Welcome to Contessa's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Contessa's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Contessa
We experience many things with our family pets. We experience unconditional love, happiness, exasperation, contentment, merriment and a host of other emotions including anger when they do something we think that they should not do. In return, our pets simply want our attention, our love, treats, to be cared for and even pampered, to be petted, to lay in our laps or on our chest, fed on time [their time schedule-not necessairly ours], for us to know what is best for them, to keep them safe and to be strong, come the time, when we have to make the difficult decision to ease their suffering and bid them farewell. Somehow they always forgive our anger or frustration, exult in our companionship, purr or lick our nose, rub against our legs or simply crawl into our laps to be held.. When it is necessary to escort them to the Rainbow Bridge, they always trust our judgement...

Today, we bid fare-thee-well to our beautiful, sweet calico Contessa. She has been a part of this family since 1996/97. She was not a fastidious lady and that was exasperating, for both of us, on more than one occasion. Throughout the whole time, however, she was of a sweet disposition to us, being cranky only with her competition in the household. She always had 'soft paws' with her humans. Never once did she ever claw anyone. She was the most forgiving of all our pets. Over the past month, her health declined at a metoric rate however her spirit remained ever strong. She was even purring when the vet prepped her front leg and placed the catheter.

We shall miss our beautiful calico. Lord, we commit into your care and love, this precious creature, this faithful companion to show her the way to that fabled Rainbow Bridge, to reunite with those pet companions who have preceded her and to await those who will follow and to meet us, her human caretakers when it is our time.

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