Welcome to Dexter's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Dexter's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Dexter
Beautiful boy, what a rough life you must have had before you were rescued. You were left in one of those drop off rooms at a shelter in the middle of the night with five other dogs of different breeds. Your picture was passed around to Dalmatian rescue groups, and when I saw it, I thought you were SO handsome! I volunteered to foster you, and you were put on a transport from Georgia to Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, it started snowing, and the driver thought she would not be able to make it all the way to our house. I was so worried about you, I convinced Justin to drive with me to Gettysburg at 2AM through a blizzard, just so I could get you safely to your new home.

It was obvious that no one had ever taken care of you. You had a long ago broken leg, that healed at a crazy angle and wasn't even in your hip socket. Yet, somehow, you were able to use it when you had to. Your teeth were all broken, you had stones, testicular cancer, arthritis, and mysterious scars across your brow. But that didn't matter to you! You were so happy to have a bed to sleep on and lots of food. Poor sweetheart, you were at the vet so much, my vet called you the $10,000 dog.

You are a gentle soul and whatever life threw at you, you handled it with grace and strength. I shall miss your singing for dinner, your soft, trusting eyes, your great love of Justin and the way you "yelled" at Gretel and her endless pestering. Run free, my precious baby, until we see each other again. We love you always.

Please also visit Arlo, Ditto, Gabriel, Maxfield, Miss Violet, Moey, Pixie, Radar, Reggie, Riley and Spriddles.

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