Welcome to Corky's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Corky's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Corky
Corky lived a short life. She was only 6 1/2 when she died. She was born prematurely and had a severe heart mumur since birth. In her short time, although she was sick , she lived a full life and was loved by all. What she lacked in length of time on earth , she gave back tenfold in love. On her last day of life, I held her the whole day, and shelooked up at me when she died.Time has past since then, but I still think of her and look forward to meeting her again. She is now with her sisters, Carly and Cindy, cousins, Mollie, Molsie, Freddie, Ginger, Lucky, Harly and Gypsy.

Please also visit carly, cindy and Sammi.

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