My heart hurts and it is so broken right now 馃挃 I appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers for me and My Boy Desi 馃挃 I miss him so much He licked my hand before we went to sleep every night 馃挃 He cuddled up so close to me on my right side 馃挃 He use to walk all over my chest and kiss my nose when he wanted some lovin' 馃挃 He barked at me whenever I was making his food like to hurry up, I'm hungry kind of bark, I wasn't fast enough for him 馃挃 He had favorite blankets just for him but now they are empty 馃挃 He hopped around like a bunny whenever I came home from work or doing an errand 馃挃 smile 馃挋 it was so hard to catch him and pick him up, it made me dizzy 馃挋smile 馃挋 when I gave him a treat, he played with it before he ate it or he carried it around with him and went on a mission to find a place to bury it 馃挃 smile 馃挋 Desi also had another mission to bury my socks 馃挋smile 馃挋 Desi was a very very special friend of mine and he always stayed by my side through thick and thin 馃挃 when he was younger and we went for walks, I could not keep up with those fast paced four little legs of his 馃挃 Desi loved to play and fetch his toys it tired me out 馃挃馃挃馃挋馃挋馃挋 Desi was and always will be known as "My Boy" 馃挃馃挃馃挃 Mommy will always love you "My Boy Desi" 馃挃馃挃馃挋馃挋馃挋 Karen Douglas wrote this: Just know that when he crossed, his sister Lucy was right there at the heavenly gates of the rainbow bridge to greet him! They are playing and chatting about when they were just wee pups! And telling every other up there what a fantastic Mommy they had! One who cared for there every need! Was always there for them! And loved them beyond words! Sandy Dowling My Beautiful Kind Hearted Friend Karen 馃挋 Thank you for the comforting thoughts and prayers 馃挋 Knowing that Desi's sister was waiting for him as he crossed over Rainbow Bridge is very comforting 馃挋 My first two fur baby friends ever and they are both together now 馃挋 They taught me so much and we had so much fun together especially when they were puppies 馃挋 I love you and Bella and I know you are near 馃挋 I am so very happy to be a part of your life as you are mine 馃挋 Love you too my dear friend 馃挋 Donna Mammone So sorry for your loss of the cutest guy ever. He was the sweetest little cutie and I remember those walks. Memories of him will always comfort you Sandy Dowling 馃挋 My dear sweet kind hearted friend Donna I do have wonderful memories of Desi and our life together You were there at the start and you always remember our love for these precious family fur baby members Thank you for caring and loving me still Linda Beward Sandy I know how hard this is for you to have lost one if not the most precious loves of your life Desi .Yesterday when i heard of his crossing over to the rainbow bridge i cryed all day i just could not help myself i did not know that he was sick. As you know i lost both my boys on the same day and time Beamer was 17 and benji was 16 My heart still aches from that day i lost them ..I would have shortened my own life if it meant keeping them with me longer but it just is not meant to be that way ..In time the heart starts to heal and the sting lessens but not i day goes by that i do not think of them that is when I know they are wagging thier little tails in my heart saying Mommy don't cry we are here and want you to know how much we love you ..So remember when your heart feels very heavy it is Desi wagging his little tail and letting you know he never left you he lives in your heart... 馃挋馃挋angel emoticon Sandy Dowling My beautiful friend Linda 馃挋 thank you for the comforting thoughts 馃挋 I never realized how bad Desi's heart issue was ~ he was diagnosed with a heart murmur about a month or so ago ~ I knew for weeks that he was preparing himself for crossing over the Rainbow Bridge, but it was shocking to wake up to him being gone 馃挋 I didn't expect it this soon 馃挋 I know that they tug at our hearts and i am sure Beamer and Benji still do 馃挋 Desi gave me the best years of his life and I am very thankful for that, but I still miss my little man 馃挋 I will know when he is wagging his little tail by tugging at my heart so much 馃挋 Love you 馃挋 Louie Denise McBride Wish I could make it all better for you Sandy Dowling, as I have been there and it sure does hurt. Sending huge hugs to you and keeping you in my thoughts. I am here if you need anything, even an ear to bend. 馃挋 Sandy Dowling You are so very precious and thoughtful Louie 馃挋 I feel those huge hugs coming my way from you. I will be sure to remember to bend your ear when ready heart emoticon So thankful to have you in my life 馃挋 Cheryl Baptista Sandy, I know there are no words that I could ever write or say that would make this any easier.. reading what you wrote about your sweet little friend, brought a stream of tears.. I don't think our heart ever completely mends.. but I do know in time the pain is not as sharp.. These beautiful memories that you wrote about your sweet boy Desi, in time will become beautiful treasures. .I wish you comfort and peace, at this time , when your heart is shattered... Desi is now your Guardian Angel watching over you and little Lucy Rose.. he will always be by your side, walking silently with each step you take.. unseen and unheard ..Godspeed Desi.. 馃挋馃挋馃挋 Sandy Dowling My dear friend Cheryl 馃挋 You described my feelings perfectly 馃挋 I am thankful for the 14 years My Boy Desi gave me unconditionally 馃挋 He loved me to the end 馃挋 You are a dear and treasured friend
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