Welcome to Dazzle's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Dazzle
During the last fourteen years of our life's emotional roller coaster, you were always there for me. Your unconditional love helped me to move forward through every day. You gave me a purpose in life, to care for you and love you. We needed each other and I miss you so, my Wizzy Bear. I love you so very, very much. You were God's special gift to me and I thank Him for you.

If I could only have one more kiss, one more cuddle, but then I would have never let you go. With all of your medical problems, you were a miracle. A miracle of how love bonds two souls as one. We were always with each other, every minute the day and night would allow. I would have not had it any other way. Such a big part of me is gone with you, my precious baby. We did everything we could for you but your body could take no more. You always tried to hide your pain, but Mommy and Daddy saw how you must have been suffering at the end. Such a stoic little girl, a 4 lb. hero. We did not want to part from each other and I know that is what kept you going.

You loved to spin in circles. It was your way of saying yes, yes. You would almost spin to butter for pasta. We were together all of the time, I so miss the pure joy it gave us both. How you would terrorize visitors, nipping at their pant legs to keep them from Mommy. As if you could actually scare them off. We lived for each other. What happiness you brought me in 14 short years.

As a six month old puppy, you had to have neck surgery due to a genetic disorder. You then lost most of your hair to black skin disease, then the chronic kidney, bladder and sinus infections. You back knees were bad but you were too small for a surgery. Then the heart murmur which became very bad. You, my precious baby, beat them all to the astonishment of the vets and specialists. But then your little body could not fight the liver, kidney and gall bladder disease all at once but we sure gave it a good try, didn't we? What a fighting spirit, all for our love. You never showed your pain. I have lost some fur babies over the years but loosing you my sweet Wizzy Bear is no comparison. I am praying you have met up with Grandpa, Dancer, Diamond, Dodger and Shaggs and they are caring for you now. Hang on baby, I will be there too and will cradle you against my chest and sing "He's Got The Whole World in His Hands" to you, which we both always loved.

5/18/11 - Just as soon as I think I am doing alright after loosing you, I fall apart again. My life is so empty without you, my sweet Wizzy Bear. I see you out of the corner of my eye, hear your pawsteps and smell you everywhere. Even with Destiny here, this house has no life. I want to run away from the grief but there is nowhere to go. You are in my dreams at night and you are saying you still need me. If I could just hold you and kiss you one more time. I love you so much and miss you terribly.

8/8/11 - My sweet baby spirit. I can still not go through a day without my heart breaking thinking of how much I miss you. I have received a confirmation that your spirit is with me always but I can't help but want more. I want to smell, touch and feel you again. My life is so empty without you. You are finally out of that little body that gave you so much pain, for that I am grateful. I am trying to be strong for both of us but is so unbelievably hard. Our love was nothing short of a miracle.

4/9/12 - I can not believe it has almost been one year since I lost you, my sweet baby Dazzle. You are always in my heart and soul and I still miss you terribly. Places and things we used to go and do together make me feel so alone now. You will never be replaced. I can not even think about another fur baby yet. I am still waiting for your spirit to return to me.

5/9/14 - You have been gone just over three years now. Time moves so slow and yet so fast. I continue to miss you and think about you every day. As you already know, since you are with me always, we have an addition to our family. In September of 2012, with God's blessing, I brought home Divinity. A beautiful little Pomeranian puppy. She is not at all like you but her spirit is just as loving. Her and Destiny are best of friends and she is a very healthy little girl. The time was right and I know you are happy. I miss you just as much but Divinity has filled a little part of the hole in my heart from the day you left us.

Please also visit Destiny, DIAMOND, Divinity, Dodger and Shaggs.

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