Welcome to Dallas Lagana Davis's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Dallas Lagana Davis
My husband Chuck and I made the decision not to have "human" children, so after almost 16 years of being with us, Dallas was our "furry son". Dallas watched his Mommy go through her crazy 20's, and was fortunate to get the best Daddy in the world when he was eight. We included Dallas in everything we did, and all decisions were made with him in mind. We drove from the East Coast to the West Coast several times just so Dallas could participate in holidays and vacations with his beloved family. Dallas was happiest when his family was all together. Daddy and I made up silly songs and sang them to Dallas. My favorite song to sing to him was "You are My Sunshine". He always listened intently and cocked his head from side to side while I sang it. Daddy and I also made up silly names for Dallas, like "Dally Dooskies Buddy Booskies", "Dally Doodles", and "Dally Wally". Dallas looked at us like we were crazy, but I think secretly he liked it. We have so many wonderful memories of Dallas, but my favorites include watching him run freely in his meadow in Duck Creek, Utah, sitting on my lap on his favorite pillow during road trips, and watching him make his "rounds" in all the back yards he's lived in over the years. If Dallas was here right now, he'd be laying in the living room guarding his stocking from predators! I'll especially remember how soft Dallas' hair was, and my favorite spot was the space between his eyes. I would rub it with my index finger. Dallas was never just a pet or a dog to us, and we've always felt honored and blessed to be his Mommy and Daddy. Unfortunately, Dallas' body gave him many challenges throughout his life. He had stone surgery three times, a nasty battle with pancreatitis that almost killed him, an inflamed liver, a spinal embolism that really scared us, and then finally a tumor in his left eye that lead to the removal of that eye and then subsequently the contraction of pneumonia and ultimately congestive heart failure. Dallas was on a special diet his entire life, and more meds than I can count. But he fought on. We called him our Miracle Dog. He was so strong, such a fighter, with a real determination to live. Despite all these setbacks and complications, he managed to make it to one month shy of his 16th birthday. Dallas was the cutest dog ever, but his spirit was out of this world. I only hope that we can live the rest of our lives by the example that he set. Dallas taught us LOVE . . . unconditional and without judgment. And he filled our lives with so much happiness. When Dallas passed, he gave us one final gift. He hung on long enough for us to say our goodbyes, and then let go before we had to make the decision for him. He knew how hard that would be for us. Our little angel, Dallas: We pray that God is taking good care of you, our furry son. You are forever with us and we love you.
Dec. 3, 2008
Good morning, Dallas. It was just yesterday that Mommy and Daddy created your beautiful Rainbow Bridge home for you, and we couldn't be more touched by the outpouring of love and support. You have received so many special notes in your guest book, and it's been less than 24 hours. I hope you can feel the love and prayers. They make Daddy and I feel so much closer to you. I hope you are having fun with your new friends. Now, go take that healthy, young body and chase some squirrels and tennis balls! We love you, Baby Boy.
Dec. 11, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DALLAS!!! Today would have been your 16th birthday, but I know that doesn't matter now. You are young and healthy again, and time doesn't exist. Daddy and I laid in bed this morning and talked about our little boy, remembering your past birthdays. And there were many of them! Before you got on that lousy diet, you would get a Twinkie with a candle in it. Then one year Daddy and I let you have a little Coors Light from a bowl. Shhhh! My favorite part was singing to you and watching you open your presents. You were always so excited! Well, Dallas, I'm sure you know this, but you are the best gift and the greatest blessing Daddy and I could have ever gotten. Sometimes in my grief, I know I sound ungrateful, but I am VERY grateful that you picked ME to be your Mommy and that God allowed you to be with us for almost 16 years!! You have taught me so much, about life, about love, about myself. If only everyone in the world could love one another as Daddy and I love you! It's something we don't take lightly. Our goal is to take the love we learned from you, and apply it to our relationships with others. Enjoy your day, little Dally Dooskies! Daddy and I are going to have a Twinkie tonight in honor of you. Listen for your birthday song, too! Maggie sends some licks your way, and as always, Mommy and Daddy love you very much!
Dec. 14, 2008
I'm thinking about you a lot today Dallas. I sing "You Are My Sunshine" to you when I'm in the shower, and I'm always praying that God will help me remember our days together in detail so that I may always feel close to you. Daddy is helping me to see that God answered all our prayers by allowing you to live for 16 wonderful years with us, and that I shouldn't behave selfishly, but thank God for the blessing of YOU! I'm getting there! You were and are such a big part of who I am. I just miss you little buddy. And love you more than words could ever express! I am so proud to be your Mommy!
Dec. 21, 2008
Hi, my little boy. G'Ma and G'Pa are here with us, and Daddy and I are having a good time with them. We talk about you a lot, and reminisce about all the fun times we had with you, especially Christmases past. I took a nap today and had your ashes by my side. I could really feel your presence. And I always make sure I have my special necklace on, for it makes me feel closer to my little boy. I think I felt you today when I was washing dishes. I know it is selfish of me, but I really wish you would come to me in my dreams. I haven't dreamt of you in a long time. We all miss you so much. G'Ma talks to your picture on the computer, and, well, you know how G'Pa is. He doesn't say much, but you have always been his favorite. I pray that you are happy and healthy and watching over us. I love you very much.
Dec. 25, 2008
Merry Christmas, Dallas! We missed seeing you guard your stocking last night. Maggie learned how to open presents today. If you helped her with that, then thank you. G'Pa loved the Humping Humphrey dog you and your sister gave him! Anyway, when I was younger, I always prayed that it would snow on Christmas day. So, I've given you some snow today, buddy. I know you're here with us, for I have felt you several times today. Everyone says "hello". Love you, my son.
Jan. 1, 2009
HAPPY NEW YEAR, Dallas! Can you believe that Uncle Mike purchased a paver at the new Dallas Cowboys' stadium and had it engraved in your memory? Is that cool or what?! Sorry the team didn't do better this year. I'm sure you're very embarrassed by them! But remember, you were born in 1992, and that's the year they went on to win the Super Bowl, Baby!! And just the other day, Leann sent me a Christmas ornament with your picture in it and your name engraved on it. I'm doing better, Buddy Booskies. I still miss you sooo much, and always will. But I'm working on my relationship with God so that I may be closer to you. And I'm starting to feel better. Don't worry about me. You have given so much to me for 16 years; it's now your turn to rest. I love you always and forever. -Mommy
Jan. 25, 2009
Hi Dally Doo! Forgot to tell you that we collected $1400 for NC State's Vet School over Christmas! It was more than enough to get a brick for you in their Walk Of Honor, so keep an eye out for that! The staff was sorry to hear about your passing, but very appreciative of the gift. And I also wanted you to know that I called Dr. Stiff in Virginia to let her know of your passing. She was very sad, but talked about what a fighter you've always been, and how much you are loved. I'm sure you know by now that Daddy and I brought home a new family member yesterday. Her name is Haylee. We wanted your sister Maggie to have a playmate. It was tough on me, and I thought a lot about you, but I think it was the right decision. You know how much we love animals and want to help those in need. Just know that no one will ever replace YOU, my sweet boy. YOU are something special, and so is the love we share. I will never be the same, but not because you are gone, but because you were here. Love you so much. -Mommy
March 23, 2009
Hi my sweet boy! I am so sorry I haven't written in a while, but you know I think about you every day and still sing to you in the shower. I hope that you gave Bet Bet a warm welcome, and I'm happy to know that she has you to spend her days with. I'm sure Bet Bet has already been scratching the back of your neck with her long finger nails! The weather here has been just beautiful, and I know that you and Hunter would enjoy chasing the squirrels around and hanging out with your sisters. They spend a lot of time outside these days. Thank you for continuing to send Daddy and I pennies. We have gotten so many and they always bring a smile to our faces. Keep 'em coming! Please, Dallas, don't ever stop letting us know you're still here. I love your sisters very much, but there will always only be ONE Dallas. You are forever my special boy and that will never change. I still regret leaving you at the vet's office that Monday. If I had known you were on your way to Heaven, I would have spent every last minute with you. I am so sorry for that, my son. I pray that you weren't scared. I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for that one. I really thought the oxygen would help. It's still very hard sometimes. I just long to give you a hug, kiss that space between your eyes, and whisper "I love you" in your ear. I pray that God allows me to always remember the details; I worry that as I get older I won't be able to. Anyway, Daddy and I miss you so much, Buddy Booskies. Love, your Mommy
June 2, 2009
Missing you tons today. I love you, Dally Doo.
August 4, 2009
Hi Dally Doo! It's Mommy. Thank you so much for coming to me in my dreams last night! I've been waiting for you to do that. I was beginning to think it would never happen. You were so vibrant in my dream (darting around, rolling over so I could rub your belly, giving me kisses on my face and hands) . . . just like old times. I could feel your soft belly and hair, and your eyes (yes, both eyes) were so clear and focused. I woke up with a smile on my face, for the first time in a long time. Please don't wait so long next time to come see me. I love you more today than yesterday, my little Buddy Booskies.
November 9, 2009
Hi Dally! Well, tomorrow will be one year since you passed on. I've had a very heavy heart for the last week in anticipation of this day. I don't know where you are or what you're doing. I want to believe you are with God, you are healthy and happy and watching over us, and you are full of love and peace. I pray that's true. I have felt you, although I have not seen you in my dreams in a while. I often wonder if you don't come visit because your business here is complete and you are finally at rest. Dad says you visit all the time, I just don't realize it. My prayer to God for me is that he always keep my memories sharp so that I never forget the details. I know you know what I mean. I miss you, and I love you. I would have done anything in this world for you, my little boy. Can't say that about most people. Hold on to the love, Dally, and hopefully we'll be together again. -Mommy
November 10, 2009
G'Ma calls today the "Anniversary of your ascencion". I like that. It just so happens to be Shelley's first birthday today, too. What a mixture of emotions! I see a little of you in all three of your sisters. I had to get up early today and go to the shelter to take care of the dogs, following Tropical Storm Ida last night. It helped. I guess it was one way of honoring my favorite little man . . . and passing the love we shared on to others. Hugs and kisses, little Buddy Booskies. I love you. -Mommy
January 8, 2010
Good morning, Dallas! First let me say that I feel like a really bad Mommy. I let your birthday AND Christmas go by without writing to you, our favorite time of the year. As you know, Daddy, your sisters and I spent Christmas in Vegas with G'Ma and G'Pa. I know you were there with us the whole time. We found all the pennies you sent us. Thank you for doing that. It really helped Daddy and I feel close to you during the holidays. (I'm sure you saw that we had a little Birthday toast to you at dinner on your birthday.) We had a wonderful time with the family, but I really missed not seeing you guard your stocking, open your presents, and lying with you in front of the fire place and under the tree. But your stocking hung proudly on the fire place right between Dad's and mine! I wish you were physically here so you could teach your sisters how to open their presents. Maggie can kind of do it, but Haylee and Shelley don't have a clue! You were a master at it! Lady Bug was trying to teach them, but it was really chaotic, and they weren't very good students! But your sisters do seem to have picked up one your characteristics. They LOVE being around family, and seemed happiest when everyone was around . . . just like YOU!
I pray that you continue to know how very much loved you are Dallas. The world was so much brighter with you in it, and I haven't been the same since you left. You will forever be my little boy, and I hold you in my heart. Happy New Year, Dally! -Mommy
June 12, 2010
So much has happened since I last wrote to you. My work at the shelter has really picked up. I have grown very attached to all the dogs there, and I know that the love I feel for them is greatly in part due to the love I have for you. I know I don't talk to you as much as I used to, but you are always in my heart. You are the reason I do what I do, for you taught me what really matters in life. I would love nothing more than for you to come see me. I often feel you near, and I find the pennies you send me, but nothing would be as special as seeing you. Daddy tells me I'm just being selfish. I don't care. I miss you. And a little piece of me is missing since you left. I just pray to God you are peacefully residing in Heaven next to Him, awaiting the day we are reunited. I told you I'd never forget you, my sweet Dally Doo, and I meant it. You are with me always and forever. Hugs and kisses, my sweet boy. -Mommy
December 6, 2010
Hi my baby boy. Well, we're getting settled into our new house in Cedar City. I have felt you with me ever since we moved in. I know how much you loved this area, and I wish more than anything you were here physically to run around with your sisters and brother. We finally got the place of our dreams, Dallas. We did it!!! Any time I feel stressed or challenged, I just stop and think of you, and I draw on you for the strength to get me through. You will ALWAYS be in my heart and in my thoughts. I don't know how well you would have faired in all this snow, but I would have been more than happy to hug on you and keep you warm! I hope you are happy where you are, and find comfort in knowing that you will always be loved by your Mommy and Daddy. We miss you more than anything, and no matter how many furry critters come into our lives, YOU will always be our number one boy. Love you, love you, love you.
December 29, 2011: Hi Buddy Booskies! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. G'Ma, G'Pa, and Uncle Phil came out to Utah to spend the holiday with Dad and me. We really had a blessed time, and talked about you a bunch. Did you see our toast to you on your birthday at Tom and Janet's house? You're birthday did NOT go unremembered, my sweet boy. G'Ma said she remembered it to. You would have been 19 years old this year; one year shy of Mommy's goal for you! Your sister Maggie is 4 years old today. She opened all her present by herself. She must have learned that from you, her big brother. You were always so good at that! Too bad you aren't around to teach Shelley, Haylee, and Tank. I had visions of you protecting your stocking at G'Ma and G'Pa's house, as well as laying under the tree after all the presents had been opened. You will forever be a huge part of our best Christmas memories! Thanks for coming to me in my dreams the other night. You looked so good, and so happy to see me! I could feel your kisses on my face, and the softness of your fur. I think you come to me more often in my dreams than I can ever remember once I'm awake. Please keep doing so. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you, feel you, and miss you. Keep smiling, my boy, and keep my spot in Heaven right next to you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND HAPPY NEW YEAR, Dally Dooskies!!!!!
November 10, 2012: Hi Dallas! It has been four years ago today that God took you from your loving home here with Daddy and Me into His home at Rainbow Bridge. There are times it seems so long ago, and then others it seems like just yesterday. I still remember it all so clearly. No doubtedly, the worst day of my life. I was looking through all your medical records yesterday, along with your keepsake bin, and I am more convinced than ever that it was just your time to go, that your cute little body just couldn't do it anymore. And I have grown more thankful that Daddy and I both were with you when you passed over. I used to think I couldn't do it, but now I'm glad you were not alone. I've always said that you taught me how to love, for I really didn't know what love was about until you. And now I am blessed to say that LOVE has become the norm in this house BECAUSE of you. It is present in your sisters and your brother, and in Daddy and me, and we are grateful to YOU for that! I know that I haven't written to you in a long time, and I apologize. But I still think about you all the time, especially in meditation, and Daddy and I both still find your pennies. And I am certain you have been here with us on occasion, for I have accidentally called your sibs "Dallas", and I told Daddy one day that I couldn't wait to get home to see "Dallas". Please continue to come see us and visit. I only pray that God gives me the sense to actually notice it when it happens and keep me present in the moment. We have been taking your sibs to your meadow at Duck Creek to run. They love it just as much as you did. It brings back so many wonderful memories of our times there with you. Oh, Lady Bug isn't doing so well. Her body seems to be giving out on her. She doesn't eat much and has lost a bunch of weight. And her hearing and vision are very poor. I pray that you will make a place for her and welcome her to Rainbow Bridge when it's her time to go. How exciting that you to will be reunited! And don't forget to wish your sister Shelley a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We just sang to her and gave her a present and a treat. Well, son, please always remember how much I love you. You will always be a part of me. I hope that you are having fun there, and I will see you when I see you, my precious Dally Dooskies, Buddy Booskies! Please say "hi" to Bubba Proctor and give him a pat for me. His mommy and daddy miss him dearly. Glad you have another friend with you.
Oct. 10, 2014: Hi my furry son. It has been 6 years since you left me and crossed over the Rainbows Bridge. Where does the time go? Seems like just yesterday I was having to say goodbye. Maggie misses you. Shelley is 6 today and I try to concentrate on the happiness of her birthday and not the loss of you, my best friend. Aunt Chris remembered today and sent me a text saying that you left such an imprint on heart. She loves and misses you too. Do you remember Shannon? Well I have been talking to him again after all these years, and he remembers you too ...... playing ball and just always being so lovable. I hope you know how very much I love you. I may have moved on, and I may not talk to you every day like I used to, but I haven't forgotten. I still find pennies everywhere (found two today..... thank you). You are forever with me son. You taught me what real love is and I will forever be grateful. I wish I could give you a big 'ole hug. I hope you are saving one for me for when we are reunited once again. Please take good care of yourself, and keep watching over us here on Earth. G'Ma, G'Pa, Uncle Mike, Uncle Phil, Maggie and I love you so so so much!!! xoxo
11/10/16: Hi Dally Doo! Seven years now since you went to Rainbows Bridge. It doesn't seem possible that it's been that long. I cried myself to sleep last night thinking about you and missing you. I have tried so hard this past year to find happiness again, since my divorce from Daddy. It's been a real struggle. I took in another dog this year. Her name is Frances. She was a stray living on my street. She is a Terrier like you, and looks a lot like you. And as you know, Shelley turns 7 today. She must have known because while I was sitting on the floor tonight, she snuggled up next to me, something she rarely does. I would give anything to go back to my times with you. They were simple, and fun, and happy. I pray that you are doing well. I so wish that you could hear me when I talk to you, and I hope you continue to watch over me. I am still finding your pennies and have quite the collection going. I wore your necklace today at work, and told some of m co-workers about you. I love you so much my boy. Always and forever! xoxo
11/17/16: 8 years now, my love. Mary Proctor has been an amazing friend to both of us. She remembers you so well, misses you so much, and always makes a point to talk to you. I will be eternally grateful. I don't think the hole in my heart will ever fill, but I love your brother and your sisters so much. I often wonder what you would think about the circus. As we head into another holiday season, I will think of you often. God, so many wonderful memories. My favorite times were always with YOU. I wish you wouldn't be such a stranger. I would give anything to know that you are still around and thinking of me. I hope you are keeping my spot warm. There is no way my heart and soul could love you any more than it does. You fill me with love and joy. God Bless you my son.
06/21/2018: Hi my baby boy. I am kind of embarrassed it's been so long since I wrote to you. You have been on my mind a lot lately, especially with Maggie's passing. I know that she found you and you two are having an amazing time together. Thank you for the pennies you've been sending. They have not gone unnoticed. I love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorrow. The love never dies, and Heaven will be a forever hello. xoxo
11/28/2018: Hi Dally Doo. Just thought I'd drop in and say hello to you and your sister. Christmas is coming and it has me sad that you both are not here to celebrate it with me. I am so happy you have your sister there to play and run with. I think of you often, and miss you every single day. You were my first, baby. There will never be another you. Hugs and kisses. Until we meet again......
11/4/2024: Hi baby. I know it's been a long time since I left you a note. Just living life the best I can. I just renewed your residency. The song still chokes me up every time I hear it. I have three little ones now.... Ollie, Josie and Reese. I tell them all the time how much they would have loved you. They are just your size, and tons of fun. You were the first baby, and you are the reason I love dogs so much today. You lived such a long, great life and you brought so much joy to mine. I cannot wait for the day we are reunited. I hope you are up there with Maggie, Haylee, Shelley, Tank and Frannie enjoying every minute. Thanks for always looking over me and keeping me safe. I still find the pennies that you send, and they bring so much joy. The love doesn't die, Dally, it just gets stronger. I hope you feel it. Come visit me. I would love to see you. I love you with all of my heart, my sweet, sweet boy.
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