Welcome to Comet's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Comet
Comet loved sitting outside in the yard watching the cars drive by and watching people walking by either alone or with their dogs. He loved playing with his toy rooster and stealing a pair of my socks or underwear to chew on. He was and always will be my little buddy and will never be forgotten. Sitting outside made him so happy, especially when the wind blew through his hair. You could see it on his face just how happy he was. He will always be loved, thought of in all my memories and dreams at night.
He loved to jump on the couch, lay his head down on the arm rest and just fall asleep. If he was scared of a loud noise such as thunder, he would either run into the bedroom and hide between the bed and wall, turn and just stare at you until you told him there was nothing to be afraid of. Then he would come running and if he was still afraid, he'd jump up on the couch and lay on my lap, rest his head on my chest and fall asleep in my arms.
He loved going for rides in the car and walking around at car shows in the spring and summer months. He would always walk by people who were sitting in their fold up chairs who wanted to pet him. But if he saw someone had food, he'd run right up to them and be their best friend.
When asked to give a kiss, instead of licking someones face, instead Comet would put his nose by your ear and lick your ear or blow on it.
During his final 3 years of life when he had developed high blood pressure, all he wanted to do was just be by my side and for me to be with him. But he loved sleeping in his bed too and no matter how many times I'd sit in a room with him, he'd always eventually go back into the other room where his bed was. He'd lay in it and would fall asleep. Even over night when it was time to go to sleep, all he wanted to do was sleep in his bed.
Then came the day that I will never ever forget. I kissed him goodnight, told him I loved him like I always did and went to sleep. The next morning, my wife and I woke up to find that he had passed away in his bed, the place he loved sleeping so much.
I used to always tell him to please dont let me make that decision for you when that time had come. Even though I had to with other pets in the past, he knew that making that decision would've been a very hard one to make and I'm guessing he didn't want to put me through that pain. So he made the decision on his own and spared me the pain of having to make that decision for him by passing away in his sleep at night.
It's been 5 years since his unexpected passing. During the last 5 years, people have told me that I will get over it, I will feel better one day, I will move on and I will eventually forget. 4 years later and I'm still hurting as if he just passed away today. I WILL NEVER GET OVER IT, I most likely will NEVER FEEL BETTER, I MOST DEFINITELY WILL NEVER MOVE ON and I will NEVER, EVER FORGET!
Rest in peace Comet. You will ALWAYS be my little buddy.
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