Welcome to Daisy's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Daisy's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Daisy
Daisy was born in Lyons, Colorado on September 2, 1997. I brought her home on October 17, 1997. It had snowed the night before, so the first thing she did was go in the backyard and run around in the snow. She loved the cold and snow! Whenever it was snowing, she would go outside for a while. Then come into the house for about 10 minutes and then want to go back outside. This could go on for hours.

If she wanted something and I was sleeping, she would jump into my bed and sit on me. She would not move until I got up.

Daisy loved to chew on paper towels. Whenever we would have a dinner party, we had to use cloth napkins which Daisy didn't bother with.

Daisy fit the old saying "dog spelled backwards is GOD". She was always eager to please me, even to the end. The morning of November 30, 2012 at 9:40 I had the vet come to my house and euthanize her. This was a very difficult decision and the first time I had to make such a decision. Daisy never showed pain, but she was having trouble breathing and couldn't walk at all the last 15 minutes on earth. I had to carry her outside so she could see the snow one last time. I laid Daisy in the snow for a minute then I brought her back into the house, put her on the sofa and waited for the vet. He listened to her heart and said it was weak, put her to sleep, let me say my final good-bye, and euthanized her. We were all crying or teared up at that point.

She loved people and she always wanted to be with people. The last year, I had to help her up. But when kids would come over she would manage to get up herself and play with them. The next day she wouldn't want to move. I would have to remind her of her age.

12/9/2012 - It has been 9 days since you left for the Rainbow Bridge, Daisy. I still miss you, but I trust you are happy and healthy. I will be joining you in the near future and we will NEVER be seperated again! I have looked at getting another Golden, not to replace you but to share your toys with. Would that be OK with you?

12/11/2012 - Today the vet called and I was able to bring you home. I bought a blue urn for you and now you sit on the shelf in the bedroom next to Simba. Yesterday a breeder called, Gayle, and she will have puppies on Christmas eve. Would you come with me to pick out your sister? I want you to help me train her. It's been 11 days since I sent you on your journey. I hope you are feeling better. I miss you so much and need to know if you want me to get another Golden now.

12/14/2012 - It's been 2 weeks since you continued your journey. It is a little easier knowing you are happy, young, and waiting for me to join you. I miss the way you used to chase acorns when we went for our walks. It is very lonely walking without you at my side. The deer haven't been around since you left. I think they miss you too. Jeannette, a breeder from W. Virginia called today and will have red Goldens sometime in April. The DAM looks just like you.

12/21/2012 - It's been 3 weeks today since you left me. I'm sorry I had to send you on your journey, but you were ready to go. The vet agreed, I hope and pray you agree as well. I still miss you very much and sometimes I see you in the house or back yard. Last night I thought I heard you barking. I am looking at getting another Dark Red Golden, what do you think? I need your help in making this decision.

12/25/2012 - MERRY CHRISTMAS Daisy. It was very sad today because you were not here to shred the christmas wrapping paper. I gave you a couple of gifts. I hope you like them and I hope you are happy. Tomorrow I have to go to Michigan, but I will be back in Pennsylvania on January 3, 2013. I like watching the Digital picture frame with all your pictures(260). THANK YOU Daisy for 15 years of love. Until we meet again my love.

12/28/2012 - Hi Daisy. It's been 4 weeks since I had to say Good Bye. It still hurts very much. I had to go to Grand Rapids last Wednesday during that blizzard. I saw at least 50 accidents, but thanks to you and GOD, I wasn't one of them. Next week I'm going home on Thursday to a very empty house. None of the Golden Retriever breeders I contacted have gotten back to me. Do you want me to get another furry best friend? The vet that helped you with the next part of your journey made a contribution in your name to Cornell University veterinary school. I will talk to you next Friday/next year.

01/01/2013 - Happy New Year Daisy! I hope you are enjoying yourself and are playing at lot.

01/04/2013 - Good Morning Daisy. Raya moved to Grand Rapids last week.I got back to Danville yesterday afternoon. It's been 5 weeks and the house is very empty and doesn't feel like a home with you being gone. I miss you so much, Daisy. I look forward to the day when we can be together again. PLEASE wait for me, that day will come!!! Take care of yourself and have fun, you always loved to play.

01/11/2013 - Good Morning Daisy. It's been 6 long and lonely weeks without you. It's not getting any better. Every new Golden Retriever breeder WEB site I go to has a puppy/dog named Daisy. I keep thinking you are trying to tell me something. Yesterday James came over and said "the house still smells like Daisy". I think he meant it in a bad way, but I am glad you can still be smelt in the house. I never want that to go away. Take care Daisy and know I will join you shortly, PLEASE wait for me!

01/18/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, It's been 7 weeks and it still hurts. This morning I got the e-mail reminder about your Flea/Tick/Heart prevention. You don't have to worry about that anymore. It seems no-one has a Golden puppy for me. I am on 4 lists for a puppy. Daisy, I need your help with this. I look forward to the day when we can be together again! I hope if I do get another Golden I can love her as much as I love you. Maybe I shouldn't get another puppy. I keep remembering the past when we were together. Talk to you later Daisy, my love!

01/25/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, I miss you so much even after 8 weeks. I hope you are happy, you deserve to be happy and I can't wait until the day we can be together again. I think about you all the time, especially at night. I remember all the fun we had together over the last 15 years, THANK YOU, Daisy. You may be gone physically but you will always be in my heart and in my memories!!

02/01/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, even after 9 weeks I miss you so much. Talked to the breeders this week. The litter born on Dec. 21 didn't have any females. The breeder in Virginia doesn't certify the hips or anything. The breeder in Selinsgrove thinks she will have about 8 puppies, not sure of sex. I hope you are happy and enjoying yourself. I will see you soon so PLEASE wait for me. I am sorry how the last 6 months of your time on earth were. Hopefully I can make it up to you when we meet again. You taught me so much during your life. Even near the end you never complained or got upset. It made things a little easier for me. I hope when my time comes, I can be as graceful. THANK YOU Daisy. I hope I can love another Golden as much as I love you, but know she will not replace you in my heart or mind. I hope she has some of your characteristics. Good bye until next week, you are always in my thoughts, almost every night I woke at 4:00 to take you out and I worry about stepping on you when I get out of bed.

02/08/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, It's been 10 long weeks. I miss you very much. One of the breeders sent me e-mail yesterday about another breeder who has 12 Dark Golden's. The parents look just like you. I sent her e-mail asking about the puppies which are 4 weeks old. They were born around January 9, 2013. I hope you are having fun and are healthy agsin with 2 good back legs. Don't forget me, I will be joining you as soon as I can. Take care Daisy, my Love.

02/15/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, It's been 11 weeks without your presence in my house, you are still in my heart and always will be. You still don't have a sister. There are 2 breeders that are expecting this month, should I get another puppy? I'm not sure I can give it the love it deserves. I so miss you my Love. I hope you are happy, healthy, having fun, and waiting for me. I will be coming soon. All my Love!!

02/22/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, It's been 12 weeks and life isn't getting any better. I think of you every time I get out of bed. I'm worried about stepping on you. Raya is getting a Basset Hound, Simba, on March 25, it was born January 28. I have no news about your sister and I'm not sure I should get another Golden because you fill my mind every minute with memories of the past 15 years we spent together. I think about when we will be together again. Wait for me, but enjoy yourself and have fun. We WILL be together again Daisy. I can't wait! Thank you for 15 years of unconditional LOVE, I know it wasn't always easy, especially the last 6 months. Forgive me Daisy.

03/01/2013 - Good Morning Daisy,it's been 13 long painful weeks. Seeing the new kennel I bought for the new Basset hurts very much. I think how much you hated your kennel, but I wasn't going to let the new puppy use it. I have boxed up all your belongings, even if I do get another Golden, I won't let him have your toys. Take care of yourself and know that I am always thinking about you and that I miss you very much. We will be together again. I will be moving to Michigan in a couple of months, but I will bring your ashes,they are in my bedroom now.

03/08/2013 - Good Morning Daisy. it's been 14 weeks and it is still painful. Memories of you fill my thoughts every minute of the day and night. The only thing that eases my sorrow is knowing you are happy, healthy, pain free, and waiting for me to join you. That day will come soon. I went to State College yesterday and saw Simba Jr., Raya's new BFF. I will pick him up on March 26. I haven't found you a sister yet. I'm starting to think you don't want me to get another Golden. I will be moving to Michigan in about 2 months. Thank you for 15 years of LOVE and companionship Daisy!

03/15/2013 - Good Morning Daisy. It's been 15 weeks since you started on the next part of your journey. PLEASE wait for me so you can show me the way. I know you were ready to go, if I knew how painful it was going to be I'm not sure I could have done it. I LOVE you more than life itself. I keep remembering things we did together in the past and wish we could go back and do them all over again. I will never forget that Friday morning at 9:40 when you left. THANK YOU Daisy!

03/22/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, it's been 16 weeks and I still think about you all the time. Last Friday afternoon Connie called from LOCO Meadows and Ellie had her litter of 8 puppies, 5 females/3 males born on February 24, 2013 (Sunday). The father is HAYDEN. They are not as dark as you, but Ellie acts just like you. Monday I went to her house, saw the puppies, and talked to Connie, mostly about you and I paid her for one of the puppies. Next Tuesday I will go to State College to get Simba, Raya's Basset. Although she is telling everybody it is my dog. Because of you I only want Goldens, and I will get DAZEY, after April 21. I hope you like her. THANK YOU for 15+ years Daisy and I hope I can love the new Dazey almost as much as I LOVE you. This is NOT a replacement for you, but a sister and a companion. I will NEVER forget you. ALL MY LOVE FOREVER, DAISY!

03/29/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, it's Good Friday and 17 weeks ago you started your next chapter. I hope you are happy and having fun. I didn't know how much I would miss you, I think about you every minute of every day. Last Tuesday I went to State College and picked up Simba Jr. and I'm trying to housebreak him now. Getting him makes me miss you more even though he's Rayas BFF. I hope you haven't forgotten me.I can't wait until we are together ago. Our last minutes together is stuck in my mind forever. ThANK YOU and PLEASE wait for me, Daisy.

04/05/2013 - Today marks 18 weeks without you which has left a big hole in my life and heart. I thought getting Raya's Basset, Simba Jr., might help a little, but it hasn't. It has actually made it worse because I keep remembering you and things we learned together. April 21 I can pick up Dazey, your sister, who is paid for. I am worried I won't love her the way I Loved you. I wish I could live the last 15 years with you over again, even the last couple months when you were saying good bye. Daisy, PLEASE wait for me! I'll come shortly. Thank you.

04/12/2013 -Good Morning Daisy, It's been 19 weeks without your companionship and I still miss you. I'm in Michigan closing on the new house. I will get your sister on April 22. I need help training Simba, he wants to go in the house all the time. I can't go to church today, But I will when I get back to Danville next week. All my LOVE Daisy. Be happy!

04/19/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, it's been 20 weeks without you. Life will never be the same without you at my side. Connie called last Tuesday and asked me to pick up your sister on Saturday, April 20 at 10 AM. Dazey will never replace you, but I hope it is OK with you that I get another Golden. I had a safe trip to Michigan last weekend. No problems with the truck or Simba. I think you would like the new house, the weather was cold/snowy. I miss you so much Daisy. PLEASE wait for me, but be happy in the mean time. I am coming, my LOVE.

04/26/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, it's been 21 long weeks since your journey took you away from me and it's still very difficult. Not a moment goes by that I don't think about you. I picked up your sister last Saturday, 4/20/2013 at 10:00 in Selinsgrove. I named her Dazey. She is so much like you. She likes the cold, she doesn't eat very much, and she likes to play. I need your help house breaking/training her. She is light colored, almost blonde and weighs 13 pounds. Thank you for 15 years Daisy, I would give anything to be able to do it all again. All my LOVE, Mark

05/03/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, it's been 22 weeks since you started your next chapter. Hopefully you have not forgotten me. My new BFF, Dazey, is 9.5 weeks old. She is a very good puppies but has a lot to learn. I wish you were here to help me house train her. I find myself comparing her to you, which is not fair. Thank You Daisy for everything you taught me, So I don't make the same mistakes with her that I with you. I miss you so much, I need your help with Dazey. Remember, I will never forget you and I hope you are having fun and are pain free. I will come for you soon ans I will introduce you to Dazey. All my LOVE forever, Daisy.

05/10/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, it's been 23 weeks and I still miss you very much, even with the new Golden, Dazey. Yesterday the movers came and took everything out of the house and put it on a truck. It will be in Michigan the first part of June. I will move to Michigan next week. Dr. Moya and his wife bought the house for her mother. I hope your spirit will come to Michigan with me and help me with these puppies, Dazey and Simba. I look forward to the day when we can be together forever, so PLEASE wait for me. I pray that you are having fun and are able to walk by yourself again. Remember Daisy I LOVED you and always will. I know I was harsh with you sometimes, and I am sorry. I wish we could live the last 15 years all over again. All my LOVE Daisy.

05/17/2013 - Good Afternoon Daisy, it has been 24 long weeks. I moved to Michigan last Tuesday, May 14, with Dazey and Simba. I wish you were with us. I miss you so much and I want to thank you for 15 years of LOVE. I just visited the new vet in Michigan and she said you lived about 4 years longer than normal. Thank you GOD and Daisy, I wish you could have lived 30 or 40 years longer. I miss you every day. Dazey is a little terror, I see you in her eyes. PLEASE wait for me Daisy, we will be together again. I also miss the little white deer in Pa.. Watch over her for me. THANK YOU daisy.

05/24/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, it's been 25 long heart breaking weeks. I now live in Michigan and I'm having real problems with Dazey and Simba. They run away at least once a day so next week they will get invisible fence collars. They don't seem to get the whole house training. One day they do good and next day they pee/poop in the house. You were so good, you never ran away and were easy to train. Daisy, can you help me with these 2 puppies. I miss you so much and think about you all the time. I WILL see you soon and I will always LOVE you.

05/31/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, It's been 26 long hard weeks and I still remember that last morning together like it was yesterday. Dr. Moya is going to close on our house in Danville next Tuesday, June 4, I still need your help with your sister and Simba. Simba is peeing all the time, he can't seem to hold it. Dazey is a lot like you were, but she is a little more independent. I hope you are pain free and able to run, swim, and have fun. I look forward to the day we can be together again. I miss you so much Daisy and wish we could live the last 15 years all over again! See you soon, my LOVE.

06/07/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, After 27 weeks I still remember every moment of our life together and think about you always, even when I'm with Dazey, your sister. All my furniture came from Danville last Monday including your stuff. The new house has an invisible fence and Dazey wears a shock collar, but she learned quickly about getting to close to the fence. I don't like the collar, but it keeps her safe. The Danville house didn't sale yet because of the appraisal being less than the asking price, $44,000 less. PLEASE don't worry about me and have fun Daisy, I will join you as soon as I can. Thank You for 15 years of LOVE we shared, I wish we could do it all over again.

06/14/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, It's been 28 weeks since you started your new chapter in life. I hope you are doing great. We sold the last house we knew together in Danville last Tuesday. I was sad because of the thoughts of our last moments together. I hope you came with me to Michigan with Dazey. She has a scar on her head were you had that skin flap. I tell her about you a lot. Someday we will be together and you can play with your sister. Take care of yourself Daisy and always remember I AM thinking of you and will always LOVE you. You have affected me more than any dog I have had before and you taught me more than anything or anyone else. Thank You Daisy, Take care of yourself.

06/21/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, it's been 29 weeks and you are still missed very much. I see you in your sister, but she has a lot to learn and I need your help. She is just like you, she goes to the door, but doesn't make a sound. This week 2 of my friends passed away. I know you never met them, but if you see them, help them although Charlie doesn't like dogs. PLEASE take care of yourself and have fun, GOD knows you deserve it. I hope and pray we will be together again for eternity. I miss you so much and will always LOVE you.

06/28/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, it's hard to believe it has been 30 weeks. It seems like it was yesterday. Every time I go in the bedroom I see your pictures/URN and wish you could come back. Tomorrow Dazey starts puppy class. I hope she does as well as you. You taught me so much about dogs, life, and LOVE. Thank you Daisy. The trainer said you should have only been with me for 10 years, but you shared your life/LOVE with me for 15 years. THANK YOU and know that I will always LOVE you and we will be together again for eternity.

07/05/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, it's been 31 weeks and you are in my thoughts every minute of everyday. Yesterday was July 4th, Not many fireworks/noise where I live in Michigan, so your sister, Dazey wasn't bothered. Dazey is losing her puppy teeth, she had her first puppy class last Saturday. She did good, but not as good as you. She is learning pretty quickly. How are you doing? Last Sunday Larry's dog, Winston, died. Like you, he was able to say good-bye to Larry. Thank You for all you taught me Daisy and never forget me. I will be coming so we can be together for eternity, I will never forget you or stop LOVING you!

07/12/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, It's been 32 weeks without you. Your sister, Dazey, is doing better with house training and the puppy classes. You are living on in my heart and will forever. Sometimes it hurts to see your pictures on the digital picture frame. I remember all the fun we had together and wonder what you were thinking. Larry doesn't want to get another dog because of the pain of losing it, but I would give anything to be able to spend another 15 years with you or to repeat the last 15 years. Thank you Daisy for everything you have taught me, I WILL LOVE you forever.

07/19/2013 - It's been 33 weeks Daisy and today your sister, Dazey, goes in for a biopsy of the spot on her head. I remember taking you to Dr. Berg for your hip surgeries and worrying something would go wrong. You were always such a strong and brave friend. You taught me so much, I hope I can be as brave. I look at your pictures, get a little depressed, then start to feel a little happier knowing you are able to run and have fun again. I dream of the day when we can be together again. All my LOVE always, Daisy. I WILL see you soon.

07/26/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, It's been 34 weeks and you are in my thoughts all the time. Yesterday your sister got stung and her face swelled up so I had to take her to the vet. Apparently she is allergic to bees. She is slowly becoming house trained. I bought a door bell to help because like you she goes to the door and doesn't make a sound so after a minute she goes in the house. Training Dazey brings back the memories of training you and makes me sad because it is not you. Then I wonder how long Dazey is going to be with me and how it is going to end. I will be with you soon and we can start making more memories to share forever. All my LOVE, Daisy.

08/02/2013 - Today marks 35 weeks since you started your new journey Daisy and I still think about you all the time. That will never stop. I put up your picture in the office so I can look at you every day, but I really don't need it because your image is engraved in my mind forever. Until I can spend eternity with you have fun while you are waiting for me to join you. All my LOVE, Daisy.

08/09/2013 - Today it has been 36 weeks and I remember how you went bravely for your hip surgery. Dazey, your sister, is going in to be spayed and have the Dermiod cyst removed from her head. Yesterday we went to Lake Michigan and she went swimming like you use to do in Colorado. Every time we do something, I remember you doing the same thing. Daisy I really miss you and I think of you all the time and THANK YOU for teaching me so much about life and Goldens. I wish we could do it all over again. Dazey is benefitting from what you taught me. LOVE ALWAYS.

08/16/2013 - Today I'm a little late. Not because I forgot, but so much to do. It's been 37 weeks and Dazey is recovering from 3 surgeries. The dew claw repair turned out to be the worst. It got infected and I had to put the e-collar on her. I remembered how you hated that collar when you had your hip surgery. Hopefully I can take it off her today. Almost everything that happens to Dazey makes me remember you. I miss you so much Daisy. I dream of the day we can be together again and I can introduce you to your sister Dazey. I hope and pray you are healthy and happy. You are always in my heart and thoughts. I will NEVER forget you, Daisy!

08/23/2013 - Today marks 38 weeks since you left me for your next chapter. It still hurts. I don't know if I can get to a computer next week, but I will try. Dazey is recovering nicely from her 3 surgeries. She definitely is a Golden and seems to be very smart. I don't know if I can compare the 2 of you. I hope you will help me and her in life. We both need you. She is at the stage where she wants to chew/destroy everything. All my LOVE Daisy and THANK YOU.

09/02/2013 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY Daisy! You would have been 16 today. I am sorry I didn't write to you last Friday on the 39th week, but I was in Barcelona, Spain. Your sister was alone with a house sitter. I thought about you and your sister often. I got back home last night. Spain was nice, but dirty. There are several churches/cathedrals because Spain is mostly a Catholic country. I know you were with me in Spirit. Thank you, Daisy.

09/06/2013 - It's been 40 weeks and I still wish you were with me. I will always remember the day you left. I think about us being together again. Your picture is hanging in my office and your ashes are in the hall leading to the bedroom. I have a shelf to install so your ashes will be in the office below your picture. Daisy, take care and know I will always LOVE you. Thank You for spending your time on earth with me.

09/13/2013 - Today marks 41 weeks since you left me and it still feels/hurts like it was yesterday. Daisy, I need your help with your sister, Dazey. She is not behaving like you did. You were always such a good friend and I'm not sure about your sister. I sincerely pray that you are healthy and happy now. I also hope you have forgiving me for the way I treated you the last 6 months of your time with me. I will always LOVE you and count the days until we can be together again. Thank you for everything you have taught me Daisy.

09/20/2013 - Today marks 42 weeks since you left me Daisy and it still hurts very much. I want us to be together again. I wish I could go back and live the last 16 years again with you in my life. I will hurt until we are together again Daisy. Dazey just came into the room to say Hi. I'm so sorry you had to leave and I pray you can forgive the way I treated you the last year. You and GOD helped me make the decision to send you on your way Daisy. You were so brave, I hope I can be as brave and strong when my time comes. It will help knowing you are waiting for me. Take care Daisy and PLEASE wait for me, but don't be sad because we will be together again.

09/27/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, its been 43 weeks and you are all around me. Your picture hangs in my office with your remains sitting on the shelf with Simba right below your picture. All my pictures, 265, of you are on a digital picture frame in the hall leading to the bedroom. Dazey can see it all night from her kennel. I miss you so much and always will. GOD take care of Daisy until I can be with her again. All my LOVE, Daisy.

10/04/2013 - It's been 44 weeks Daisy and I still think of you all the time and I think about the day we can be together again. Dazey is getting better, now Simba has elbow dysplasia and needs surgery. The leafs are changing so your favorite time of year is coming. I don't know how Dazey will like the snow. Take care of yourself and know I will always LOVE you, Daisy.

10/11/2013 - It's been 45 weeks Daisy and I wonder how you are doing. I hope/pray you are happy, young, and pain free. I hope you are having fun, but also that you are waiting for me. We will be together again and Dazey will join us. I think of you always and everywhere. Thank you for everything you taught me and know I will always LOVE you.

10/18/2013 - Good morning Daisy, it's been 46 long weeks. Today I would have given you flea, tick, and heartworm medicine. I gave it to Dazey, your sister. She is on your schedule. I don't think you have to worry about fleas where you are now. I hope/pray you are having fun while waiting for me and Dazey. It is still hard to believe you're gone. Sometimes the memories of you make me cry. All my LOVE, always.

10/25/2013 - Good Morning Daisy on our 47th week. On November 13 I am having surgery on my right knee. I remember how you were so brave when you had your hip surgery. I wish you were here to help me through surgery/recovery. I know you are here in spirit. Daisy you are always on my mind and I hope/pray you haven't forgot me. I look forward to the day we can be together again. LOVE always.

11/01/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, today marks 48 weeks since you left me. I look at your sister, Dazey, and wonder when/how she will leave me. I wish we had spent more time together during the 15 years we had together. I miss you every day. I look at your ashes, pictures, and video and wish I had more. Thank You for everything you taught me and for the unconditional LOVE you gave me. I know it wasn't always easy for you and I didn't deserve it at times. See you soon.

11/08/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, it has been 49 weeks and you are still talked about all the time and your sister is compared to you. You were one of a kind and I now realize how lucky I was to have had you in my life. I wish you could have stayed forever, but we will be together again for eternity. Thank you for coming into my life and teaching me so much. I will never forget you! All my LOVE always.

11/15/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, it's been 50 weeks. I'm sorry I didn't make it to church today. I had knee surgery on Wednesday and I can hardly walk. I wonder how you were so brave when you had your 2 knee surgeries. I am taking pain pills and Motrim. I have to use crutches to get around. I'm trying to be as brave as you were, but I'm not doing very good. I will get to church Monday. Please take care of yourself and wait for me. I will never forget you and I will never stop LOVING you.

11/22/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, It has been 51 weeks since you continued on your journey. I hope you are HAPPY and Pain free. My knee is slowly getting better, now I wonder how you endured during your 2 CCL surgeries. You were so brave. I'm trying to be just as brave, but I'm not doing a very good job. Thank You for everything you taught me. Until we can be together for eternity, take care of yourself. PLEASE wait for me, I LOVE you and I hope you still love me.

11/29/2013 - Today it has been 52 weeks since your journey took you away from me. Tomorrow, November 30, 2013 at 9:40 AM marks our 1 year anniversary. It seems like only yesterday. I hope and pray you are happy and pain free. I don't know when, but I will be joining you soon. THANK YOU for the memories and everything you taught me about life. Know I will never stop LOVING/thinking about you.

11/30/2013 - THANK YOU Daisy, Today marks 1 year at 9:40 when you continued on your journey. We WILL be together again! All my LOVE.

12/06/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, it's been 53 weeks and I LOVE you as much as the day you continued your journey. It's been a difficult week for me, but knowing you're waiting for me makes it a little easier. Your sister seems to be behaving a little better, she is 10 months old. She does whine a lot, but I don't know why or what she wants. Thank You Daisy for everything you taught me about life.

12/13/2013 - Good Morning Daisy, it's been 54 weeks and Raya is getting ready for Christmas. This will be your sisters first Christmas, she is 10 months old. She seems to like the snow as much as you did. This will be the second Christmas without you, but you will be remembered this Christmas and every Christmas s long as I'm alive. Your ornament is on the tree as always. All my LOVE.

12/20/2013 - Good Morning Daisy on the 55 week. Today there is an ice storm and the roads are sheet ice so I won't be able to make it to church, but don't think I'm not thinking of you. I will always LOVE you and never forget you, not even for a minute. Have fun while you are waiting for me to join you.

12/25/2013 - Merry Christmas Daisy. I hope you are having fun!! All my LOVE.

12/27/2013 - Good Morning Daisy on the 56 week of our separation. I hope you had a good Christmas. I thought about you a lot on Christmas and I got you a gift. It's a chicken flavored T-bone like a nylabone. I miss you so much and look forward to the day when we can be together again.

01/03/2014 - Good Morning Daisy and Happy New Year. It's been 57 weeks, I don't know if you have any sense of time, but I do think of you every day. Some days I wonder how you would like living in Michigan. There is a lot of land to run around, 2.6 acres. Similar to what you had in Pa.. I hope/pray you are pain free and waiting for me. All my LOVE.

01/10/2014 - Today marks week 58 since you continued your journey without me. I hope you are thinking of me, but having fun and are pain free. I feel so honored to have been part of your life and can't wait until we are together again. You taught me so much in the 15 years we were together, THANK YOU. I will always LOVE you. Dazey, your sister, reminds me of you every day.

01/17/2014 - Good Morning Daisy. It's been 59 weeks and you are still talked about a lot. It's not fair, but your sister, Dazey, is compared to you. She started eat poop and I have to figure out how to stop it. This is something you never did. You set a high standard for any dog that follows you and you taught me so much about life. Thank you and all my LOVE.

01/24/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on week 60. It has been very cold here and your sister, Dazey, started eating dog poop. I don't know why. You never did this. She seems a little fat even though I only feed her 1 cup twice a day. Can you help me train her to be as good as you were? Thank You for being part of my life and giving me 15 years of LOVE.

01/31/2014 - Good Morning Daisy, it's been 61 weeks and while life goes on, it doesn't get better. I still miss you as much as the day you continued your journey. Your sister, Dazey is 11 months old and yesterday started chewing on the house. Something you never did. I'm thinking I should not have gotten her. Help me Daisy as you have in the past. Thank you for 15 years of LOVE.

02/07/2014 - Good Morning Daisy, it's been 62 weeks. I hope you are having fun. I wish you could be here with me in Michigan, we have record amounts of snow which you would love to play in. You always enjoyed the snow so much. I remember how you drove me crazy whenever it snowed because you would go in and out for hours. I miss you so much and LOVE you always.

02/14/2014 - Happy Valentines Days Daisy, it's been 63 weeks and we talk about you almost every day. You are always on my mind. We compare your sister to you all the time. PLEASE take care of yourself and wait for me. All my LOVE.

02/21/2014 - Good morning Daisy. It's been 64 weeks without you. It seems like you left yesterday and it still hurts very much. I wish we could have continued together here on earth. I WILL join you someday and we will be together for eternity with your sister Dazey. You will like her. Have fun and be pain free, I know you had to go. Thank you for 15 years, I WILL never forget you.

02/28/2014 - Good Morning Daisy. It's been 65 weeks and here in Michigan we set a lot of records this winter. Last night it was -10F. It does seem to bother your sister and I'm sure you would have loved it. I wish we could repeat the last 15 years. A day doesn't go by the I don't think about you or something you did. I still remember the day you got a sand burr in your paw and came limping to me to help you. That day I knew you LOVED me. Thank you for teaching me so much.

03/07/2014 - It's been 66 weeks and this morning all I can think of is that last hour you spent with me. I remember when you said goodbye at 9:10 by letting out a loud cry. It hurt so much, but it also helped me by knowing the time was right for me to let you continue your journey without me. Daisy, THANK YOU for coming into my life and spending 15 years 2 months with me. LOVE always.

03/14/2014 - It's been 67 weeks Daisy and all week you are all I think about. I hope you are doing great and are pain free. I'm still not sure if leaving Pa. was the right think to do. I think about when we can be together again and I think you will like your sister. I try to be fair to her, but sometimes it's hard because of my thoughts of you. Thank you Daisy for 15 years.

03/21/2014 - Good Morning on the 68th week Daisy. Now I have a UTI like you had and now I know what you went through. Everyday something happens and I remember how you handled it. 15 years seems like a long time, but it was not very long for us and I wish I could do it all over again. I know my days are numbered and I will be joining you soon. I often wonder if you knew it was coming. ALL my LOVE.

03/28/2014 - Good Morning, It's been 69 weeks and I hope you have not forgotten me. I still LOVE you and wish you were here everyday. It helps that I know that someday we will be together again, forever. THANK YOU for choosing me to spend your life with. Thank you for all the memories and all that you taught me.

04/04/2014 - Good Morning Daisy, it's been 70 weeks since you continued your journey. I'm not sure I should have gotten another Golden because I think about you all the time and compare her to you. It's not fair to her, she is a good dog. I look forward to the day we can be together again. All my LOVE forever.

04/11/2014 - Good Morning Daisy, it's been 71 weeks and you are still talked about almost everyday in my house. I will always remember you and will miss you. Thank You for everything you taught me and spending 15 years with me.

04/18/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 72 week. Happy Easter Daisy, it is Sunday. Today I would have given you flea and tick stuff, but I hope you don't have to worry about that anymore. I hope you are having a good time, I miss you so much and think about you everyday. I am glad I kept your ashes and look forward to the day we will be together again. All my LOVE.

04/25/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 73 week. It is raining and cold today, just the way your sister likes it. She really hates the heat, even 74 degrees is too warm for her. I remember how you liked the cold. Take care and PLEASE wait for me. All my LOVE!

05/02/2014 - Good morning Daisy on the 74 week of your new journey. I hope you are thinking of me, but are happy and pain free. The thought of us being together again helps me with you being gone. I will always LOVE you and look forward to spend eternity with you.

05/09/2014 - Good Morning Daisy, it's been 75 weeks and I still remember that Friday like it was yesterday. I know I had to send you on your journey, but it's still hard. I'm just thankful you chose me to spend your 15 year life with. I look forward to the day when we can be together again. All my LOVE.

05/16/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 76 week of your new journey. I hope you are not as lonely as I am. I look forward to the day we can be together for eternity and I hope you feel the same way. Remembering how brave you were keeps me going. You never showed pain or anger, THANK YOU for being so strong. I hope I can be as strong when my time comes and I hope you are there in spirit. All my LOVE.

05/23/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 77th week of your new journey. I'm still in Michigan and very depressed. I think about the fun we had together and I see no future except when I can join you again. Thank you for the memories, Daisy, it gives me something to look forward to. PLEASE have fun and wait for me!

05/30/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 78th week of your new journey. I don't know what you are doing, but I hope you are having fun because you deserve it. You gave me 15 years of joy and LOVE, for that I thank you and wish we could do it all over again. You are always on my mind. All my LOVE forever!

06/06/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 79th week. I hope you are happy, worry and pain free. I wish you could come back, but than you would probably be in pain and I don't want that. I wish I could have gone with you, but knowing we will be together again helps me keep going. And I have all the memories of us together. Thank You and all my LOVE!

06/13/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 80th week of your journey. This week Simba swallowed a stone and cost $2300 to get it removed. You were such a good dog you never did something stupid like that. I am always comparing these 2 dogs to you, and there is no comparison. Thank you for being such a great dog.

06/20/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 81st week of your Journey. Dazey chewed another step this week and Simba swallowed a stone and needed surgery. You never did anything like this. I wish these dogs were as good as you. Someday we will be together again with your sister, Dazey, and maybe you can talk to her about her behavior. All my LOVE forever.

06/27/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 82nd week of your journey. This week I bought health insurance for the 2 dogs because they are not as behaved as you were. Simba has to wear a muzzle because he chews rocks and Dazey chews mulch. I wish you could talk to them and tell them how to behave. All my LOVE.

07/04/2014 - Good Morning Daisy, Today is Independence Day and your 83rd week. Last Monday I had eye surgery and I'm recovering slowly. I miss you so much. I hope you are happy and waiting for me to join you. All my LOVE.

07/11/2014 - Good Morning Daisy, Today marks 84 weeks and you are missed as if it was yesterday you left me. I look at your pictures everyday and remember the 15 years we spent together and wish we could do another 15 years together. All my LOVE.

07/18/2014 - Good Morning on the 85th week of your new journey. I wish I could be with you. Today I gave Dazey her tick stuff and I remember how you would allows lay down when I tried to put in on you. She does the same thing. I hope the ticks/fleas don't bother you anymore. I hope you are waiting for me the way you used to when I came home from work. All my LOVE.

07/25/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 86th week. Raya is in DC this week so I'm home with your sister. I have thought a lot about you and miss you very much. While going through some boxes I found the receipt for your URN and it almost made me cry. I look forward to the day when we can be together again. All my LOVE.

08/01/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 87th weeks of your new journey. I just wanted to tell you how much I miss you and I LOVE you.

08/08/2014 - Good Morning Daisy, it's been 88 long weeks without you. Everybody that comes over and sees your picture says how beautiful you are and ask about you. Looking at your pictures is bitter/sweet for me because I remember all the LOVE we shared, but it hurts to know you are gone. We will be together again. All my LOVE forever.

08/15/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 89th week of your new journey. Just coming to this website makes me start crying, even with your sister laying at my side. I miss you so much, the only thing I have to look forward to is the day when we can be together again. Please take care and wait for me. All my LOVE.

08/22/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 90th week of your journey. Your sister has an ear infection and like you hates the ear drops. I hope you are happy and don't have to worry about illness because I'm not there to help you. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy and I still do. I hope you will wait for me Daisy, All my LOVE forever.

08/29/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 91st week of your journey. I'm getting ready for winter and I remember how you loved the cold. As I get older, I like the cold less and less. Please wait for me, ALL my LOVE forever.

09/05/2014 - Good Morning on the 92nd week of your journey. Know that I will never forget you and will always LOVE you as long as I'm alive. I look forward to the day when we can be together again. Life hasn't been the same without you. Having your sister helps when she does things you used to do. She is starting to jump on the bed and lay on me. All my LOVE.

09/12/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 93rd week. The weather is getting cold here which you like but is causing me problems since I'm trying to varnish a door and it won't dry. Life is very lonely here without the my PA deer and without you. At least I have memories of the time we shared and the knowledge we will be together again. You are always in my heart, all my LOVE forever.

09/19/2014 - Good Morning on the 94th week of your journey. Now I realize my life stopped the day your new journey began. I look forward to the day we can be together again and my life can start. All my LOVE.

09/26/2014 - Good Morning on the 95th week Daisy. The weather here is warm again so you would not be happy. I am so depressed without you. I keep thinking about all the days I went to work and you had to sit home alone. I hope/pray you are happy and pain free. All my LOVE forever.

10/03/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on your 96th week and my 17th anniversary. I know you are here in spirit, but I wish you could be here in body. All my LOVE forever!

10/10/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 97th week of your journey. I hope you are pain free and happy. Your sister seems to be settling down a little bit. She is 21 months old. I wish I could love her as much as I do you. All my LOVE forever.

10/17/2014 - Good morning on the 98th week of your journey. I hope your week is going better than mine. Memories of you helped me get through it. Thank You for the memories and I can't wait for the time when we can be together again and make new memories. All my LOVE forever.

10/24/2014 - Good morning on the 99th week of your journey. Raya has a job interview at Geisinger in December. I'm not sure if we will move back or not. Either way you and your ashes will be with me always. All my LOVE forever.

11/07/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 100th week of your journey. Nothing different this week, just came to say hello and that I LOVE you very much.

11/14/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 101st week of your journey. We got our first snow and your sister is having fun. She wants to go for walks everyday, I wish you could join us. I remember how you loved to walk with me. You could be off leash, but not Dazey. All my LOVE.

11/21/2014 - Good Morning on the 102nd week of your new journey. I wish I could be with you and someday I will. We had 30 inches of snow this week and your sister loved it. I know you would have been outside most of the time too. All my LOVE forever.

11/28/2014 Good Morning Daisy on the 103rd week. Yesterday was Thanksgiving and of course your sister was at the table waiting for some turkey. Sunday will be 2 years since you left on your journey, it feels like it was yesterday. I love your sister, but she will never replace you. All my LOVE forever.

12/05/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 104th week of your journey. Raya is in Danville for a job interview at Geisinger. Now she wants to move back because she thinks she will double her salary. Your ashes/picture are in my office and will be with me always as is your spirit/memories. I will LOVE you forever.

12/12/2014 - Good Morning on the 105th week. Now I know what you went through with your hips. My left hip has kept me up all night for the last 4 nights. I wish I could be as strong as you were. You never complained. THANK YOU and all my LOVE forever.

12/19/2014 - Good Morning on the 106th week. Christmas is next week and I will be thinking about the way you shredded the wrapping paper. Your ornament is hanging on the tree. All my LOVE Daisy.

12/25/2014 - Merry Christmas Daisy!

12/26/2014 - Good Morning Daisy on the 107th week. I hope you had a good Christmas yesterday. I put a treat by your ashes, I hope you enjoy it. Always thinking of you, all my LOVE forever.

01/02/2015 - Good Morning on the 108th week and a New Year. I hope you are happy and worry free. We had the neighbors here for a party and had to put your sister in the bedroom because she was being to friendly. All my LOVE forever.

01/09/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 109th week. My birthday was last Tuesday, no party. Last night we got 12 inches snow and your sister wants to play outside all day just like you use to do. All my LOVE forever.

01/16/2015 - Good Morning on the 110th week. I had to take your sister to the groomer this morning. She has so much hair, she needs to go every 2 months. There is a mobile groomer here, but after your experience with them, I don't trust them. All my LOVE.

01/23/2015 - Good Morning on the 111th week. Nothing new here, except Larry Wales is pissed off for some reason. Today a new cleaning lady is going to start. Hopefully she likes dogs. Otherwise she won't be coming back. All my LOVE.

01/30/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 112th week. This was a bad week as I twisted my right knee and can hardly walk. I remember how I helped you walk and wonder how much pain you were in, but never showed it. I really miss you and look forward to the day we can be together again. All my LOVE.

02/06/2015 - Good Morning on the 113th week. Nothing new, my knee feels a little better. All my LOVE, forever.

02/13/2015 - Good Morning on the 114th week. Nothing new, the weather is very cold. All my LOVE.

02/20/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 115th week. It has been very cold, -14, here. My truck and ATV wouldn't start. I had to buy 2 new batteries. Hopefully you are happy and warm. All my LOVE forever.

02/27/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 116th week of your journey. On February 24 Dazey was 2 years old. The weather has been very cold, below zero, but Dazey doesn't seem to mind. All my LOVE forever.

03/06/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 117th week of you journey. I saw an orthopedic surgeon yesterday to talk about knee replacement surgery. Maybe this summer. I hope I can be as strong as you were when you had your hip surgeries. All my LOVE forever.

03/13/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 118th week. The weather finally broke, it's been in the 50's all week. Started seeing a physical therapist for my right knee. Trying to put off surgery until next summer. All my LOVE forever.

03/20/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 119th week. The weather is starting to warm up and most of the snow is melted. Your sister is starting to behave just like you when walking off leash. She likes carrying her leash in her mouth. All My LOVE.

03/27/2015 - Good Morning on the 120th week. I couldn't get here earlier because I spent the entire day in the hospital because of a kidney stone. I got the stone last Saturday and spent 3 days in the hospital, They thought they crushed it and I would pass it, but that didn't happen. So 7:00 AM I went back and they manually extracted it. Getting old.... All my LOVE forever!

04/03/2015 - Good Morning on the 121th week Daisy. Happy Easter! Still recovering from the kidney stone. All my LOVE forever.

04/10/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 122nd week. I'm recovering from the kidney stone. The weather is cold and rainy, but summer is on the way. I think of you every day. All my LOVE forever.

04/17/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 123rd week. Today your sister had the mobile groomer come to the house. She did a much better job on Dazey than your experience with the one in PA. I miss you so much. All my LOVE, forever.

04/24/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 124th week. Raya wants a divorce again, but that's nothing new. I really miss you. All my LOVE forever.

05/01/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 125th week. As the weather is getting warmer, your sister (Dazey) is getting uncomfortable. She is trying to find the coldest place in the house like you used to do. All my LOVE forever.

05/08/2015 - Good Morning on the 126th week of your journey. I hope/pray you are happy and healthy and your hips are doing alright. All my LOVE forever.

05/15/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 127th week. I hope you had a better week than I had. Thinking of you helped me get through it. Thank You and all my LOVE forever.

05/22/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 128th week. Monday is Memorial Day. I don't need a special day to remember you, I remember you every day and always will. I look forward to when we can be together again for eternity and I will never have to say Good Bye to you again. All my LOVE, forever.

05/29/2015- Good Morning Daisy on the 129th week. Yesterday we filled the kiddie pool for your sister, but she wasn't very interested. I remember how you used to play in the pool for hours on hot days. All my LOVE, forever.

06/05/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 130th week of your journey. I've decided to have knee replacement surgery. I hope I can be as brave as you were when you had your knee done. I don't know when yet, probably in the fall. All my LOVE, forever.

06/12/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 131st week. This week I got a cortisone shot which really helped my knee. I wonder why the vet never recommended a shot when you were having your leg problems. You were so strong and brave. All my LOVE, forever.

06/19/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 132nd week. The shot is wearing off. I am trying to stay active through the pain like you did when your knees hurt you. I wish you were here to help me. All my LOVE forever.

06/26/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 133rd week. I finally got the hutch fixed after 2 years, I will never deal with Tim again. All my LOVE forever.

07/03/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 134th week. This weekend is July 4th with fireworks. All the neighbors will come over for a little party in the driveway. I hope you are happy and waiting for me. All my LOVE forever.

07/10/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 135th week. Yesterday I was told I have Melanoma on my right arm. I have to go to U of M for surgery. I'll let you know how it turns out. All my LOVE forever.

07/17/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 136th week. I have an appointment on 7/29 at U of M for an exam and consultation. I know you will be with me in spirit. I hope I can be as graceful to the end as you were. We will be together forever, All my LOVE forever.

07/24/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 137th week. I'm nervous about the appointment next week at U of M, but I hope I will have the answer about my future. I know you will be with me in spirit. All my LOVE forever.

07/31/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 138th week. Last Wednesday I went to U of M and was told I need surgery. August 20th I will meet the surgeon. Your sister is having trouble with the heat and stays inside most of the time. All my LOVE forever.

08/07/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 139th week. Little has happened this week. I miss you so much. All my LOVE forever.

08/14/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 140th week. Thinking about you and how I miss you. Your sister is really becoming attached to me. She reminds me of you in so many ways. All My LOVE forever.

08/28/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 141st week. Last Wednesday I had surgery on my right arm to remove Melanoma. Currently I'm in a lot of pain, probably like you were after your ACL replacement. I'm trying to be strong like you were. All my LOVE forever.

09/03/2015 - I just realized I forgot to say Happy Birthday Daisy to you yesterday.

09/04/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 142nd week. I miss you so much. All my LOVE forever.

09/11/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 143rd week and the 14 anniversary of the WTC attack. I hope you are happy and pain free. All my LOVE forever.

09/25/2015 - Good Morning on the 145th week of your journey. Sasha got married last week in Aspen. We just got back last Tuesday. I hope you know I'm always thinking about you, even when I don't come here. All my LOVE forever.

10/02/2015 - Good Morning on the 146th week of your journey. All m LOVE forever, Daisy.

10/16/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 148th week. All my LOVE forever, Daisy.

10/30/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 150th week. Happy Halloween. I hope you are having pain free fun. All my LOVE forever, Daisy.

11/13/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 152nd week. The weather is getting colder, but no snow yet. All my LOVE forever, Daisy.

11/26/2015 - Happy Thanksgiving Daisy. I THANK GOD that He brought us together a gave us 15 years together. But you are still have a special place in my heart and will forever. THANK YOU Daisy.

11/27/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 154th week. All my LOVE forever, Daisy.

11/30/2015 - It was 3 years today since you started your new journey Daisy. I remember every minute of that day. I hope you are pain free and waiting for me. I'm looking forward to the time when we can be together again. All my LOVE, Forever.

12/11/2015 - Good Morning Daisy on the 156th week. I hope you are happy and waiting for me. All my LOVE forever.

12/25/2015 - Merry Christmas on the 158th week of your journey. We got your sister , Dazey, a couple stuffed toys which she has already destroyed. All my LOVE forever.

01/01/2016 - Happy New Year Daisy.

01/15/2016 - Good Morning Daisy on the 161st week of your journey. All my LOVE, forever.

02/05/2016 - Good Morning Daisy on the 164th week of your journey. All my LOVE, forever.

02/19/2016 - Good Morning Daisy on the 166th week of your journey. All my LOVE, forever.

03/04/2016 - Good Morning Daisy on the 168th week of your journey. Monday I'm going to have my right knee replaced. I'll be thinking of what you went thru with your surgery. All my LOVE, forever.

03/18/2016 - Good Morning Daisy on the 170th week. Having trouble with knee replacement and had to go back to hospital. All my LOVE, forever.

04/08/2016 - Good Morning Daisy on the 173rd week. Still having trouble with TKA. Remember I will always LOVE you forever.

04/22/2016 - Good Morning Daisy on the 175th week. Now I understand what you went through with your knees and you always smiled and were happy even tough you were in pain. Thank You and all my LOVE always.

05/06/2016 - Good Morning Daisy on the 177th week. Knee is slowly getting better. All my LOVE forever.

05/27/2016 - Good Morning Daisy on the 180th week. Knee is getting better. ALL my LOVE, forever.

06/17/2016 - Good Morning Daisy on the 183rd week. I really miss you every day. All my LOVE, forever.

07/29/2016 - Good Morning Daisy on the 189th week. I haven't forgot you, I just don't have many words left. All my LOVE forever.

09/02/2016 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY Daisy, today you would be 19. All my LOVE forever.

10/14/2016 - Good Morning Daisy on the 200th week. I will never forget you, but I'm running out of room here. All my LOVE, forever.

11/30/2016 - Good Morning Daisy, it was 4 years(208 weeks) today I had to make the most difficult decision of my life. How I miss you, All my LOVE, forever.

12/26/2016 - I hope you had a Merry Christmas Daisy on the 211th week. All my LOVE, forever.

01/01/2017 - Happy New Year Daisy on the 212th week. All my LOVE, forever.

05/29/2017 - Thinking of you Daisy always with all my LOVE forever.

09/02/2107 - Happy 20th Birthday Daisy. All my LOVE forever.

01/02/2018 - Happy New Year Daisy, All My LOVE forever.

09/02/2020 - Happy 23rd Birthday, Daisy. I will see you again! I hope you are waiting for me and Dazey, your sister. All My LOVE FOREVER.

09/02/2021 - Happy Birthday Daisy! I had a brain tumor removed this summer. Recovery will take about a year. All My LOVE forever.

12/25/2022 - Merry Christmas Daisy! I bought some toys for your sister Dazey. I think of you all the time! Please wait for us. All my LOVE FOREVER!

04/19/2023 - Daisy, Yesterday I had to send you your sister, Dazey, to the Rainbow bridge. She fought cancer for 4 months. Please look for her and welcome her. Please wait for me. All my LOVE forever.

12/25/2023 - Merry Christmas Daisy. Thinking of you always - ALL my LOVE forever.

01/01/2024 - Good Morning and Happy new year Daisy. All my LOVE forever.

09/02/2024 - Happy 27th Birthday Daisy! All my LOVE forever!

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