Welcome to Destiny's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Destiny
Weenz always wanted to eat around 6 am and 6 pm. When it was near breakfast time she would walk on our head and knock things off our bedside tables. When it was near dinner time she would sit in front of the tv and knock dvds off the tv table. Whenever you would be sitting on the sofa or laying in the bed, Weenz would snuggle with you usually by laying against you or on you. Weenz was always a very talkative girl. Especially when food was envolved. Weenz would never let anyone eat ice cream alone! Weenz was a very sweet girl with a sweet soft purr. Weenz was sick the last few months of her life but has now crossed the Rainbow Bridge and no longer is in pain. All of her family loved her very much and will miss her forever!
12-6-2021 It's been two weeks since Destiny crossed over the Rainbow Bridge and we're all still very sad. I miss seeing Weenz every day and it's not the same having her food bowl put away. We still have two other food bowls to fill every day but her companions are now starting to miss her I believe. Hopefully it will get better for all of us over time. We miss and love you Weenz!
12-13-2021 We buried Destiny this afternoon at the pet cemetery. I put her favorite toy(stuffed shark) in her casket so she'd never be alone and a small bag of cat treats so she'd never be hungry. She loved her shark and she loved cat treats! After brushing her fur and placing her paw around her shark, we placed her casket in her grave. I played a recording of "Memory" and we all had a good cry and said our goodbyes! I hope this can start the healing process now. It's still hard to get through the day without calling for Weenz or calling one of the other cats by her name. We all know you'll be waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge some day in the future, sweet Weenz! Good Bye!!!
12-22-2021 It was one month ago today at this time that our beloved Weenz crossed the Rainbow Bridge! Even though she's in a better place now, we all miss her very much. I don't go a day without thinking about her often. After a month has gone by, we can tell that our other cats(Dakota and Dusty) are missing Destiny. Dusty is especially lonely, as she lays on us looking around for her buddy. I feel bad for Dusty because her buddy is not with her any longer. Christmas is three days away and the tree is up with presents wrapped underneath but I don't feel festive this year because our baby is gone. This year at Christmas I have an empty feeling inside and it's just not the same without Destiny being here with us. I'm glad she's healthy again and playing with her old and new friends across the Rainbow Bridge. We all love you Weenz!
12-25-2021 Merry Christmas Destiny! Your family hopes you're happy on this Christmas Day and we all wish you were with us today! We love you very much our sweet Weenz!
5-22-2022 Its 6 months today that our sweet Destiny crossed the Rainbow Bridge! We're all thinking about you today and miss you very much Weenz!
8-3-2022 Today Destiny's longtime companion Dakota crossed the Rainbow Bridge due to kidney disease just like Destiny. Dakota lived a long life of 25 years and 5 months! Dakota gave our entire family much happiness for a long time and we'll miss her terribly! She was only a few months younger than our daughter Holly. Now Dakota is happy and healthy again and Destiny has her buddy with her now and is no longer lonely! We still have one kitty(Dusty) at home but she seems to be lonely now. Hopefully things will get better for Dusty.
September 2022 Happy Birthday Destiny! We miss you!
9-23-2022 we finally were able to bury Dakota at the Pet Cemetery today. She's now with Destiny and they're playing and napping together!
11-22-2022 Today is the 1st anniversary of Destiny crossing the Rainbow Bridge. Margaret and I observed a moment of silence at 2:15 PM to mark the time when Destiny passed after being put to sleep. We're very sad today. I went to the Pet Cemetery and placed Christmas Trees on each of our animals graves we have there. This was a good day to decorate the graves for the holidays! I felt better about Weenz' passing after decorating today. We always think about all the happy times we had with you! Weenz, we miss you very much and love you! Happy Thanksgiving girl!
12-25-22 Merry Christmas Destiny and Dakota! This is our 2nd Christmas without Destiny and our 1st without Dakota. It's not the same when we open our presents in the morning without the two of you in the middle of it all! Also, your other companion Dusty is lonely without you both here. Our daughter's two kitties are visiting for a few days and that helps. Tyson and Monet visiting is a comfort to all of us. Merry Christmas girls. We'll see you again across the rainbow bridge.
8-3-2023 Today is the 1st anniversary of Dakota crossing the Rainbow Bridge. Margaret and I observed a moment of silence today at 1:10 PM today when Dakota was put to sleep due to her illness(Kidney Failure). We are sad today but know time will help heal our sadness. We know Dakota is in a better place now and playing and napping with Weenz! We love and miss you Dakota!
11-22-2023 Today is the 2nd anniversary of Destiny crossing the Rainbow Bridge. We observed a moment of silence at 2:15 PM today for her. She's happy and with Dakota now!
12-25-2023 Merry Christmas Destiny and Dakota! This is our 3rd Christmas without Destiny and our 2nd without Dakota. Dusty is still a bit lonely in believe but seems to be getting along better. It's still not the same around here without you girls. We know we'll see you both again someday!
8-3-2024 Today is the 3rd anniversary of Dakota crossing the Rainbow Bridge. Margaret and I observed a moment of silence today to remember Dakota. We know our Dakota is happy and healthy now!
11-22-2024 Today is the 4th anniversary of Destiny crossing the Rainbow Bridge. Margaret and I observed a moment of silence today to remember Destiny. We know Destiny is happy and with Dakota across the Rainbow Bridge! We'll see you again someday Destiny!
12-25-2024 Merry Christmas Destiny and Dakota! This is our 4th Christmas without Destiny and our 3rd without Dakota. While Dusty still is lonely she seems to do pretty good now. Dusty likes to nap on me and that helps me feel better. Merry Christmas girls. We all will see you both again on the other side of the rainbow bridge someday!

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