Welcome to Daisy's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Daisy
Daisy was a 3 1/2 year old very energetic puppy Peggy and I adopted. She had been living in a shelter for months. She was about to be moved to another shelter with hopes of being adopted or facing euthanasia.

There was no way I wanted her to not come home. Yes,at first,she took a lot of work,not being house-trained and having severe skin allergies,escaping from our yard once,and very energetic. Much of her life involved acupuncture to ease those allergies.

She grew into being quite an adult dog, still maintaining her beautiful pose and fun to be around girl with a direct energy link I could feel and loved as it grew each day.
At 15 1/2 for 2 weeks on and off,she started to eat less, then refuse at times to eat or drink, something was changing as if a switch was suddenly thrown. Daisy began having sluggish days and good days.
Mentally sharp as always,sleeping more and I began feeling closer to her as if she was communicating to me that she wants to stay but was being pulled away. Her vet teams and I believe mentally she fought to live her last few weeks of this sudden change. Sadly, her last day or two it became obvious,her physical body was transitioning and very soon would take her.

On June 5, 2021,her breathing became heavy and rapid, I saw two cycles of this over an 8 hour period. Her eyes glued to mine,begging not to leave her or her to leave home. It was awful,I knew it was time to say "goodbye", or I at least pray I made the right decision for her and I to avoid her further, discomfort or for Daisy to begin suffering with pain.

Along with her favorite vet throughout the past 11 years and me, I told Daisy I loved her,gave her big hugs, patting and that I would never forget her. Moments later Daisy begin her Journey to Heaven in 🙏Peace🙏. RIP Daisy, and hope we meet again one day in Heaven. ❤❤❤
June 11th, 2021 just 6 days ago Daisy was alive with me, hard to believe, let alone it feels like she has been away from me for so long. Daisy's ashes arrived at the hospital today, I picked her up and brought her home to her "safe" place. She will hopefully come with me, along with Taylor, when it is my turn. RIP Daisy Girl.
14-June-2021: I cannot believe 9 days have already gone by since Daisy was alive and living here.
Words still cannot express the heartbreaking loss I feel. I just want to come home and see her back where she loved to be and I loved her to be. May you always RIP Daisy girl. Love daddy.
20-June-2021 Today is Father's Day, and it has been a day of feeling the loss of Daisy. This house, our yard, nor my heart feel the same happiness as when Daisy lived here.
I am going to post a note from 2010, my first Father's Day. I wrote it then as if if were Daisy writing the letter. It showed up today on Facebook. I sure hope there is truth in "she can still see me" and feel how much of a great dog she was here.
27-June-2021 Yesterday made 3 weeks since we had to say goodbye so the discomfort would stop and before pain or your body shutdown. Mentally, you remained so loving, caring and connected to me and your home until you went to Heaven.
To say each day I think of you and miss you would be an understatement. I would do anything to get you back❤!!! I so miss how you would light up everytime I walked upstairs or came home. I pray everyday that somehow we will meet again or I will know your presence is near. You are permanently a part of my heart and helped shape my personality from the day I rescued you from shelters and adopted you. Goodnight Daisy girl, may you RIP and be free to play with Dusty, Shevy, and Tayla. Love Always, Daddy
03-Jul-2021 Daisy today made 4 weeks since we last saw each other, hugged and said goodbye. Yesterday was my birthday and it felt like a big void was taken away because you were. You were with me for 11 birthdays, and I loved you around the house, the yard, in the van/SUV and with me. So empty without you here, it can feel overwhelming at times. In a few weeks, the day I adopted you and took you home back in 2009 will be here, and that will yet be another heartbreaking memory. I hope and pray you are in Heaven and still remember me and our times together. Love You Daisy Girl, forever.
16-Jul-2021 My sweet Daisy girl it is already 40 days since you left for Heaven. I am still heartbroken, sad, and lonely without you. Our home is no longer complete for me. I always had dogs, now I have none. And I lost my closest to my heart: you. Yesterday a video of you 1 year prior showed up, you were running around the kitchen, barking at me for a treat. How is it one year later you aged so much, having to leave? I try very hard to move forward without you,and it hurts right in my heart. I had a painting of you done and it is as beautiful as you.
I love you very much Daisy, and hope someday, your spirit visits here, visits my heart. Every night I pray that you are happy and having fun, hoping one day you will see me on the other side of the Rainbow 🌈 Bridge and come running over with Dusty, Shevy, and Taylor and forever we will be together. Love, Daddy
Aug 9, 2021 Today and all week has been tough. Between Aug 5th marking 2 months since we were last together😔. With and so many migraines and feelings of loss of you and no dog companion, it really sucks! Mostly without a doubt, we needed and helped each other from Day 1 when I adopted you. Life without you when I'm alone is lonely and sad. Daisy, you were not just my "Daisy Girl" also a part of my heart and mind. So much more than any other pet. Not a day has gone by that I don't think of you several times a day. I just hate this feeling of loss and sadness.
I believe you have sent two or maybe three doggies needing help as much as I do. You've somehow connected them for me to see them in shelters. Yet I'm not sure I will be able to act on adopting one, and I would love to. I am trying to help two of them in different ways. But I really want another dog, not to replace you, rather to help and to help me. Just like Taylor did when she passed back in 2009. Within 3 weeks she kept having me go and see your ad for adopting. So I know what that feels like and I know you are now doing the same. I hope I can adopt one of the 3 very soon. However, I need support as you know, beyond just me.
Sometimes I'm so sad without you that my heart aches. I wish others could understand the bond between a human and dog. I ask in my prayers often "why did you have to take Daisy away from me", because it is painful.
Clearly you became my "Heart Dog".
May you 🙏RIP Daisy🙏. I will try to adopt a dog in need, hopefully one of the 3 you have sent me to check out with one to take home. I leave you know with so many tears running down my face. Only another true dog/animal lover would understand. Love, Daddy
Aug 11, 2021 Daisy if you sent me those dogs needing a good home and wanted me to adopt one, and I believe you Spiritually did connect me with Haley, Howie, Wu Wu and Trixie, first thank you for wanting me and trusting I would adopt one and love and care for them as I did you. And I'm sure just as Taylor connected us in 2009, you also did it to help me with my deep sadness over your loss.
However,sadly I can't adopt any of them and it is yet another blow to my heart💔. It has me very sad.
I notified the shelter today,who was also sad because they saw I had a lot to offer a homeless TWC dog.
I will always love you and remember our bond, you were and will always be much more than a dog or pet.I will never forget you Daisy.
Love, Daddy
Please Lord let Daisy be happy and able to RIP. And if there is a way to help me get through these horrific feelings of sadness and loneliness I feel since Daisy left, please do what you must to help me. I can't take many more days of these feelings and the migraines day after day. Since Daisy showed she was sick the last few weeks before her journey back to you, I have been beaten up by pain, sadness,and loss.
Aug 26, 2021 Today is National Dog Day. It is also the first time in decades I don't have a dog, which hurts. And even more painful, the first time during the past 12 years without you Daisy,physically here to be with and hug. Love, Daddy
Sep 6, 2021 Three months since we had to say goodbye to each other Daisy. It was the hardest and most saddest thing I ever faced. Each day since I think of you many times a day. As each day goes by, it is getting harder to see your pretty face unless I look at pictures. I hate that and wish I could see all of you in my mind.
Daddy is getting around, but I don't know if I will ever be as happy as I was when you were here with me and I with you.
Rest in Peace Daisy, I so miss you.
💘 Daddy!
Oct 12, 2021 Just over 4 months since we said goodbye. And although I move forward on my journey, my heart and mind are still not as whole as when we were together. I don't know if I will ever be the same person inside. Daisy, you brought so much companionship and life to me, and I hope I did the same back to you.
I still cry at times when I speak about you or think about you. Your life seemed to fly by so fast once I retired. I pray you are RIP and happy in Heaven. I hope one day your Spirit can be felt and I will know it's you. I will love you forever.
❤ Daddy!
Nov 5, 2021 Hi Daisy, today marks exactly 5 months since we both cuddled for the last time. I think of you everyday and hurt still from you no longer l8ving here or being here with me.
Unfortunately, I was not welcomed to adopt any 9f those beautiful dogs you brought to my attention.
I hurt every day I am not able to adopt a dog who needs a home. I've had them all my life, they were and are children to me, and it hurts dogs are no longer with me.
Thankfully, I was able to provide Makya another chance of life. Her surgery was successful and she can continue to be in Bella's life and with her human family. There are many signs of you I started seeing in Makya, and it comforts me knowing you may be watching over us.
I hope and pray we will be with each other again someday. You are forever a part of my heart and loved.
❤ Daddy!
Dec 5, 2021 Another month added to your loss here on earth. Six months ago today was our last time together Daisy.
I continue to grieve over your loss and no longer having you here in my life. Being retired and not having you or any dog in need has been awful for me.
I pray for you often and hope you are in Heaven with all of the other animals having fun and never to be sick again. I so miss you and hope one day to help another dog in need of a home. You meant so much to me and always will. I would like you to visit me one day in Spirit. One day may you see me and we reunite forever.
❤ Daddy
21-Dec-2021 Hi Daisy, I'm really struggling today without you. I miss you so much,everyday I think of you. Today,I saw a picture of you from this day in 2014. You were at Club Canine so I could give you a bath as we often did together. The picture has made me very sad because I want to be with you.
I feel so 😪 cheated because time flew by so fast for us and towards the last month, nothing I did to try and help you get better lasted more than a few days. I am very sorry I couldn't save you so we would have each other a few more years. I pray every night for you, and God I hope you are looking down on me and feeling no pain or sickness.
Christmas this year is not good for me at all. There is a very big part of me forever gone. I have to live without you and for the first time without any dog, I hate it. I just can't seem to heal through your loss as quickly as I might have in the past. I always had a dog to help me heal through the loss of another.
Thank You for helping me heal by being near my side one month after Taylor died. I love you Daisy, forever💘. RIP
❤ Daddy
Today is Feb 2, 2022 and on the 5th it will make 7 months since I had to let you go to Heaven at the Rainbow Bridge Daisy.
The pain, tears running from my eyes and sadness I deal with daily can be overwhelming at times.
Never have I struggled through the loss of my loved dogs as you. Perhaps rescuing another dog as I did you, got me through the pain. You are one loss I just can't get through yet, I miss you living here and taking your place be it in the sunroom, living room on your bed?, the couch or sleeping on my bed. It's just not the same happy house without you and to this day, it makes me sad and cry.
I pray to God you really are on the other side of the Bridge and happy with all your friends. God knows I hope one day I see you coming back to me when you see me again.
❤ Daddy Daisy, forever.
March 19, 2022 So many hours, days, & months have gone by and I still have a 💔 heart without you here Daisy. I think about you so many times a day, often tearing up as well. It is at times overwhelming. I have not been allowed to help out another, as I did you, and that just deepens and seems to prolong the pain of being home without you every day. The world is a much different place since you went to Heaven as well. I know you were with us during the first4 months of Covid-19, but our world here on Earth is so unstable now. I am relieved at times, that you are safely Over the Rainbow 🌈 with Dusty, Shevy, and Tayla.
Sometimes I think you are trying to show me you are "here" through Makya when she so badly wants hugs. Perhaps you are present through Bella as well. Two beautiful dogs that I love as well.
I sure hope one day you will see me again, and I you and forever be my best friend again, because dogs are man's best friend.
I ❤ you forever Daisy, Rest in Peace "DaisyGirl.
March 24, 2022 Daisy, I just read in Facebook that Dr. Tusch was rushed to the hospital this week due to breathing issues. He was very sick and put on a ventilator.
He is thankfully doing much better and this certainly was very serious. We both know how much he adored you and how much you loved him. Dr Tusch did so much for you and thus for me. Please look down and watch over him as he heals. There are many animals who need him and his family loves him as well. I will pray for him tonight as well. I miss you so much Daisy.
May 5, 2022 Daisy girl here we are 11 months to the day since we were last with each other. This early in May, 2021 you were doing OK. It would be the week before and the Memorial Day Weekend signs of something was wrong really begin to show up. I knew you were 15 1/2 and most likely beyond the average lifespan expected, but I wanted you around longer. Life would show me how hard you tried mentally to stay here on earth over the next few weeks,and I would soon realize, your body was transitioning and very soon, it would force you mentally as well. I couldn't put you through that, and with all my hope and prayers, I had to let you go up to Heaven.
On June 5th it will be 1 year.I have not been the same in my heart ever since we departed. Sure life and love help heal, but you are still so missed by me and my heart remains broken. I don't feel I will ever have a "whole" heart again. I wish I got to spend the first 7 years we found each other with you every day. You were 10 1/2 when I retired in 2016. We only had really your senior and geriatric years to be together so often. And I think it was those years where our bond and friendship grew so tight. You were a beautiful dog and I will always feel you and miss you, especially in my heart. RIP Daisy and I pray and hope we meet somehow,someday. 💔
05-Jun-2022 Hi Daisy, today marked 1 year since we physically could touch and be with each other.
I miss not being with you more than one could imagine.
I did get to finally meet up with Morgan,Mike,and Dr.Tusch. We had a nice time together and they were as always,family. The doctor and I chatted about you and your sweet character. It brought a smile to both our faces. God works in mysterious ways. We felt your presence and comforting. You will never be forgotten by any one of us and your spirit will live on in their hearts and always be a part of mine.
If there really is an after life for humans too, please watch over my Uncle Jimmy who hopefully arrives very soon. Sadly,our Uncle Salvy is probably going to Heaven soon as well. And that is gonna be yet another piece of my heart broken. He was always there for me and has been and is a great uncle. We have been Blessed to have him all this time. Life without him will suck for a long time. I'm really tired of being sick, losing you, and now my uncles. I have to work hard to push beyond the sadness in me sometimes.
On this one year Anniversary of our separation I pray that you really are over the Rainbow and one day you will see me and come back forever.
I love you Daisy Girl. You had your own way of showing your love for us, and I always felt it and still do. 🙏RIP🙏 Daisy❤
Hi Daisy, today marks 2 years in about 11 hours that we had too say goodbye. It's a period of my life that I still struggle with almost every day.
We had some ❤ to ❤ connection that was deeper than I realized most of our time together,sadly.
I pray and hope you really are at peace in Heaven and feel my presence and can't wait until we are together again.
Life has changed so much in our world over the past two years. I wish you were here to hug and help comfort me. I have not been allowed still, to help another dog who needs to be rescued, something that saddens me often. 😥
Please look after her and all my family & friends, including Shevy, Taylor, Dusty and those close to me Jesus.
Daisy maybe one day your Spirit will meet up with me and I will feel it and know you are with me in Spirit and love. 🙏RIP🙏 Daisy Girl ❤ Love Always, John
05 June 2021❤️❤️❤️ It's our 3rd year apart as of this date back in 2021 Daisy. I will never truly know I guess if you or your Spirit feels the loss still in my heart mind I feel every day. Yes, I'm healing, however the loss and memories of having you home here with us still hurts. May St. Francis and all our friends be with you and I pray you are free of pain and somehow watch over me and know you are so missed. Love Always❤️, John

Please also visit Shevy & Taylor.

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