Welcome to Cozette's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Cozette
The day I got you, I wasn't sure I wanted a girl dog. The breeder put you in my arms and you snuggled into me and - "you had me at hello" You always followed me wherever I walked. You were my beautiful shadow. I was lucky to have you. I loved the way you always cuddled into me when we were sitting on the sofa, and when you curled up beside me in bed --
Remember when we lived on the golf course, the golfers would take several practice shots and just when they started their real swing, you barked like heck and scared them! It was very funny.

I'm not sure why you stopped eating, and finally stopped drinking but I thank God above He allowed me to spend your final hours holding you. You gave me 15 fabulous years and I thank you so much for all of your love all of the time. You gave me four little kisses before the doctor allowed you to go to sleep and be at peace. Thank you honey.

I will never forget you!
Love Always Mommy

11/6/15 Good morning Sweetheart. I miss you so deeply and I continue to cry at the thought of you (which is just about every second of the day) Today I should hear from Dr. Wolf that your ashes are ready for me to pick up. I will hold them close to me -- I may even bring them to bed with me right where you used to lay.
I would do and give anything to have you back with me.
Love Mommy

Good morning sweet little girl. It's been quite some time since I came by to see/talk to you. I always cry when I am here and it is just so darn hard for me.

Hello sweet little darling. As always, still missing you a lot. Thank you again for ensuring that I was able to adopt Mulligan. We do cuddle and play everyday and we

I just want you to know that I was Blessed and adopted a two year old poodle mix back in November. Together, we light a candle every night for you.
My love for you never lessens.
I know I made so many mistakes with you, i.e, table food, snacks in bed, sitting on my lap in the car -- that wasn't very smart of me. My new little girl is named Mullligan, simply she is my "do-over" as in golf -- smile
She doesn't get any table food, no snacks in bed and she sits in a car seat whilst in the car.

I love you still and miss you daily. I still have your broken leg photo on my desk at the office and see you and talk to you each day.
I am happy I will see you again some time.
Love you always

Happy New Year baby.
My Spiritual Advisor told me you are happy with Grammy. She also told me you approve of Mulligan. Mulligan is a handful:) She plays hard; thankfully she also sleeps hard.
Be well my sweetie, stay close to Grammy and I will continue to send you warm love and special Prayers.
Love Mommy

Hello sweet dear baby girl.
I think of you every day of the week, month and year. Mulligan is full of a lot of love, happiness and very playful.
I did hear from a new Medium this past August. She confirmed what Silvia said "that you are happy and with Grammy. After seeing your photo, this Medium told me that you were actually instrumental in my getting Mulligan. I know that is accurate because when I called about her I was told someone else was coming for her on Saturday. I asked to be notified if it didn't work out and if she was still available. I was, then, told that Mulligan is a very sought after little girl and there is no way, I will be able to adopt her. Imagine my surprise on Monday when I received the phone call that if I was still interested in her, I can come get her:)
Thank you, Baby!
Have fun playing and hugging Grammy, and I will see you again sometime.
I do love you very much!

Hello sweetheart 11-04-2018
It's been quite awhile since I've visited you here. But I'm sure you know I think of you and talk of you regularly.

I still get all choked up when I come to visit you. Mulligan is still extremely playful and can wear me down but we always have lots of fun together.
I know you are kept warm and loved with Grammy. Give her all your kisses and love until I come to see you in person.
Together you, Mulligan and I will spend eternity lovingly.

Hello my sweet little darling. 3/14/2022
I always think of you and remember all the love and cuddling we did. I do still hope and pray you are with Grammy and she is petting now as she always did when she was here. I do miss you both.
Mulligan and I cuddle and we think of you all the time.
I love and miss you all the time. Know that I am here with you forever in my heart.
Love Always Mom

Hello my precious little darling girl 7/28/22
I do continue to think of you and miss you too. I am Blessed that you ensured I was able to adopt Mulligan. She does give me great joy and love. I do love and miss you and I will forever be grateful for all our shared love and experiences together.
Love Always your Mom

Hi sweetheart, as I'm sure you know I think of you often and thank you too for ensuring I got Mulligan
She's 10 now and like you, she and I cuddle often
Here thinking of you so much and I know we will see each other again
Is Grammy petting you so she always did? Give her some kisses too, okay?
Loving you always

Hi sweet darling. I know you're with me always. I feel your presence. Mulligan and I think about you and thank you often for bringing us together
You gave me so much love and joy for your 15 years here and then to be surf I got Mulligan was so exceptionally wonderful of you I pray you're with Grammy and I do look forward to seeing/holding you again
Thank you for the beautiful gift of you all those years So hard to believe you've been gone for .8 years now
Lots of love and kisses, sweet beautiful little girl

Love Mom

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