Welcome to Dafoe's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Dafoe
Dearest little Dafoe, Mommy and Daddy's newest angel to join the Rainbow Bridge. How deeply you are missed.

Although you were almost 12, Mommy and Daddy only got to spend 9 years of your precious life with you - but what an honor and amazing 9 years it was for us!

Chance brought us together. Your brother Brody was just allergic to everything. The poor little guy could only eat food made with Duck and Peas. So, one day, Mommy took a half a day off of work to run errands. She stopped at the Vet's office to get Brody's food. And there you were! It was a picture, only 8.5" x 11" with your face and the words scrawled "HELP!" right below your precious little face. Apparently, your former owner threw you over a fence at the Vet's office and asked them to euthanize you because you ate too much and smelled funny. Luckily, a sweet lady named Danielle at the office decided to take care of you. When I met you that day, I called your Daddy on his way home from work and told him we just had to adopt you. You could never eat too much in our house!! Reluctantly, Daddy stopped to meet you - and your new home was found. And on Friday, October 13th, nonetheless. The vet told us at 8 pounds you would be in big trouble if you grew to the size of our the rest of our family. We sure showed her, eventually, you got to 16 pounds.

None of this of course, until after you quit hiding under Daddy's dresser and blankets the first few months you took up residency with us. You were so shy. And you were so sad when we brought you home...shaved everywhere from an allergic reaction you had to flea bites. We didn't think you'd ever trust us. But eventually, after a few months, you did. And you and Nikki became fast pals. Chasing each other all around the house. You gave Nikki a happiness she hadn't had the whole time she lived with us. And you made Mommy and Daddy happy, too. Always well behaved, well mannered with the other kitties. You weren't so well mannered about Mommy and Daddy's food. You had no problems grabbing chicken breasts off of our plates and running away with them to eat them! You were always so much fun. We often lamented how anyone could have ever given such an awesome kitty away. But it didn't matter. We were happy they did - because we loved having you in our family. You completed us.

Your favorite toys for many years were 3 little white mice. You treated them like they were your babies. Always carrying one around in your mouth around the house and meowing! When we moved, we had to take them off of you because you were a bit too obsessive with them. We hope you enjoyed all the other toys we left for you. But don't worry, we kept your white mice and they are in your special eternity box now, along with a piece of your favorite mat - we want you to have all the comforts of home while you are at the Rainbow Bridge.

You had the most adorable face, somewhat sad. But such a happy kitty! Mommy and Daddy always joked you looked like a black Grumpy Cat. Luckily, you had random white whiskers that would pop up every now and again. They made you even cuter and uniquely Foe-Foe.

You were such a good friend to Mommy and Daddy, too. When your brother Brody died, Mommy was sad. Brody always sat with her on the couch. Almost immediately, you started to sit on the couch with Mommy every night and soon became her new best pal and couch buddy. And you were always Daddy's friend, too. Always helping him to shower and sleeping with him every night (once you quit hiding!) for years and years. Poor Daddy lost the last kitty that would sleep with him when you passed. Daddy misses you terribly. We all do.

3 years ago, you started to get sick. Mommy and Daddy searched for months to find out why you were losing so much weight. You were diagnosed with intestinal lymphoma. Our poor baby was given two years to live. But, true to your nature, you fought - and hard. And you lived a year longer than anyone ever expected. Chemo, steroids, thyroid medicine, none of it phased you. You just kept fighting - and eating. Some of your favorite treats were Bologna, Pasta, Root Beer Floats, Rotisserie Chickens, Arby's Roast Beef sandwiches, cookies, Wendy's Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers, Long John Silver's fish - the list goes on and on. We didn't care. We knew as long as you ate, you were fighting. Anything Foe Foe wanted, Foe Foe got.

Around Thanksgiving of this year, we knew you were slipping away. Soon, our once 16-pound kitty was a mere 4.5 pounds. But Foe Foe wanted to give Mommy and Daddy one last Christmas. And what a special Christmas it was. You got to see our tree and spend time with us and eat Nana's dessert.

Two days after Christmas, you started to struggle to eat or drink. But more sadly, you were having difficulty walking and seemed confused. Mommy and Daddy knew we had to make the right decision for you - as much as it hurt. We knew we had to suffer so you could go and be free at the Rainbow Bridge. It was so hard to say goodbye. Never had we had a kitty with so much heart left in his eyes and his spirit. Knowing only your body was failing you - but your heart, so much like a lion, wanted to keep going - made saying goodbye excruciating. We hope you forgive us and we hope you understand and love us for making the compassionate choice and allowing you to pass in comfort.

No kitty will ever replace you, little Foe-Foenator. You were everything a pet owner can wish to have in their kitty and more. Time will not diminish your place in our heart. But time will replace our sadness with all of the happy memories you gave us for 9 years.

One of the best days of our lives will always be the day we met you - that fateful Friday the 13th in a chilly October. Fate brought us together little buddy and in time - we will be together again. Until then, please have fun with Beezer, Felix, Hexy and Brody. Make sure to play with your cousin Baxter, too. He is new to the Bridge, too and I'm sure he'll appreciate the company.

Rest in peace Mommy and Daddy's little angel. We love you more than you'll ever know and we will miss you every day until we meet again.

Please also visit BEEZER, Brody, Domenick Bertetto, Felix, Hexy and Nikki.

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