Welcome to Cubby's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Cubby
Cubby, aka Cubby Alexander Burke, Your/ His Cubbiness,
Dancer Supreme on the red carpet, lover of snow, treats and attention. You knew you were home the very second your paws crossed my doorstep. You were, and always will be my friend, companion, and family member. You'll always be in my heart and soul, you'll never be forgotten. I hope you knew how much I love you, my sweet, brave boy. You tried so very hard at the end, I tried too, I would have done anything for you. Forgive me for the times I lost patience, and forgive me for not being there for those days in July. I'm happy that I was able to bring you back to your own home for a few days. I let you go out of love, and to end your pain and suffering. You were such a sweet boy, and an unexpected joy and blessing to me. Thank you for being so patient and loving to me.
I could not join you on this your last journey. But I believe, my beautiful boy, that you are at peace now, and in a more beautiful place that I can ever imagine. I'm so very sorry that I wasn't able to bring you back to your earthly home this time. I just wanted you not to be in pain and suffer any longer.
I'll always remember you dancing for your treats, and on the red carpet last year at the Sheltie Rescue picnic. I'll always see your bright, handsome face looking up at me, with those beautiful long white eyelashes. I'll always love you, you'll always be in my heart and soul, my friend. Good bye for now. I want to believe that we'll meet again someday in a peaceful, beautiful place.
My friend, my heart and soul are broken by your passing. I want to believe that we'll meet again someday. I hope and pray that you know how much I loved you, and will always love you. Please know, if you don't know already that you did nothing wrong, and I wanted to never leave you, or you to leave me..Rest now, and play in the fields of angels.
I let you go to your true forever home, with God,as I handed you gently into the loving arms of an angel. I know you wanted to go home with me, I'm sorry if you were scared, I let you go with love, Cubby bear. I would have taken you home if you could have been free of suffering...
8/24/16- 1 wk ago you crossed the Bridge, about this time of day. My hear aches so much for you, Cubby bear. I can still see that last bright look that you gave me, I know you just wanted to come back home with me. I'm sorry I couldn't bring you home for 1 more day of suffering for you. I loved you, will always love you. I didn't want to lose my friend..But I gave you to the care of the angels- carried across the bridge in the arms of an angel. I can only hope that we'll see each other again across the bridge. I love you always, Cubby Bear. Forgive me for any impatience, or hurt I caused you, it wasn't deliberate.
8/31/16- Two weeks since you've been gone across the bridge. I miss you so very, very much, my Cubby bear.My heart aches so much it hurts to breathe. I will always love you, my friend, you'll always be in my heart and soul. You took a piece of me with you when you crossed the bridge. I don't think my heart will mend this time, my friend. You helped me to find joy again, and my joy went with you. My friend, please find peace,joy and new friends across the bridge. If you can, visit me in my dreams, and leave signs if you can...
9/3/16 Dearest Cubby Bear, So sad today-such a wonderful fall day, how you would have loved to go for your walks today. I miss you so very much. Maybe someday it won't hurt so much, and the memories will fill my heart with joy, and not sorrow. I love you always.
9/5/16-I miss you so very much, Cubby. Feeling physically worn out, and sick grief. And same thing may be happening again that separated us here on Earth. I am so sorry that I did not bring you home that day. I did not want you to suffer any more, I did not want to let you go either, my friend. You were and are always wanted, forever loved, not forgotten.
9/7/16 3 weeks today since you crossed the bridge. I love you so very much, and miss you terribly. I always tried to do what I thought was right by you, my friend,my Cubby, I let you go out of love, not because I didn't want to take care of you. You're always in my heart and memory. Its my greatest hope that our spirits meet again across the bridge into forever. Please forgive me for any pain I caused you, know that I loved you and love you always, my Cubby bear.
9/17/16 Dearest Cubby, it's been 1 month since you crossed the bridge, my heart and soul are still shattered. I'm so sorry that I couldn't bring you home that day, to the house in the woods that you so loved, I loved it because you loved it. Now, it brings me such pain and sadness. I love you so, sweet Cubby bear, I hope you knew that everyday, and know it now. I always tried to do what was right for you, and out of my love for you. I didn't want you to suffer any more. Please forgive me for anything that I did or didn't do that hurt you. It was not intentional. Please visit me if you can, as I believe you did for several days. I miss you so, sweetness. My one and only Cubbiness.
9/22/13- First day of fall without you here. My heart and soul ache for you. Please visit me in my dreams, sweet Cubby. I'm so very sorry that I could not take you home that last day- I didn't want you to suffer any more, Cubby bear. I love you always, my friend.
9/28/16- I love you, Cubby bear. I'm sorry if I ever hurt you, it wasn't done deliberately. I wish I'd done things so differently, now. Spent more time with you, been more careful. But I can't change that now. I can only tell you that I love you always. Please wait for me.
10/3/16- Cubby,my heart is in pieces-I miss you so- I hope you know that I didn't want you to go, I did not want you to suffer any more, sweetness. Now I'm heartbroken. Please know that I love you, and always will. I miss you more each day-you would have loved walking now- the days are cooler-fall is here- you loved fall. But the leaves will lie undisturbed now that you're not here, Cubby bear. Forever.
10/9/16- I love you so very much Cubby. Always. My heart and soul ache so for missing you. There's a deep void with out you here. I remember you every minute. Forgive me for anything that I did to hurt you. My greatest hope is that we'll be together again across that last bridge, that there is hope and the spirit goes on after death...
10/18/16- It's been 2months now, sweet Cubby bear, I miss you more than words can ever express, sweetness. But you are spared being here with me, when my life has become such hell, you are in a far better place. I know that you didn't want to go, you always fought so hard, for your little home in the woods. Please forgive me for not bringing you home that terrible day, I only wanted to spare you suffering any more, I'm sorry Cubby, I always tried so hard to do right by you, my friend. I love you always, always in my heart,soul and memory. Please send me a sign, anything. My heart is so broken, I don't don't think I'll ever have a dog of my own again, your loss has broken me. Sweet Cubby, my greatest and only hope is that the spirit does go on, and we'll meet again, to be together forever over the bridge. I love you.
10/23/16 I love you, my Cubby. I feel you in the late afternoon'slanting light,the evening shadows, and the lovely cool days of fall that you love. The piles of leaves lay uudisturbed now. My heart and soul are so broken, Cubby. I miss you so much, sweetness. Wait for me across the bridge, Cubby bear.
10/31/16. A month ending, a new one beginning, the true end of our Last Summer together, another month, without you. On this night all souls night and day, please send me a sign, sweet Cubby bear. I miss you so much, my heart and soul hurt. I love you....
11/14/16-Almost 4 months now, my sweet Cubby.I hope you know that I loved and love you so- I never wanted you to feel any pain or fear,my Cubby bear. I love you always.
11/17/16.Four months gone now. I am so very sorry I let you go that way- you were so frightened- I never wanted that for you. I know you were angry with me for letting you go- you thought you had done something wrong- you did nothing wrong, my Cubby bear. You looked at me, you didn't want me to let you go- you weren't ready...I know that now. I only wanted to spare you any more suffering- but I created suffering,and it will stay with me for as long as I live. Never think, wherever you are that I don't love you, or didn't care, or wanted you out of my life-because I will always love you, and you'll always be in my heart, soul, and memory. I'm sorry Cubby- I think you had nightmares about the end of your life. If I could go back and give you a few more days, and give you a more peaceful end, I would do that. Forgive me. I miss you so very much.....

8/17/17 One year ago today, I made that gut wrenching,heartrending decision to let you go-and cross the rainbow bridge, to end your suffering. I made the decision out of love,only love. I know you were scared-you knew that your paws would never feel the earthly ground again. I hope you knew,and know,that I wanted you to fee love all around you. Tragic circumstances hastened your decline-and I'm more sorry than you will ever know. I think you started to let go when I left that day for the hospital,and emergency surgery. When Irene took you to her house,you felt that you had lost your earthly home-even though you loved Irene and her family. When I was at Irene's to recover and be with you, every time we got into my car-your car, you stood at the door, waiting to go home-when you were left time and time again,you began to shut down,one paw in heaven. We finally did go home-you could hardly walk-and you had to be carried into the house.But when I took you for your walk that evening, you knew you were home.But your steps were faltering. I had to hold you up, dear friend. You just slept the hours away, waking only to eat,I had to bring water to you,and for your walks. But I didn't know we had such a short time left together,yet we were home.Your last night and morning on earth were peaceful, but early that afternoon,you were unable to walk,and had trouble breathing. I knew in my gut that something was very wrong-I rushed you to the vet. And your vet told me that there was nothing else she could to do medically to make you better,and would only prolong your suffering. I made the decision to let you go to cross the rainbow bridge.
My heart and soul were broken-your paws left a huge pawprint on my heart and life,my friend. We had only 2 1/2yrs together,but it was a lifetime for us. I never understood your sheer courage when you fought for every step, yet found joy in each day. I didn't see that courage until you were gone.
For a time, it hurt to be even be in that house,to walk outside,surrounded by the woods that you loved. I felt your presence there,and it broke my heart initially.Yet I came to find comfort in it, and when I had to move, you chose to stay there,at the little house in the woods that you loved.I believe I saw you on that last afternoon that I was there.
Now, lately,I think you've visited us in our new home-and you stay close to Miss Tori-she barks at your favorite spot by the couch.Thank you for being here,in my time of need. I love you, and will love to the end of forever, my Cubby bear,your Cubbiness, my friend. My greatest hope is that we will meet again across that bridge across death,and walk together again, into eternity.
12/23/17-Cubby bear, your Cubbiness, I miss you so very much, my friend. Although we spent only 2 1/2 years together, we lived a lifetime in those 2 years. I hope with all my heart that you knew that I didn't want to let you go that day. I will always carry sadness in my heart that we didn't have more time in our little house in the woods that you loved so much. I will love you always,my Cubby, my friend. Merry Christmas Cubby.
8/17/18-2 years gone now since I had to let you go my friend. My heart still aches for you, is wmy heart mourns for you, and for the memory of those horrible moments. I hope you knew I was only trying to do right by you and spare you more suffering. I'm so sorry that you spent barely 2 days back at the little house in the woods that you loved so much, more than me.I believe that is where your spirit still lingers. I will always grieve for you my friend. As happened 2 years ago, shortly after you crossed the bridge that day,a thunderstorm occured today as it did 2 years ago. I will always love you, my friend. Sleep now in the sunlight of forever, and think of me sometimes, grieveing here on Earth for all the love I've lost over these last few years. I hope to meet with you again, my friend, somewhere over the rainbow.
I know it's been awhile Cubby, my Cubbiness. I remember you everyday. You'll always be with me in my heart. I hop we meet again across the bridge into forever, my friend. I love you ❤️😘

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