I lost my precious sweet Cooper on Monday Dec 7, 2020. He died of a very aggressive form of adrenal cancer. I noticed a small lump on his shoulder in October. It was still there in Nov so my vet wanted it removed. Pre-op labs revealed very low platelets. This led to an ultrasound which showed inoperable metastasized Pheochromocytoma . It was simply too late and we were shocked and devastated beyond words. He never acted sick until about 5 days ago. I will never heal from not catching it in time. I'd have moved mountains for him. Cancer is an evil stealth enemy. It silently ravaged his perfect sweet body without me, his mom, the person he trusted the most in this world, noticing he was anything other than his exceptional, happy, loving self. No words will ever be adequate to capture how truly magical he absolutely was. I only know that he gave me and our family the most beautiful 8 yrs, 10 months and 21 days of our lives. He was the very definition of the most unselfish, pure love that I've had the privilege of receiving. My heart just couldn't ever contain how much love and joy I experienced from being with him. As I say above, I will never comprehend why such beauty, inside and out, was taken far too soon. I would have done ANYTHING for him and the fact that I was never given the chance to save him before cancer invaded his perfect body absolutely destroys me. If you know me at all you know that my "dogs" are my children and my bond with them is that intense. For those who have loved and lost several fur babies you will know that my Cooper Scott was THAT ONE, the one that simply steals your heart away completely from the moment you met and that intense love just grew and grew. My darling Cooper, Gooby, Coo, Baby dog, love bug, Bestest boy and most perfect soul mate and love of my life, Mommy will I am overwhelmed with gratitude that I was your person, your mom, and the incredibly blessed recipient of your generous and overwhelming love. I hope you took all of our love with you and that you know we all simply adored you and were so enriched by your time with us. I will love you forever and ever my darling son. My one and only Super Cooper. 12/31/20. My dearest Cooper. 1/7/21. My darling boy, I can't believe we had to say goodbye 1 month ago today. It's been the absolute worst of my whole life my darling. I absolutely never ever wanted you to suffer so when you told me that the cancer was too much for you to bear, even for me, I did the only thing I could and set you free. I miss you so much it hurts but I'd rather be in agony than have you in pain ever. You will always be the most precious part of my entire life. What a beautiful, loving, funny and amazing boy you were and always will be. The love and bond that I had with you I was and always be so overwhelming and we will be connected forever. I am so grateful that you chose me to be your Mommy and your person. Every day I pray so hard that you know how much I love and adore you. You are missed beyond measure by Daddy, Kimbly, Ryan and Brodie. Please continue to be Brodie's guardian angel...he needs your magic powers! I am always here, loving you, thinking of you and looking for you so let me know somehow that you are ok. Mommy misses and loves you every second, of every minute, of every hour and day. Kisses and hugs my darling Coo , love your one and only Mommy. 1/9/21. My darling Cooper. Mommy spent most of the day crying for you. I miss you so much it is indescribable. You gave me the best years of my entire life. I just don't know how I am supposed to live without you. You should still be here. Cancer had no right to invade your most precious body. I am so angry it did...so angry it was so silent. I will never love another like I love you. I miss you, crave you and am so sad without you. You made my life worth living. Sending you so many treats, hugs, ice cubes, chicken parties, kisses and snuggles. I LOVE YOU FOREVER COOPER SCOTT HUNT January 13. Oh Cooper I am just getting worse with each day that passes without you. All I do is cry and cry for you. Mommy just loves you so intensely and now I can't show you or tell you. I simply can't believe we will never be together again. You were my world and my joy and my lifeline. I feel like my life ended when yours did my sweetheart. YOU MADE MY LIFE SO HAPPY and I just adored you and always will. December 6, 2021 Tomorrow marks a year ago that my world crumbled. My 8 year old Cooper passed in my arms after a very short battle with adrenal cancer. I cry for him everyday and I never stop thinking about him. My darling boy was my world and I am lost without him. We were robbed of so many more years together, cancer is so evil. I cried all day yesterday and never left my bed. I don't know how to get through tomorrow. I live in fear that my other 2 precious Westies will die young too. There will never be enough words to describe how deep our bond was and how strong my love for him was and always will be. He was my one...my heart, my son, my best friend and soulmate and this past year without him has easily been the worst of my life. Time has not eased my pain. My darling Cooper...you took my heart with you. I was so lucky to be your mommy. You made my life so happy...I hope you know how loved you will always be. Tomorrow marks a year ago that my world crumbled. My 8 year old Cooper passed in my arms after a very short battle with adrenal cancer. I cry for him everyday and I never stop thinking about him. My darling boy was my world and I am lost without him. We were robbed of so many more years together, cancer is so evil. I cried all day yesterday and never left my bed. I don't know how to get through tomorrow. I live in fear that my other 2 precious Westies will die young too. There will never be enough words to describe how deep our bond was and how strong my love for him was and always will be. He was my one...my heart, my son, my best friend and soulmate and this past year without him has easily been the worst of my life. Time has not eased my pain. My darling Cooper...you took my heart with you. I was so lucky to be your mommy. You made my life so happy...I hope you know how loved you will always be. I LOVE AND MISS YOU TERRIBLY MY PERFECT BOY Feb 4 2022 My heart is broken beyond repair without you my darling Cooper. I miss you so much it is killing me. Please protect Brodie...I need your help. I'll never be ok without you. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MY DARLING BOY. Losing you has destroyed me. March 21 My heart is still aching for you my sweet gorgeous Coo. I miss you so terribly my love. April 23 2022 You never leave my mind or my heart. I love you so much and still can't believe you are gone. You will always be the greatest love of my life. My darling Cooper....my perfect boy. Why did you have to go so young Dec 6 2022 2 years ago tonight I stayed up with you all night because I knew our time together was down to a matter of hours. You were so brave but very sick. I couldn't bear to see you suffer so I was going to let you go to the bridge. It was easily the worst night of my life. Looking back I don't know how I did it other than that my overwhelming love for you made it possible. My darling boy I ache for you, cry for and miss you beyond words. As long as I live you will always be my number one...my soulmate and greatest purest love ever. I love you sooooooooo much my precious baby boy. Dec 6, 2023 My darling boy...3 years ago tonight was our last together and I am still gutted. I think of you constantly, miss you terribly and just still can not believe you left so much sooner than you ever should have. I sooooo hope you know how much I ache for you. You were and always will be the very best part of my life my darling boy. You have my heart Coop da Loop. There will never be words to describe how deep my love runs for you. Please know you made me so happy my darling. Feb 10 2025. My darling boy. I haven't been here in awhile but I pray that you know that I think of you constantly and miss you beyond words. I love you soooo much and losing you so young changed my life. I hope we will meet again one day. You were the very best part of my life my darling boy. |
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