Welcome to Dallas Starr's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Dallas Starr
My dear sweet darling Dallas Starr Sinclair, our kitty from a story book, began her fairy tale life with her sister Laura Jane Sinclair on July 1, 2000. We had just moved into our current home a few months prior and hadn't been able to take our beloved cats with us, and we were lonely and heartbroken. Even though we were adjusting to our new life, the house had yet to feel like a real home because it was missing the special love that only pets can bring. Enter Dallas Starr Sinclair! Born under our neighbor's house, Dallas was discovered with her baby sister Laura, a brother,and her sweet Mama Katie to whom we are eternally grateful for entrusting us with her precious kittens! To say it was love at first sight is an understatement--Dallas's fate was decided the second we laid eyes on that gorgeous little face with its beautiful high cheekbones and slanted green almond eyes. Her fur coat was almost as beautiful as her stunning little face--super fine, fluffy, with a cotton candy-like texture, a combination of charcoal gray and pure bright white. I loved to squeeze her fat little pink paws and feel the white silky tufts of hair between her toes!
Dallas was an incredibly curious, high energy kitten who always wanted to be a part of everything going on in the home. She adored anything that sparkled, like marbles, beads, and crystals, the colored curling ribbons you would put on a present, and always wanted to know what was in shopping bags if we came home with any. She also loved the clinking sound of coins, and was even a featured pet in my bank's annual calendar one year! Yes, Dallas Starr was quite the "glamour puss" and "Pin-up cat", and seemed to enjoy having her picture taken. Because she was so incredibly beautiful, I took her picture often. I used to think Dallas would have made a terrific pet model, but as she grew older her she was less calm around strangers and didn't like leaving the house much. While that ended my dreams of stardom for her, Dallas remained my favorite "super model" for years to come. Even her walk was a bit sensual and unusual for a cat--rather seductively, she would cross her two paws one in front of the other as she strutted around, causing everyone to take notice of her. I like to think Dallas knew exactly what she doing, and wanted it that way too. Dallas's beauty had a quality I've seen in only a few other cats--it was incandescent, as if a candle were always lighting her up, giving her a rich, creamy look.She truly loved attention, and loved being adored. Dallas could never get enough love, and lucky for her, we never ran out of love to give her! She was also an amateur thief, "stealing" household items like kitchen sponges or socks and giving them as "gifts" to various family members. Dallas had a true sense of mischief, and delighted in being "naughty", even though it was never anything truly bad. She just wanted to cause a big commotion in the house and have everyone come around and give her more attention! One of her favorite "naughty" things to do was to climb up the drapery in the living room and sit on the curtain tops, teasing us with her stare and daring us to come and get her. At first we would give in and climb on the sofa to get her, but we soon found that a quicker way to get her down was to leave her alone in the room and not make a big deal out of it. That was no fun, of course, so she would hop right down of the drapes and go about her business again like nothing every happened. That silly girl! She was always so much fun, one of the funnest, most lively cats I have ever known. She was so completely charming, you just couldn't help but love her. Dallas was so full of life and so intelligent--I know she knew how much she was loved and cherished by us. I always thought of her as a treasure, a perfect, gleaming diamond I was determined to protect and care for as long as I could. I like to think that we did exactly that for her as well, and that we made her as happy as she made us.
For all these years of her life, no matter what kind of day I had or what was going on , Dallas always made me smile, made me happy. I was happy to think that I was coming home to her and that she would be there. I loved her as more than a pet. To me, she was like a daughter, a child to love. She was my "fur baby." I loved petting her soft fur, carrying her around like a proud mother. I loved doting on her and making her happy. It gave me pleasure to please her, to give in to her little whims. That's one of my only consolations about losing her--I know Dallas had a very happy life, and that she loved her life.
Every cat, every animal should be as loved and as cared for as Dallas was. From the very first moment we saw her, Dallas was a princess. I will never forget how she loved to be pampered, loved to have her hair combed, and loved to sit in the window sill and let the sun warm her fur. I've had other cats before that I've loved dearly, but Dallas was very special. Not only was she absolutely gorgeous and physically a work of art, but because she was an indoor only cat, we all really got to know Dallas more than some of our other cats.
Dallas is now my kitty angel, and I know that I will love her as long as I live. It might sound silly to people who have never really let themselves love an animal before, but if you do, it becomes an incredibly strong bond, as strong as any bond you can have with another human. She was always good, always true, always loving, and never disappointed me. Dallas was always a terrifically healthy, vibrant cat until the winter of 2011, when she became lethargic and seemingly lost that sparkle she always had. Dallas just seemed not her self, but didn't cry or appear to be in pain. Though she was never a big eater, she stopped eating almost completely and began losing weight. When we took her to the vet, we learned she had severe inflammation of the pancreas. We immediately began treating her for the illness, but she was not able to recover. Dallas passed peacefully in the home she loved, with her human family by her side, on the morning of February 21, 2012. I thank God that we were all able to be here for her in her final moments. I believe she held on as long as she could because she didn't want to leave us, and she knew we were heartbroken to lose her. As distraught as we were, we were glad she was at peace and no longer ill and suffering.
Thank you my darling, my little star, my beautiful dreamer........ For so many years of love, sweetness, and friendship. You were a light in my life, and precious to me beyond words. I am so grateful that I knew you and got the chance to love you for all of these years. I am eternally grateful that God chose me to take care of you. It was an honor being your pet parent, and your sweetness and beauty touched me so deeply in my heart. I am forever devastated by the gift of your love, and by the sorrow of losing you. Even though I can't see you anymore, my darling, I know your kitty heart is still beating, and that your spirit still lives in the house you loved, with the people you loved. You are my baby bunny forever. Remember what I always told you and sissy Laura: "No matter what, always remember Mommy loves you." I'm happy to think of you and sissy together again in Heaven, sweetheart. With your personality, I'm sure you were never lonely, my love, but still I'm glad Laura is with you, even though I miss my girls' terribly! I know one day we will all be together again, my angel. I enjoyed every moment of you and what I want you to know the most is what an honor it is that I even knew you, and how much I loved being with you and being your mommy. You have my heart forever, doll, and nothing will ever change that. I love you little girl! Until we meet again, my love..... XOXOXO, Mommy
July 1, 2015/ Happy Birthday my angel! You would have been 15 years old today! Even though I celebrate your life every day my darling girl, birthdays are always such a special day, and I know how you loved getting presents and bows! You always knew it was your birthday, and wanted to share in everyone else's birthday too. Dallas, you were the best gift I ever got, and I miss you every day. I can't believe how quickly 15 years went by, and how much I would like to go back to the first day you came to live in our house so we can do it all over again. I'm sure you had the biggest party up there in Heaven, doll! I hope you like the flowers Mommy picked out for you! Happy Birthday again, my sweet angel. Mommy loves you, little girl!
12/25/15: Merry Christmas, my angel girl! How is Heaven's most beautiful angel? Dallas, I can hardly believe that this is my third Christmas without my special girl here with me, but it makes me happy to think of you and sissy together again in Heaven. Dallas, I adore you and treasure you in my heart like the gleaming jewel you are, and I will always love you. I wish you and sissy the happiest Christmas ever at the Rainbow Bridge! Merry Christmas and lots of love and presents, Mommy
12/25/16: Merry Christmas my beautiful darling! Even though I visit you and sissy every day, today is such as special day for love and your favorite thing--presents! Not a day goes by that I don't love you and miss you! A million hugs and kisses, bunny! XOXO, Mommy
12/31/16:Happy happy New year to you and sissy, my little party girl! I love and miss you and Laura so much, but it makes me happy to think of you slithering around in your glitziest party dress, ringing in the new year! I wish you all the prettiest, most fun glittering tinsel and jewels and gifts up there at the Rainbow bridge! I love, love, love you my darling! XOXO, Mommy

Please also visit Laura Jane.

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