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Memories of Daisy
Now you are with Sheba & Richie getting tackled and pulled on.

On 1/7/00 5 kids & a hubby got out the car giggling & laughing. I saw a leash & said that better be a lizard on the end of that leash. Here it was a chocolate lab/lizard/puppy. Flopping ears & a hunger to chew in her eyes. The first month she chewed, chewed, and chewed until there was nothing in reach to chew. She had her first snowfall in the mountains and she loved it! Bouncing and running the kids over. She had 5 kids in the beginning who played, ran with, and chased!
Soon Zack would be born in May. There was a beginning of a human/dog life story began. They would fight while she stole his bottles, chewed his shoes and diapers. Daisy would soon turn into a jungle gym & pull toy! She laid down while Zack crawled. She stand up when he started his first steps. She ran when they both were into things together. She ran after me tripping me up the steps to get to Zack during our house fire.
In June 2003 Richie was born. Daisy helped with getting everything ready. Soon after Richie came home she stayed with me at night for night time feedings and holdings. Daisy would sneak to the crib and lay there. Daisy was there when Richie past of SIDS 23 days later. She was there when I came home crying. I saw the pain she was feeling. She was there after the funeral & made it known that I was to stay sane. She was there to give me kisses and keep me on my feet.
In June of 2004 she welcomed Joey home. Joey came home with a monitor & every time it beeped she would be alert and jump as fast as daddy did to get to Joey.
In May 2007 she welcomed home the twins Trisha and Nicky. Then she looked at me like.....really two of them at the same time! This would change her world! Have two of them chasing her, two highchairs to sit under and two walking with her!
Daisy had two grandparents that you never never ever got in her way when they came over or visits! She would flip, run, and roll. She loved mom mom and pop pop soooo much! She would literally run the kids over to get into the van when I say....Who wants to see Mom mom and Pop Pop! At times she would just break the door down and sit in the van.....she loved them.
You were daddy's dog. You would stand, give him hugs and dance with him. You & him had a chickabulg that was too funny. You would get so excited when daddy was on the webcam calling you. How you talked to him on your headphones with your whines, cry and looking for him.
Daisy dog helped me with 11 kids. Every problem that arrived with schools, the house, work, or anything.....she was there. Daisy was chased out of Mario's catering place with a turkey in her mouth while Louie was screaming "TRISH YOUR DOG!!!!!!!!" She would sneak around Pathmark to get her donuts from the ladies. She would pop blow up pools and going swimming with the ducks at the park. She loved to play flip dads sock and sock tug a war with the kids. Daisy was always at the door for every welcome home from the ER. Every surgery I had....she was the one who laid with me. She was the school dog that hung out the van window. She was the one who nipped and barked at the kids when they were out of control. She would always tell me daddy was coming home. She sit at the porch window, whine & cry until he showed up! My Daisy dog was there for the FIRST of everything...she never missed a beat! She was the one who beat the kids down the snow hills just to roll and roll and roll in the snow. If I did not take Daisy with me on errands or anywhere....watch out when you stepped into the house & get the steam cleaner out! She never judge me or told me anything negative. She loved me for me and my insane life! She loved me just they way I am.
My last days with you Daisy was like losing a child all over again. I held you at night crying & saying that you can't leave me. That you were my rock and my everything. I held you until your last breathe. I held you like you held me when I was in pain. Now I have to hold you daddy and be strong for him for when he comes home next week. He truly loved you & you are his baby girl. You are truly the best dog for this family & giving this whole family the best 10 years of our lives. I love you and miss you so much from the bottom of my heart......best chocolate lab lizard/puppy <3
2/22/10 I went into the Candlelight for you tonight & saw you had cat, dog and bunny friends that crossed with you. I missed you today as did the kids @ school, at dunkin donuts and our usual places we went. I cannot believe how many people are hurting that you left us all....you were a popular dog! Joey even cried when he came home from school to a empty house. We all miss you :( Now that you have bunny friends.....don't chase them....lol Love you daisy dog.
Hi Daisy, it's 2012, it's mom mom writing to you. You are being kept safe in my bedroom until your mommy's house is built. you would have loved this place.. so much room. We all miss you so much and love you lots! my daisy ... my grandpuppy

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