Welcome to Colombo's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Colombo
Hello my sweet bosy (that is Andy's nickname for Colombo), we miss you so much, I keep looking to your house and thinking that I am going to see you... at supper time I always feel like I have to do something else, like feed you :'-( .
Andy kept asking when where you coming back from heaven but I had to explain to him several times that when people and furbabies go to heaven, they cannot come back.
So now, when he is asked about you, he says that you went to heaven and that you are an angel now and that you are with God and that you cannot come back.
One of the last times he saw you alive you could not walk and that impressed him! Seeing you with your leg and paw paralized on one side... So sad to watch, so now he and me of course, are so happy to know that you are no longer in pain, suffering and that your whole body is working so nicely like years ago, I still remember you at your last minutes alive, I held you in my arms, while I was caressing your soft ears, I loved those ears, they were like velvet ;-D I will always remember you my baby, and also, there is another little friend that you will be able to play with, her name is Nieve, a white husky, nice heart, she was my daughter too a long time ago, tell her that I still remember her and you guys wait for me, we will be together one day... I don't know when, but meanwhile have fun and do not forget me and Andy who love you so dearly.

December 8,2017.

My baby Colombo, I miss you so much, I think about you all the time, I cry for you... Your dad wants to get a new dog but I told him I am not ready, I need more time... I wish I could have you with me again... Andy misses you too... This will be our first Christmas without you and will be so sad, you won't wear your antlers and your Santa Claus hat and winter coat, you won't pee on the Christmas inflatables at the front yard.;-D..

Love you and miss you and will never forget you my sweet baby... Your mommy Ana.

February 23, 2018.

My baby Colombo, Easter is a month away, it will also be a year since you left us to go to heaven, and I miss you like crazy, Andy misses you too, he cries for you all the time, he misses playing with you and petting you, walking you, feeding you, please do not forget us and send us a signal you still remember us, because we have not forgotten you, also is very hard to get in here and see all those beautiful images from you, and to know you will never be by my side ever again. We love you and miss you so much, kisses and a big hug to you!!

August 23, 2018.

My precious Colombo, summer vacations are over, Andy started first grade, your dad got a new puppy for Andy to have a play partner, his name is Pickles, he is such a nice puppy but he is not you, you were by far the perfect pet, my only baby for a long time and such a loved doggie, I love you Colombo, now and always, do not forget us, we always think about you and remember you so dearly.

March 22, 2019.

My precious baby, it has been 2 years since you left us, and Andy, me and your daddy still remember you all the time, Andy includes you always when we say grace at dinner time and your dad remembers you very fondly, he always tells everyone that you were the perfect dog, always happy, always around us, not all over us, always my loving and sweet Colombo; Pickles is doing just fine, he is a sweet doggie, you would like him, and you know what?? He is starting to sleep inside your house... only thing I cannot put a bed there because he keeps destroying them all...lol...
Andy is doing great at school, he had a little trouble starting first grade, but he is fine now.
I love yo my sweet bosy, I will come visit you soon, I left you an Easter tree, love you always and forever.
Your mom: Ana.

March 17, 2021.

Happy St. Patrick's day my sweet little angel.
2020 was such a tough year, very strange, everybody wearing masks, toilet paper is very precious, food was scarce for a while, social distancing, no parties, no getting together with the family.
Andy keeps talking about you, and we always remember you together.
Pickles, our new doggie, is very sweet, he reminds me of you, always loving, always happy, Easter is around the corner, I love you today and always.
Your mom and Andy! ;*

March 7, 2024.

Hello my sweet baby, i know I haven't written in a while,
Just so busy with life, and getting old, but we're hanging in there, always remembering you, Andy and I talk about you always, we got 2 companionships to Pickles, Pepperoni, a brown tabby cat, who is 3 years old (we got him as a kitten) and Gucci, a black cat, who will be 1 year in May, he was rescued from the freeway, he was found on the center divider, a true miracle survivor!
They all get along and that makes us happy.
You are always in our hearts, my sweet Colombo.
Love, mom, Andy, daddy, Pickles, Pepperoni & Gucci.

March 9, 2025.

Hello my precious Colombo, I know I'm just writing you every year now, but you are ALWAYS, ALWAYS in our hearts and minds all year long, we always remember anecdotes with you and remember how well behaved and affectionate you were, that's why is so hard to keep living without you.
We just rescued one kitten, we found her on an alley by our house, at first we thought she was a skunk, because she's furry and black and white 🤣. But she's been very easy going and is getting along with Pickles, and working on her relationship with Gucci, who doesn't seem very happy to have a new member in the family 🙊. But all in all, they all are happy and healthy, you dad and Andy remember you all the time, and of course, I'll think of you all the time.
I'll write to you soon my beautiful Angel, greetings from mom, Andy, dad, Pickles, Pepperoni, Gucci & Gatalina. 😻😻🥰🥰💋💋😽.

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