Welcome to Daisey's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Daisey
Daisey, We can't believe you are gone. But we know you are in a better place, no more pain and sickness for you. We didn't want to give up but we knew it was best for you. I still have your blanket on the bed because I know you are still with me. Now you can play with Ellie and Ginger. Tuco will just watch you three play. I still visit all of yours grave before I go to bed to tell you good night. Rest peacefully my friend.

Fall is here Daisey. We miss you so much. You have been gone almost a year. 2016

Merry Christmas Daisey. We miss you so much. You have a blanket of new snow. It is so pretty. 2016

Spring is here Daisey. Wish you were here. 2017

Summer is here again Daisey. Miss you so much 2017

Cant believe it is fall already. Miss you everyday. 2017

Merry Christmas Daisey. We miss you everyday. 2017

Spring is here Daisey. We miss you very much. Visit you every night before I go to bed. 4/14/2018

Fall is here again Daisey. It is hard to believe you have been gone almost three years. We still miss you

everyday. Dr Junk passed away yesterday so he will be there to help take care of you and the others now. Remember the time we got him out of bed at 3:00 a.m. and had to take you in to see him. 9/19/18

Merry Christmas Daisey.Miss you and the others everyday.Still have a blanket on the bed for you. 12/17/18

Spring is here again. Miss you everyday.I know you are still here with me. 04/08/19

Summer is here and very hot. 90 degree temps. You would be soaking up the a/c today with me. Miss you everyday. 7/15/2019

Hi Daisey.Hope all is well. Miss you watching me as I mow. I still always look at where you would be laying.Nice cool weather now. Miss you everyday. 10/7/2019

Merry Christmas Daisey. We miss you being here with us.I sent you a new package for Christmas.Snow is on your grave.It looks pretty. I miss you at night. 12/18/19

Spring is here Daisey.Saw you watching me mow under the Lilac bush.Visit you every night before going to bed. Miss you everyday. 4/9/20

Hi Daisey, I sure miss you. Think of you and the others everyday. Something happened to your light on the fence. Been very hot but you would have been in the A/C. 7/7/2020

Fall is here. Will have lot's of leaves to rake. Miss you everyday. 10/03/2020

Mery Christmas Daisey. I sure miss you.We had a white Christmas this year. Wish all of you were still with us. Happy New Year. Maybe the new year will be better.12/25/2020

Spring is here. Virus seems to be going away. Had alot of snow for several days this winter. Easter and Good Friday are here. Sure miss you. 4/2/21

Hi Daisey Been very hot this summer. Was mowing the other day thinking about you. Still miss you. 7/24/21

Merry Christmas Daisey. I was sick last night and had to use your blanket to keep me warm. I had the chills and fever but better today. Rainy day today no snow. Miss you everyday 12/25/21

Spring is here. We had a visitor a couple weeks back,I think it was you come back to see us. Really enjoyed the visit. Miss you everyday. 4/4/2022

Summer time Daisey. Been hot this summer. Had bad back problems but getting better. Never heard anymore about the visitor we had.I still think it was you had came back to see us.Miss you everyday. 7/15/2022

Fall time Daisey. Lots of leaves to rake. Had a visitor the other day. A Huskie very nice and friendly dog. She spent the night. We fed her and gave her water. She was very hungry. She is at the shelter right now to see if anyone claims her. If they don't claim her they said they could find her a new good home. Miss you everyday.11/08/2022

Merry Christmas Daisey. Had a nice Christmas this year. Lot of snow and very cold with high wind. Big drift in front of garage. We still miss you and think of you everyday. 12/25/2022

Hi Daisey, Spring is back. Lots of birds around. More baby rabbits too. Miss you everyday. 04/04/2023

Hello Daisey, Summer is back and been hot too. Think of you everyday. I miss you at night. Dont seem the same without you.Mom had other knee replaced and you were here when she had the other replace. About to wear me out but things are getting better now.Rest easy my friend we will be with all of you someday.Miss you everyday.8/11/2023

Hi Daisey, Fall is here again. The summer has sure went fast. Lot of mowing and had trees trimmed and some cut down. Trying to get caught up on my work before winter. Will be raking leaves before long. Sure miss having you around to watch me while I was outside working.Moms birthday today.Miss you everyday. 10/22/2023

Merry Christmas Daisey. Hope all is well. Miss you at night in the house.No snow for Christmas this year. Think of you everyday. 12/25/2023

Hi Daisey. Spring is back. Grass is growing fast. Lot of rain this spring. Having a little back problems but not to bad this time.Sure wish you and the rest of the gang was still here. Miss all you very much. One day closer to seeing all of you.4/10/2024

Hi Daisey Mae Hot day today at home. Around 90 degrees today. You would have been in the A/C today also. Miss you everyday.7/12/2024

Hi Daisey, Nice fall day today. Cleaned off flowers today we have had a frost already.The leaves will be falling before long and will have to rake them up. I miss you watching me mow the grass. I was always looking to see if you were watching me.Miss you everyday. 10/24/2024

Merry Christmas Daisey. No white Christmas this year. Hasn't been too cold either. No sun today just cloudy out.Miss you every day.12/25/2024

Please also visit Ellie, Ginger and Tuco.

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