Welcome to Deedee & Dolly's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Deedee & Dolly
Deedee and Dolly were draft horses embarked upon the journey of a lifetime with their equine friends Doc and Joyce, canine friend Clementine and their human, Bob Skelding. In August 2008, they set-out from Deerfield, New Hampshire on a cross-country wagon ride. Bob wrote his goal is to "meet plenty of nice people ... and to enjoy this great country of ours like it's meant to be enjoyed". His website, www.wagonteamster.com chronicles their journey. After traveling more than 1700 miles, their journey came to a devastating end when an 18 wheeler hit the wagon while traveling in Mississippi. Deedee and Dolly perished. Bob was seriously injured and remains hospitalized. Doc and Joyce, though injured are reported recovering with a local veterinarian, as is Clementine. Many across the country are following his story and terrible tragedy. Below are words about Deedee and Dolly from Bob's website, alongwith some photos of his team.

On his website, Bob writes: "I don't know where I'm going or where I'll end up, but I think I'm really going to enjoy the people and the places along the way. Come and share the journey with me."

It's sad that the journey has ended for Deedee and Dolly. This is a tribute to them. Bob loved them dearly and they will live on in his heart and the hearts of so many who met them along the way and read of their story. They have left hoofprints in the hearts of many.

Deedee was a registered, 15 year old Percheron mare, very docile and affectionate. Bob broke her to drive and ride when she was two years old, he says she was the easiest horse he ever broke. When she was two and a half years old she almost died when she was trapped in a frozen beaver pond. Read about her harrowing rescue - Saving Deedee on Bob's website. Deedee was bred by Bob's grandpa Jake Sheaffer. Jake is 95 years old and is still breeding horses. She was named after a waitress at the local diner.

Dolly was the most recent addition to Bob's team. She was 10 years old and very well trained. She's not a registered mare, she's what is known as a Grade horse. Even though she was mostly Percheron, she had some other blood in her. Bob says the only way he can tell is that her tail grows too long for a Percheron and her feet are a bit small.

Farewell to friends, Deedee and Dolly, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge together.

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