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Memories of Cosmo
May 30, 2021

Dearest Cosmo,
It's been over a week since you crossed the rainbow bridge and I'm sorry that it took me this long to write this for you. It's not because I don't care but because it hurts so much to write it. When I woke up on Saturday, May 22, I never expected how that day to turn out the way it did. We were moving and the HVAC wasn't working well at the old house and it was getting hotter each day. I was worried about you and your long fur and decided that my only priority for that day was to get you moved -- even if that meant I had to sleep on the floor for a few nights before the movers brought our furniture. And I got up early that Saturday, had a game plan and planned to have you and Yang moved by 12 PM that day. I went early, unpacked a load of stuff and when I came back, there you were staring down at me from the window. I talked to you and you looked so happy sitting the spot I built for you that you could easily access even with your arthritis. I specifically remember thinking this is the last time I will come home and see you in this window. I came upstairs and you were in your litterbox. You got out and started following me and then you tried to do what you always did -- you tried to jump up on the bed but unlike any other time I'd ever witnessed you didn't make it. I picked you up and put you on the floor and noticed that you weren't able to use your rear hind leg at all and you weren't happy. I was so scared and worried and took you to an emergency vet. After they administered methadone for your pain and mild sedation and variety of tests, they discovered you had an aggressive bone cancer that riddled your right hind leg and was doing damage to your left hind leg. They told me the only choice would be to amputate your right leg. At 17 years old, I could not do that to you, so I had to make the most horrible decision ever (for me) to set you free from your pain.

You poor boy! It kills me to know how long you may have been suffering. You never showed it to me -- in the 13 years, we were together I always felt like you took care of me as much as I took care of you. I have been feeling so terrible and guilty since we said goodbye. I feel like I should have noticed something and if I failed you in some way Cosmo, I am so sorry.

The day I adopted you and your bonded brother and littermate Astro in 2008 changed my life. You were 4 years old and the from the moment, I brought you guys home, I knew you were mine. You and Astro were both the most social, friendly and loving cats, I had ever met. The 3 of us were always together. You are sweetheart with the sunniest disposition, the loudest purr I've ever heard in my life and constantly giving kitty kisses. You are my Cosmo, Mo, Mr. Mo, Honey No, Kamikaze, MoMoMooMoo, Doc McFluffen, ShaMaLou, CosiSu and I could go on and on.

You are my sweetest boy. You slept next to me every night and you always reached out your paw to be sure to be touching me in some way. Sleeping is tough for me these days and I am constantly reaching out for you.

Astro crossed the Rainbow Bridge on November 9, 2019. As hard it was to say goodbye to him, I always felt like I had part of him in you. The bond that you shared was so special. In some ways, I feel like I'm saying goodbye to Astro again too. But I am happy that you and Astro are reunited and you can run free and play without any pain or illness.

I love you so much Cosmo! You are my very best friend! There is not a day that will go by that I won't stop missing you and Astro!

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