Welcome to Cullen's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Cullen
Dear Cullen,
I love you so much and can't believe you had to leave us so suddenly. From the moment I saw you, the very second, I was in love with you. I immediately placed a hold on you and then went out to the petsmart parking lot to beg Ivan to let us have another kitty. I was determined to beg until he relented and it only took about an hour. I looked at you, you looked back at me and there was an instant connection.

You were a little fluffy, chirpy trouble maker who liked to pee in our bed for the first few weeks. Eventually, you had even your daddy wrapped around your little paw. Every day we had you was a joy to us. You engaged us unlike any other kitty before. You trained me as much as I trained you. You would sit outside the door, refusing to come in until I had tempted you with a treat. You know how to get what you wanted.

Your absence is felt and you've left a huge hole in our hearts. The nests where you liked to perch are empty, your toys are left untouched, your little blankets, undisturbed. Your fur is still in the furniture and the blankets still smell like you. How can this be here and you be gone? How does such a beautiful creature wink in and out of existence? Ivan now gets to shower in the morning without being at least 15 minutes late for work because you wanted to work the pets circuit and nipped at his ankles when he told he was done with pets and headed to the shower.

There is no giant orange baby sitting by the backdoor, chirping at squirrels and no one to run to the door when Ivan tries to leave to try to escape out the front and play. I will miss how you talked to me with your little meow chirps, how you wanted to play with the lights and red dots. I will miss buying toys for you every week and seeing you freak out over them. I will miss watching you jumping onto the laundry basket and riding up and down the stairs with your dad...adding at least 15 pounds to the load. I will miss you scratching at the stairs to get a rise out of your dad and acting innocent and cute once you've been called out. I will miss having to step over you as you lay across an entire step when I try to go downstairs.

I will miss how you and your dad made the bed or folded the clothes together. I'll miss how you talked a big game to the squirrels but backed down as soon as I let you out. I will miss picking you up and kissing your belly, your boeing 747 purrs, the way you would hop in my lap sometimes and just give me kisses. I'll miss holding you like a bowling ball with your little feets sticking up and your fluffy tail hanging down. I'll miss seeing that big fluffy tail curved over the front at all times.....and how you liked to play fetch with your little mousey. I will miss your sweet face and expressive eyes.

Above all else, I will miss your companionship and your love.

You will be loved forever and ever. Thank you for choosing me and your dad and thank you for being in our lives. You have forever expanded my heart and I will honor you by eventually finding another kitty who has been given up on and who needs love. I will honor you by giving them the love and the happiness that were given to you. I pray that you know how much you are loved and will always be loved. I hope at the end of everything that we can all be reunited with each other...that your spirit and mine can embrace and mingle once more and never be parted again. I love you sweet Cullen, little Stinkersons, may you rest in peace until we can be together again...

Thank you to everyone who have given us cards and left sweet words; your kindness means so much to us both <3

29Aug16 - Hey little Stinky, I just wanted you to know that I think of you every single day and miss you. I love you so much. /kiss

03Jan17 - Hey little Stinky baby...yesterday would have been your 4th birthday. We love you and miss you and talk about you often. I talk to you everyday so you know how much you are loved. You'll always be a part of our family no matter how many years pass between us. Your daddy and I love you so much.

02Mar17 - Hey little Stinks, today marks the 1 year anniversary of your loss. We love you and miss you and think of you everyday. Thank you for helping us find Diarmuid. He has so many of your traits, sometimes it feels like you're still with us in person. You're always with us in our hearts; we love you forever little Stinky.

10Jan18 - Hey Tiny Tinks, I wanted to leave a message on your board since what would have been your 5th birthday just passed. You know that I think about you and talk to you often. I bring you up to your dad once in a while and he misses you too. Diarmuid is silly and does a lot of the silly things that you did. He jumps in the laundry basket for rides too, which makes sense since both of you guys were chunky monkeys. I hope wherever you are that you can feel how much we love you.

02Mar18 - Little Tinkertons, /kiss, I love you so much and miss you always. My heart feels extra heavy today :( I miss your sweet little face and your sweet little kisses. Wherever you are, just know your daddy and I love you and talk of you often. I wish you were here. I love you little Stinky /kiss

02Mar19 - Tiny Tinkertons, /kiss This week has been really hard, I think about you a lot. Your kitty brothers and sisters are doing well and we're going to welcome your first human sister soon. I think of you often and love you always. I know you're still a part of the universe and that we are still connected. I can't wait to see you again one day. I love you forever. /kiss

02Mar20 - Hey Little Tinks, another year has gone by. You have a little human sister now along with Caoilte and Diarmuid. Clover went to join you last summer so I hope you two will watch over us here until we can all be together again. I love you and miss you Little.

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