentist this morning, then give blood in the afternoon. Tomorrow golf, then we leave for Melissa & Kevin's. More rain forecasted for today. Have a good day buddy. Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 7/3 Good Morning Our Boy! Hope all is going well for you. Playing golf this morning, then we leave for Melissa & Kevin's for the Holiday. Sure wish you were with us. Miss you so much buddy. We will be thinking of you. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/4 Good Morning Our Boy! Happy 4th! We are at Melissa & Kevin's with Scrappy & Dunkin. We sure miss having you with us all. We are thinking of you. We went out to dinner last night and had a nice dinner and time together. We will enjoy a relaxing day today and leave tomorrow. I see, feel, and hear you everywhere here. Enjoy your day buddy. We love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/5 Good Morning Colby! Hope you had a good 4th with all your new friends & Bailey. We had a nice day yesterday and thought about you all day. Leaving to go home this morning. Have a good day. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/6 Good Morning Boy! We're now home and back to the usual. Playing golf today. More rain coming. Hope you are doing well. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/6 Good Morning Our Boy! Having a good week? Things have settled down for us. I played golf yesterday and played well overall, yet made some mistakes that cost me to get in the 70's. Shame on me! I spoke to Hanna at Shannon's Vet yesterday as we received a mailing that shouldn't still be coming to us. They asked how we were doing? I told her that we were still struggling without you and think of you all the time. I asked her to say Hi to everyone for us. We miss seeing them. Have a good day buddy. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/8 Good Morning Buddy! How are you? Not much going on here other than our missing our boy. Always thinking of you. That will never stop. Have a good day today. Say Hi to everyone for us! Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/9 Good Morning Our Boy! Hope you had a good weekend. We did, yet didn't do much. Today is Charlie & Gwen's 52nd wedding anniversary. They know you wish them a happy day. I spoke to our good friend Dave yesterday. He is still reading my daily messages to you. That is so nice and means so much to us. Our prayers continue for his wife Neddy as she continues to face health issues and is waiting for test results today. We know you are praying for her. We will keep you apprised on her progress. I go to the Dr. today for injections in my knees. I really need it. Have a good day buddy. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/10 Good Morning Buddy! Hope you had a good day yesterday. I went to the Dr. & got injections in my knees which so far is helping. We'll see today when I play golf. We were invited over to the Speakman's last night with others for drinks and friendship. We had a nice time. You received a nice message from Sandy. I responded and thanked her. That was nice of her. She misses you as we all do. Have a good day today. Say Hi to everyone for us. Miss and love you lots! Dad & Mom 7/11 Good Morning Our Boy! Hope all is well with you and all your friends. Dad has a big golf tournament today, so, I am hoping to do well. Rested well, so, I am hoping for the best. Ted is doing better and should be released from the hospital some time today. Sure was a scare. Charlie is going back up north for a week to attend the All Star game for Blaine. I will be watching Sandy on Saturday while Mom & Gwen attend a gathering for Mom Mom's friends at Shotsy's. Should be a nice time for them all. Have a good day buddy. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/12 Good Morning Our Boy, How's everything? Today is Witt's 9th birthday. I am taking Mom's car for servicing this morning. Dad's team placed second yesterday in the Tournament. That's two months in a row now that I did well. We hope all is well with you and all your friends. Always thinking of you buddy. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/13 Good Morning Buddy! It's Friday the 13th today. Dad will play golf. It will be another hot one. Mom & I were invited to the Gore's last night to share in the celebration of Witt's 9th birthday. We met their nice family, and enjoyed out time with them. Witt was glad we came. I heard from Dave yesterday with the results of Neddy's Blood tests. It was not what we all had hoped for, yet, we must keep the faith and continue our prayers that the new Chemo treatment will work and help her. She will be able to join her family at Shasta Lake as they are leaving on Sunday morning early. While she must be careful and will, it will help her to be there with them. We must all be strong for her. Have a good day today pal. We will be thinking of you. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/14 Good Morning Colby! Sandy is here as I am watching here for the day while Aunt Gwen and Mom are at Shotsy's visiting with Mom Mom's friends. She is being real good and is still wondering where you are! I talk to her all the time about you and how much we wish you were here with us. We miss you so much! Hope all is well with you and that you are enjoying all that is there for you at RB. Love and miss you lots buddy! Dad & Sandy 7/15 Good Morning Colby! How is your weekend going? Well, we hope. Sandy has enjoyed her visit and will be going home today. She played with your toys and had fun with them. She thanks you for keeping them here for her. Mom & I are taking Charlie and Witt to Firehouse Subs for lunch today. We are looking forward to it. So are they. It will be fun. Have a good Sunday. We miss and love you lots! Dad, Mom, & Colby 7/16 Good Morning Our Boy! Hope all is well with you. I have to take Mom's car back to MMH as we decided to keep it and get some things done to it. It is still in good shape. So I will be there most of the day. Sandy is back home. We miss her when she leaves after being with us. She is such a good girl. Have to go. Have a good day! Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/17 Good Morning Buddy! Mild day yesterday here. Took Mom's car for service. They will keep it until tomorrow to finish the work needed. Getting lots done. Playing Golf today. Rainy yesterday, and the dame forecasted for today. Have a good day today. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/18 Good Morning Boy, Not much to share with this morning other than to let you know that we are always thinking of you. Not will never change. I played golf yesterday yet didn't have a good round. I wasn't on my game. That happens. We hope that all is going well with you. We know that you are enjoying Rainbows Bridge and all your friends. We are sure that they are enjoying you too. Have to pick up Mom's car today. Had lots done to it as we decided to keep it and not buy a new one. That's it for now pal. Have a good day! Miss and love you lots! Dad & Mom 7/19 Good Morning Boy! How's it going? Picked up Mom's car yesterday and with all that we had done, its like a new car. It should last us for 7 more years! The boys paid us a visit yesterday late. Witt is going away for an overnighter with family, and Charlie will remain at home. It won't be long and they will be back in school. We always enjoy their visits. I made and album up of all the pictures I took of them. Playing golf today and then will watch the Open Championship. It should be a good one. I picked Fleetwood to win it. Have a good day buddy. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/20 Good Morning Buddy! Another day ahead of us. Hope all is well with you. I played golf yesterday and played well except for my putting. It was horrible. I couldn't drop a putt! So, I will leave soon to practice the short putts before todays round. We had Charlie stop by for a visit yesterday afternoon to spend some time with us since Witt was away. We all enjoyed his visit. He was so good! Have a good day today. We are thinking of you!!!!! Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/21 Good Morning Our Boy! Big storms and heavy rain here this morning! We know you are looking down on us watching. Sure all is well where you are. I played well yesterday and we had a nice dinner last night with friends at the Club. Overall, a good day. I'm sure we will see the boys later on today. Church tonight. Have a good day buddy. Always thinking of you. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/22 Good Morning Our Boy! How are you? Another storm last night here, yet, it looks like it will be an OK day today. The final round of the Open Championship is today, so, I will be watching it. We had dinner at OJ's last night after Church. Have a good day buddy! Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/23 Good Morning Boy! How was your weekend? Ours consisted of watching golf and doing things around the house, Church, and dinners. A nice weekend overall. I am going to get my Crown at 8, and then to Dr. Saurel for my blood evaluation. Hopefully, all will go well. Have a nice day with all your friends buddy. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/24 Good Morning Buddy! Hope all is well with you. Dad went to the Dentist and Dr. yesterday. All is well. Our good friend Neddy from Oregon is back in the hospital, so, pls say extra prayers for her as we all are. She is very special to us as you know. They just returned from Shasta Lake. Such difficult times for Dave and the family. We must keep them all in our thoughts and prayers. I am playing golf today, yet, it is supposed to rain. We have an HOA meeting to attend tonight. Have a good day pal. Miss and love you lots! Dad & Mom 7/25 Good Morning Boy! How are you? All is well here, yet, we don't have you with us. No golf today so will get some things done. Will play tomorrow and Friday. Played yesterday and played OK. our thoughts are always with you. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/26 Good Morning Colby! Hope you had a good night sleep and all is well. Playing golf today with the guys. We leave soon for vacation. Always thinking of you buddy! That wil never change. Have a great day! Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/27 Good Morning Our Boy! Hope you had a good day yesterday and all is well. I played golf yesterday and almost passed out. I must have been dehydrated! I am playing today so I will be sure to drink more water! Mom & Gwen spent most of the day with Mom Mom as she wasn't feeling well and needed to be watched closely. She is better now. We went out to dinner last night with Charlie & Gwen, and stopped over to their house before to see Sandy and Charlie's garden. Have a good day today buddy. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/28 Good Morning Colby! How is everything going for you? Golf for me yesterday, yet not my best. I drank more water so I did OK. Mom Mom is doing better, so, I am going over to visit her this morning. Wish you could be with us!. She misses you. Church tonight and out for dinner. Have a good day buddy. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/29 Good Morning Boy! How's our boy doing? Well, we hope. We think of you all the time! Sandy stopped by yesterday as we all went to visit Mom Mom to see how she was doing. She is better. We had a good day yesterday. We start preparing for vacation today by sorting our clothes and doing some packing. Sure wish you were here with us! We love and miss you so much! Dad & Mom 7/30 Good Morning Our Boy! How was your weekend? Ours was OK. Not much going on. Getting ready now for our Florida trip as we leave on Sat. Wish you were here with us. We miss you so much. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 7/31 Good Morning Our Boy! Today is the last day of July. Summer sure is going fast. We are supposed to get a lot of rain over the next few days. Playing golf day. Hopefully we will get it in. Hope all is well with you. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 8/1 Good Morning Colby! Hard to believe its August 1st already! As you know, you continue to be missed greatly and are though about each and every day! Lots of rain down here thru the week. No golf for now. I'm sure the sun is shining on you in Heaven. We know you love that! Have a great day buddy. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 8/2 Good Morning Buddy! Hope all is well with you. Still raining down here! Dad spent time with the DR. and at the Hospital yesterday getting a CT Scan of my brain due to my situation. It was negative, yet, I still have issues. Hope it improves before we leave on Sat. morning. Always thinking of you pal. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 8/3 Good Morning Our Boy! We had to cancel our trip to Florida due to Red Tide and Algae that killed thousands of fish that are on the beaches. There is odor and Cranes on the beaches to remove all the fish. Such a shame. A friend alerted us to this or we would have made the trip and faced this upon arrival. We are so fortunate that we didn't make the trip to no avail. It's always something in this world to face everyday. Hope all is better for you where you are. So we are staying home and will make ends meet. No other choice. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 8/4 Good Morning Our Boy! How are you today? As you know, we stayed home and did not go on our trip to Fl. So, here we are at home to decide what we will do this week. Not much to share with you as not much is going on now. We wo though, think of you all the time and always will. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 8/5 Good Morning Colby, Hope you had a good day and night. We had a tough day yesterday as Mom Mom took ill and Mom & Gwen too her to Urgent Care and then she was admitted to the Hospital. Mom spent the night with her. Not sure yet what is wrong with her, yet, we should know more today. Hopefully she will be released and back in the Oaks today. We will let you know. I still haven't heard back from my friend Dave. I understand why as they are having a very difficult time. It just worries me when I don't hear from him. Pls pray for the Spencer family as we all are here. 8/6 Good Morning Buddy! Hope you had a good weekend! Ours was uneventful as Mom spent most of it at the Hospital with Mom Mom & Gwen. Hopefully Mom Mom will get out today. She is doing better. Gwen spent the night with her. Mom just left to be with them. Mild day for me today. Have some thing to do around the house. Have a good day pal! Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 8/7 Good Morning Our Boy! Another hot day ahead. Playing golf today although I am still not feeling up to par. The boys go back to school today. It was a fast summer. They miss you and talk about you all the time. I will tell them you said hi! Mom Mom is back at the Oaks and doing better. That's about it for now. Have a great day! Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 8/8 Good Morning Colby! How are you doing? We are fine here. Dad played golf yesterday and played well and won the $ on the front nine. Mom got an opportunity to go on a trip to Ireland with some Reunion friends next March for 2 weeks. She is very excited. She deserves it with all she has been thru. I am happy for her. I have our monthly Tournament today. Hope to do well. We are thinking of you! Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 8/10 Good Morning Buddy! Hope all is well with you and your friends. Took Mom's car to ASAP yesterday and Melissa was asking for you. We all remember how much you enjoyed going there with me. Had a major storm yesterday, with the forecast for 70% rain today, yet, we will try and get our golf round in before it hits. Have a good day pal. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 8/11 Good Morning Boy! Hope you are doing well today. We continue to miss you so much and think of you every day and always will. Not much going on. Just the usual. Played well yesterday. Watching the news now about caring for dogs. Wish you were here to watch it with us. Have a great day pal. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 8/12 Good Morning Boy, Charlie, Gwen, & Sandy are coming for dinner today. Wish you could be with us. Sandy will be looking for you. We will all be thinking of you. Have a nice Sunday with all your friends. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 8/13 Good Morning Colby! We had a nice dinner and time with Charlie, Gwen & Sandy last night. The boys came over to see Sandy and spent some time with us. They enjoy her and she enjoys them. They continue to miss you and ask for you when they come over. I chipped a tooth so I hope I can get in to the Dentist to have it corrected today. All I know is that I don't have it. I remember putting them in my wallet! A real mystery! I have to go to the Dentist this morning to have my chipped tooth checked out. I am still having issues with my Crown as it is still sensitive. Hopefully he can do something for me. Have a good day buddy! Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 8/16 Good Morning Our Boy! How is everything going for you in Rainbows Bridge? We know that you are enjoying your many friends and all that RB has to offer. I went to the Dentist yesterday and have to go back to the Endodontist who did my root canal to have him look at it since it is still troubling me. There may be a fracture. Its always something little boy. So I had to cancel my golf today. May hit balls later with Ted, is now a Grandpa as Jeremy and Christine had their baby girl and named her Anika. Such a nice name. Have a nice day today buddy. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 8/18 Good Morning Buddy! How's it going? A bunch of us went to the Stripers game last night. They lost 8-0. It was a fun night provided by our special friend Larry Yates. We enjoyed his family and our time together. My tooth issue is a bit better since on antibiotics. Hopefully they will cure my problem. We'll see. We have an EN Event to attend tonight. Going up at 3:30 to help with set up. Have a good day pal. Love and miss you lots. Dad & Mom 8/19 Good Morning Colby! How is your weekend going? Well, we hope. We had a nice time at the EN Event last night. It was fun with great food and lots of laughs. More rain down here! They are expecting more over the next few days. Going to Church shortly, then to Home Depot for some Mulch for the front. Have a good day buddy! Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 8/20 Good Morning Our Boy! Hope you had a real nice weekend with all your friends. We had a good one. Going to the Dentist again early this morning to have a cracked cavity replaced. Sure had my fill of dental problems lately. More rain again on the way! Have a good day today buddy. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 8/21 Good Morning Our Boy! Hope all is well with you. I will visit Baily tomorrow. I feel bad that I haven't visited him in a while. Shame on me! Playing golf today at Lanier since RCC Sure they will have a good time and WIN? Have a good day Pal. Love and miss you lots! Dad & Mom 8/22 Good Morning Boy! A very sad time for us here as our special friend Neddy Spencer has Hospice in now at home. We are heartbroken. We feel so bad for their family. Neddy is such a special person and means so much to us all. May God watch over her for us. Pls continue to pray for her as we all are doing daily. I am still having teeth issues and balance problems, so, going to Dentist and ENT Dr. to see if we can find a way to conquer 10/1 Hi Little Guy! I know its been a while since we paid you a visit, yet please know that we continue to think about you every day! We say good morning and goodnight to you every day! It's been 17 months since we lost you and we continue to suffer your loss. We love you and miss you so much and always will. Mom & Dad 3/5/20 Happy 15th Birthday our little guy! A very special day! We sure wish you were here with us! We love and miss you more than you will ever know. We think of you every day! Love Dad & Mom 4/16/20 Hi Little Guy! Today is your anniversary at Rainbows bridge, and marks two years since you left us. We love and miss you greatly and always will. Mom & Dad Merry Xmas Colby! We love and miss you so much, and always will. 4/16/24 Happy Anniversary our special boy! Although we haven't visited you in a while, we want you to know that we think of you every day and miss you greatly and always will! Life is simply not the same without you. We know that you are enjoying being with your many friends in Rainbows bridge. It is such a special resting place for our fur babies. We love you so much! We promise to visit you more often now. Dad & Mom.

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