Welcome to Cyrus's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Cyrus
Cyrus was an amazing boy. He loved his Dad more than anything else in this world, they were best buddies. He would see the truck coming and it was a mad dash to the door, crying all the way until Dad walked into the house.
Cyrus loved his Kong and it went everywhere. It was always near and if not all you had to do was tell him to find it. He would take it out into the grass, the grass would start flying as he played and pulled up the lawn by the roots in very large clumps. He enjoyed the snow just as much and what a game to place it in the snow and than play. If ever a dog could fly it was our big beautiful boy. Going after that Kong meant getting to it as fast as possible no matter how high off the ground. He was gone before that toy could leave your hand. He was pure joy to watch. So full of life and energy.
He loved to run with the RC Trucks. His Dad would start them and he could not get out of the house fast enough. He would run you over to go play with those trucks. If they stopped he could hardly wait until Dad got them going again. I was taking a video of them one day, Cyrus had his attention on the truck; he almost took me off my feet. He did not see me, I didn't see how close they were and he plowed into me with his 85 pounds of muscle going full speed. His Dad laughed so hard and still does to this day. It did not even phase Cyrus.
Cyrus was a handful and changed our lives in a way than most people could not understand how we managed. Cyrus and Cherokee never learned to be friends so my boys were always separated. Cyrus did not like people either. Even with those challenges he was such a good boy and could be so sweet and loving. His passing has left such a vast emptiness in our home. Even though we still have our Cherokee, another Dalmatian, the house is so very quite. We all feel the change.
Cyrus now has his youth and strength back. He has joined those gone before him that he never knew and is reunited with Royal. We are sure there is a great deal of talking about who is the boss. We are sure Cyrus is now learning to enjoy the company of other dogs and will be waiting for both of us and Cherokee to join him someday.
Cyrus, you are missed so much. We just don't know how to act without you. We love you so very much. Our hearts are broken but as a good friend said, they will mend in time. Be happy until we are all together again.

8/6/10 - Life keeps carrying us forward, I was hit hard this afternoon that you have been gone almost a month. Our hearts break as we long to pet and play with you. Cyrus baby not a day passes that we don't miss you and long for you. We love you so much and wish we could turn back the clock to do it all over again. I touch your Urn and speak soft words, do you hear me? Look at all the beautiful cards surrounding it and all the kind messages in your guest book. Cherokee had to visit Dr. Bob today and we sat in that room where we spent so much time with you over the past few months, it was very hard. Please whisper a few words to Cherokee, he has not been feeling well lately. I long so to see you young and strong again when we meet at the bridge. Until than be happy and play hard. Give kisses and hugs to Pepper, Tiko, Beauty, and Royal. Kisses to my big boy.
8/11/10 - It has been a very long month since you started your new journey over the bridge. I hope you are having fun, running and playing again and making many new friends. We miss you so very much Cyrus. Mommy and Daddy still can't believe the years went by so fast. Give kisses and hugs to your brothers and sisters and dream of us when you sleep. We love our big beautiful boy. Kisses and Hugs.

Sept 18, 2010 - Two months now, the hearts are still broken. Today the house seemed especially empty. Cherokee is trying to fill your paws as the guardian but those are big paws to fill plus his age is starting to show more these days. So many thank you's to send yet for all the lovely cards and signatures in your guest book, mommy is slowing working on them. Hugs and Kisses big boy, we miss you all very much.

Nov 22, 2010 - Oh my sweet boy, four months now, winter is here along with the holidays. Our hearts still hurt so and we miss you oh so much. I do wish I could stop time for a brief bit. I can't put your cards away, can't even send the thank you cards yet, it would be too final. Your Brother is showing his age even more these days; I broke down and got him a jacket. I know, no respectful dog would be seen in a coat, oh you would have liked one too I bet. Happy Thanksgiving Baby Boy, we love you.

Dec 25, 2010 - Merry Christmas baby, we miss you so very much. This year is just not the same without you here with us. There is no snow this year and we know how you loved to play in the snow. Maybe you are keeping it all for yourself. See you in our dreams. Love you

June 6, 2011 - Oh my sweet boy, we miss you so. I can hardly believe a year has almost gone by without you at our side. Yes we talk often in our hearts and you are always here looking over us. As you know little has changed and Cherokee is doing better but I know our time is growing short. I haven't written in a while since you are in my thoughts daily but thought it time to change the season. I know how you love to play in the snow. It will come again all too soon. We had thought about fostering a little female but think the time is not yet right. Oh I know she will get on your bed and I am sure that will not make you happy but it will be okay, I promise. Okay my beautiful boy, I love you always, meet you in our dreams. Love Mommy

July 13, 2011 Our precious baby, we miss you so much. Today marks the passing of a year and the loss is still so great. I don't need to write this because you already know it but it does help me to feel a little better. Cherokee has had a rough year and we are so thankful he has stayed with us. I sometimes wonder if we made the right choice for you, but that is selfish thinking on my part. My heart breaks to think of putting you through that and know that it would have been so hard if you had made it through. Still so many tears for you. We love you and miss you so much, Love Mommy and Daddy

July 2012 - Time has passed, two years now; Cherokee has joined you. I have not done his page yet, too hard. Life has carried us forward, we share your home with two rescue kids. You see this I know. I still cry for both of you and miss you so very much, if only I could go back in time to hold both of you once again. My heart will never heal until we are together again. Cherokee's passing was too much and we just had to fill the house with paws again. What do you think of these two without spots. They both needed a home so badly, especially Gabe. Who else would have taken him in? He will come around and if he doesn't that is okay too. Mommy loves him just as I did you. Hugs & Kisses, Love you all.

July-2013 - Oh my time passes so quickly. Three years for you and almost two for Cherokee. I miss you both just as much now as the day you left me. Gabe and Isabella do keep me busy and Gabe is such a challenge. There is little I can say as I know you both are watching and listening all time so you already know all. I talk with you both often. Cyrus I miss your spirit for life and your joy to play. I miss Cherokee and his greeting bark. I so seem to have a knack for falling for the pups who have many issues don't. Do help Gabe if you can, this is all so different and scary for him but he is improving. My love to all of you that are waiting. I miss you all so very much. Hugs & Kisses.

July 13, 2015 - Five years have passed and just this morning my eyes were filled with tears. We miss you so much. We miss all of you so much. Be happy, play hard and enjoy your peaceful life until we meet again. Take care of your brothers and sisters until I am there to do that. We love you so much.

July 2017, Seven years and my heart still breaks. I miss you so much. I miss all of you. I am struggling these days out of fear that my belief in life after death may not be real. I long to see all of you so much. This can't be all there is. I can't bare to think I may never ever see any of you again. All my love forever. Mom

July 2018, Another year gone by, so much loss this year. Gabe and Isabella are getting old so quickly. I miss you and Cherokee so much, Pepper, Beauty, Royal, Tiko and Liger also. So many years gone by, so many memories. I long to see you all. Love, Mom

July 2019. Nine years have passed, we still miss you so much. I would give so much to see your beautiful face again and give you loves. You are always in our hearts and thoughts. I know you are in a wonderful place and our day will come when we are together once again, all of us. Love, Mom

July 2020. We will know ten years without you. This site is our memorial for all of you. I would love to do one for each of you but that is not possible. I still miss you, all of you so very much. The tears flow so easily when you all touch my soul or walk across my heart. My fears now are that Izzy will join you soon. She is showing her age so clearly these days. I will keep her well as best I can until than. We love you always. You are in my soul forever. Love, Mom

Jan 2022 - Cyrus please look over Isabella, she is with you now. We miss her so much, just as we still miss you greatly. My heart longs to see you all again. Love you all, always. Mom

July 2023 - Another year passes, and the tears still flow for all of you. I miss you all so much. Gabe has now joined the group over the bridge. I now have the tattoo to remember you all "Forever in my Heart". So another chapter closes, and my heart still hurts, that will never stop. We welcomed a new pup in need into the family. This baby needs a good home and lots of love which we will give. Look over Jasper, all of you give him the guidance he needs. The day I stop renewing this page will be because I have joined you all. I miss you all so much, Love Mom

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