Welcome to Daisy's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Daisy
Daisy was turned in to my vet's office as a stray. I had just found a stray myself, who needed a companion. When I mentioned that I'd be interested in adopting a younger, smaller dog, Dr. Peterson brought out the cutest black dog imaginable. Daisy was a Labrador/Dachshund mix who eternally looked like a Lab puppy. I feel in love in an instant, and that love affair lasted throughout Daisy's life.
She was a wild thing with a mind of her own - always running off to explore the neighborhood, and coming home when it suited her (or she allowed someone to catch her!). She was a smart girl - the first of my dogs to learn to run the agility course at the dog park (which she did, one final time, just last week). She was an affectionate baby - always willing to cuddle, and she loved to be petted on her head and ears. She was a welcoming and loving spirit and my life will be much emptier without her evening greeting (with a tennis ball in her month) or her morning "hello" - standing on her hind legs for a hug. Daisy developed heart problems a few months ago, and she has been on several medications, but this morning, she finally succumbed. Her "sisters" will miss her, as will we. I can't imagine sitting down this evening to watch TV without her curled by my side.
Run with the wind, Daisy.....I will look forward to meeting you again at the Bridge.

Daisy, my love - I hope you found Penney when she crossed the Bridge this morning. Like you, we had her for way too short a time and her loss was as sudden and as shocking as yours was. I imagine you and Miko were so happy to see her and that you are all running and barking and playing as you used to. Take good care of her - until the day that we are all together again.

2/17/17 - Darling girl, it's been two weeks now since Penney crossed the bridge and I imagine you together. How she loved to play with you in the mornings, when we played hide and seek under the covers. This weekend, we will be casting her ashes into the bayou with rose petals, just as we did with yours. I miss you every day and look forward to seeing all of you at the Bridge one day.

3/7/17 - Daisy, my love, you left us a year ago today. I miss you with all my heart! You were such a wild little spirit who chose to share your life with me....with Penny...with Patrick...and all who came after that. Such a peaceful girl for such a wild child! I long to hold you in my arms and to play with you under the covers as we used to do. I so look forward to seeing you at the Bridge and tugging on those soft, silky black ears once more. I will think of you always.

5/5/17 - Dear little girl, your friend, Beaux, passed over the Bridge this morning. You, Miko, and Little Penney need to keep an eye out and welcome him. I miss you every day, sweetheart.

10/15/17 - Sweet Daisy, as we prepare to move to our new house from the only home you knew with us, I see you everywhere! I miss you so very much. I have been sorting through boxes of pictures and found tons of them with you and Penny when you were both young and running around the dog park like two banshees. Love you, little wild one!

2/3/18 - Crazy Daisy girl, I miss you every single day! Today is the anniversary of Penney's joining you at the Bridge and I know that you and she are running around, barking like maniacs, chasing everything in sight! I so wish you were still with me...I am looking forward to seeing you and pulling on those soft silky ears again one day. I've left you a Valentine so you'll know I'm thinking of you.

8/15/18 - Daisy, my love - did you find Mia when she crossed the Bridge last week? I know you will be happy to see her again, as will your sisters, friends, and her brother, Austin. I think of you so often, Daze - miss you so much! I will be so happy to hug you and hold you again someday. Be at peace and make sure that Mia is taken care of and knows how much she is missed on this side of the Bridge.

1/1/19 - Oh, sweet girl! Happy New Year! All of the grandkids were here and we missed you so much. I know that Penny misses you very much, even though she loves playing with Joe. I look forward to holding you and feeling your soft fur again one day.

4/25/19 - Daizer - how I miss you! Please keep an eye out for Booster today, as he crossed the Bridge around 6:30 this morning. You guys were great friends and I know he'll be happy to see you and play with you all once again. Love you, little baby girl.

9/11/19 - Hey my cray girl. Keep an eye out for Joey today - he crossed the bridge this morning. I know you'll have a great time playing with all of you in a place where you are all young, strong, and vital. I so look forward to seeing you again one day, my love.

3/7/20- Daisy girl- has it really been four years since I last held you? Rodeo is upon us again, so it must be so, but I just can't believe so much time has passed. I imagine you, Mia, Penney, and Miko (and now Booster and Joey too) running and playing in the sun, with a soft breeze ruffling your soft black fur. You were such a special soul while here on earth with us and I can't wait to see you again on the other side of the bridge. I love you and miss you so much, sweet girl.

1/14/21 - Miss Daisy, my love, be on the lookout for your sister, Penny, tomorrow. She has missed you so much these last four years and although I'll miss her every bit as much as I've missed you, it makes me smile to think of the two of you playing your "stalking game" again. I'm sure that you'll run and chase just like you used to, and that you'll still be able to take her down! She's had a painful few months and I'm glad she'll be free of that pain and able to play with you again. Love you always, little girl.

1/3/22 - hi, sweet girl! I'm sure you and Penny have been so happy to be together again, but I miss you both dearly! Now we have a new wild child - Chloe - that would definitely give you a run for your money! She reminds me so much of you. Love you always!

3/7/22 - My darling girl! Has it really been 6 years since I last held you? I think of you so often and will miss you always. Run and play with Penny and all your other friends. You are in my heart forever.

2/12/24 -Beautiful baby girl! Chloe reminds me so much of you! It's both a comfort and a sadness, since I lost you much too soon. All of you must be having so much fun and I'm sure you saw Lucky a couple months ago...no more need for you and Penny to send him emails, LOL. I love you and will be happy when you are once again in my arms-

12/28/24 - Tonight, Brooklyn asked me who you are and I could not even find words to describe how precious you were and are to me! I miss you and love you so much!! One day, we will be together again. Meanwhile, I hope you and Pen are having a great time.

3/78/25 - 9 long years since i last held you in my arms, Miss Daisy. How I love you and miss you! I know you are having a great time with Penny and the others, and I can't wait til I see you again.

Please also visit Penny.

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