Welcome to Cricket Childers's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Cricket Childers
Sweet Cricket,
Tonight Jake, Cinder, Mama Cat and Karapu, Tatiana and Charu, Maliaka,
Mr Bones, Four Eyes, Tigger, Violet, Mr Glover, Mittens, Calico, Princess,
Baby Squirrel, Mr Whiskers and all of our family will be there to meet you
and take you home - Your Forever home.I just know the Sunshine family will
also join them, to Welcome You Home. I know its a long walk but you can do it.
Do not worry any more about the family that tossed you out so many years ago
and moved away. When you feel better, you can look for your feline family
(your Mama and siblings) You spent so many days looking out your window. In the
winter you could see the house where you used to live. In the spring you would
also look too, but it was not easy to see through the azaleas. I saw you one
day so many years ago, sittings in the drive way waiting for the family to
come home. It was many days later that I realized they had moved, yet every
afternoon you waited. It took me a few days to catch you, but I finally did.
They just left you. You must have loved them as you never seemed to forget
them. Just always know your family here below will miss you so much. I know
my other cats teased you and made it hard for you. I know Jake and the others
will not ever let that happen again. David will miss you as he spent every
morning, before work, talking to you and that was the first thing he did when
he came home.You were always so glad to see him. I took the heated pad off
his bed, where you slept, so the others could not benefit from your absence.
Your remains will go right in your room, where you loved.Jake will not mind
one bit if you sleep by him tonight as it may be cool after the sun goes
down.When you feel better and are stronger, do go to the fence with them
and look down on us all. You can see us when ever you miss us. We will be
missing you very much. Love Always, Mum
It's sad to take in so many homeless cats and dogs. One tends to forget, in most
cases, we outlive them. I was thinking about this fact as I read a page recently
posted. This is the thought that came to my mind.

I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

From Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem In Memorial:27, 1850:
January 19, 2011
Dear Sweet Little Cricket,
I have shed many tears over the past few nights. I am so sorry I did not do
more for you.I wish I could have saved you. You were such a sweet little
shy little girl.Just know I am thinking of you .You are remembered each
night in my prayers. Love Mum.

Feb 25th, 2011
Missing you today little Cricket.I must take only one day at a time. Luv, Mum

October 7th, 2011
Another year, another memory. I miss you Missy. Luv Mum

November 1, 2011
Dearest Little Cricket
How do YOU like your NEW picture. My friend Tina Perrier in New York
painted this for me. I know you have already seen it, but I really
love it. Your Anniversary dinner will be here soon. My friend Jake
the Dog- well you know that- says you are really enjoying all the
events and have made friends with Mama Cat. I am so glad. We miss you
here though. I told I loved you the night David took you, I just did
not tell you I LOVE YOU. Remember when you used to get cold at night
and come in my room and get in my bed under the covers? I miss you.
Love, Mum
Dearest Cricket,
I just have to tell you about this Cat I never met. Her name was Buttons.
Her parents used to sell on ebay and would always put her picture on the
items they sold. I began collecting these pictures and then began writing
stores to go with the pictures. I wrote nine stories about the Adventures
of Buttons the cat. Her parents seemed to love them. I wrote the first
story in June of 1999. The last story I wrote was in April 2000. I had
to end the stories as I no longer saw any more pictures nor heard from
the family. In Oct of 2002 I learned from the parents Buttons had passed away.
Here are the notes I got from her parents.
At 07:14 AM 10/8/2002 -0700, you wrote:
Gloria: I was not looking forward to your Email.I was afraid it was coming.Buttons
got sick & died. She was 18 years old. She was a very small cat. She was the runt
of the litter. We will never find another cat like her. She loved to be photographed
& for us to put clothes-on her. She would point to the photo booth. When Jesus comes
he will be riding on a white horse,Sounds like there are animals in heaven?
Regards,Steve & Linda
At 02:46 PM 10/11/2002 -0700, you wrote:
Gloria: About 5 months ago, She was sick for about a year off & on. We took her to
the doctor but we never found out what was wrong. I believe it was her liver. She
would get sick & fall in our pool or throw up. She was a very small cat, But she
loved to dress up in doll clothes. Regards, Steve
I really felt very bad as I had fallen in LOVE with a cat I never met. For anyone
who would like to read the stories and know a wonderful cat - please read her
stories. She loved to dress up. There are 9 stories-


( I know a picture or 2 are missing- but since I made these pages- things have
changed so - I no longer know how to do it OR fix it. :-(
She was a small cat and a bit of a loaner (like you), but loved to dress up.
I just know you will like her Cricket. I am SO glad I found her again and am
able to add her to our family. XOXOXOX to all. Please give her a kitty hug for
me. I believe she went home around June 2002.

May 3, 2012
Dearest Cricket,
Please join Jake, Cinder, Mama Cat and the rest of our family and friends and
pray for Oliver the dog. Oliver is one of Cinders sons and is having a tumor
removed from his mouth in the morning. He is such a sweet dog. I miss all of
you so much. Remember to pray really hard. OK? Love, Mum
Dec 29, 2012
Happy second Homecoming Dear Cricket. We all miss you. xoxoxox Mum and David.

Please also visit Barney Bush, Cinder Childers, Jake Childers, Jenny Ryan, Maliaka, Mama Cat Childers, Tatiana, Vumilia and Yesterdays' Kittens.

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