Welcome to Cupid's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Cupid
Cupid was so special and I always knew he was meant to be with me. His litter of four was found under the deck of a house in the country and we assumed that his mother was hit by a car. The person who bottle raised them was a friend of a coworker and she knew I wanted an orange male. I saw his photo when his eyes were still closed and it was instant love. I chose his name, Cupid, before I ever met him and he really lived up to it. When I finally did meet him, he laid in my arms on his back like a baby and went to sleep. My coworker dropped him off at my vet until I could get off and get there. I had already made an appointment for him to get his first exam and shots before I took him home. I left work and ran to Petsmart to get him a carrier and got to my vet in time to see his exam. I took him home and he and Bing were immediate friends and Venus became the mother he never had. He loved me, but he really loved Venus. When she died, he looked for her for 2 weeks, which broke my heart. He and I were already very bonded, but we grew even closer once he didn't have her any longer. He had a very hard start and I just wanted to give him everything because he was so sweet. I loved him so much and enjoyed watching his journey through life. I had a fall last year and broke my neck. I had to have a very specialized surgery and Bing and Cupid went to stay with a pet sitter while I recovered and got to a point where I could care for them. When they were returned to me, Cupid was in stage 3 renal failure. He went downhill from there, but I did get to spend 3 wonderful final months loving him. I guess that's why this is so hard and I feel like I let him down. I hope he has forgiven me and knows that I miss him every minute that I am awake.
9/16/20 Today is one week since you have been gone. I miss you so, my treasured friend. Life is not the same without you. I cant't wait until I see you again. Please forgive me for not bringing you home sooner. If I had known that you weren't "great", you know I would have. As soon as Dr. Alley alerted me, I brought you home for your final 3 months. I wish I had one more day with you now. I will always love you, my little friend. Mommy
9/19/20 Hello my beautiful orange boy - today is mommy's birthday and I have shed so many tears because you are not here to share the day with me. I miss you so much. Bing wonders why I cry all of the time and I can tell that he misses you, too. I couldn't let the day go by without visiting your page and telling you again how much you are missed. No day is the same any longer. Stay put until I can get to see you again and I hope you can feel my love every day just like when you were here with me. Mommy
12/25/2020 Merry Christmas, my sweet baby - I miss you so much today; the first Christmas that we are no longer together and it's sad and it hurts. I'm waiting for you to send me a new baby that you think I should raise. A few have come along and I thought I was supposed to raise them, but it just didn't work out. You know best and I will wait for the special boy you send to me and I will know that it's right. I left a feather toy for you to play with and to pass time until Mommy can be with you again. Bing is asleep under the comforter; he misses you so much, too. He's not the same cat since we lost you, his brother and playmate for so long. Mommy thinks about you every day and I'd give anything to be with you. I hope you are happy and feeling well again. I wish you would visit me in a dream, but that doesn't happen. Know that you are always with me in my thoughts and my heart. Holidays are just reminders that you are missing from my life; they are not happy days for me. I love you as always; I hope you can feel my love. Mommy
6/22/21 Today would have been your 14th birthday. When I saw it marked on my calendar, it made me sad because you're not here to celebrate it together. You know if you were here, I'd have gotten you a new catnip toy and held you all evening while we watched TV. I've met a lot of other orange cat mommy's on Facebook because I joined a group and I always tell people about you and invite them to look at your photos and people comment about how cute you were. I still miss you so much every single day. Not a day goes by without me wishing you were still here with me. You were the best friend I could have ever asked for. I hope you're happy in your heaven and know that someday I will be reunited with you. Play and be happy in your heaven until then. Happy 14th Birthday to my sweet beloved boy, Cupid. All my love always,
7/26/21 Hello baby - Bing passed today and he should be at the bridge waiting to see you and play with you again. If you haven't seen him yet, please go and find him. He has missed you just as much as I have and he gets to be with you all of the time now. Tell Bing that Mommy loves him and that she's sorry she couldn't fix his health problems. I love both of you and can't wait to be reunited with you two. I'm glad that you're together again. Love you both so much, Mommy.
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