Welcome to Dexter's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Memories of Dexter
Dexter came into our lives November 3, 1997 and sadly made his way to Rainbow Bridge on February 6, 2016 at the age of 18 1/2. He was the best jumper! He would surprise us by waiting on TOP of doors and then reach down with his paw and touch our heads. As he aged he wasn't able to jump like that any more but he still loved to play "chase the rope" until old age took his eyesight. It was painful to watch him try and make his way around the house but I know that he was learning his way around. When his sister Chloe went to Rainbow Bridge in March of 2011 Dexter was lost. He was alone for the first time in his life. When TC and Calvin came to live with us a few months later he wasn't happy but he learned to love his two little brothers. We miss him every day but especially when we get one of his favorite treats out of the refrigerator. He could hear the mayonnaise jar come out from anywhere in the house. He would come into the kitchen, even after his sight was gone, and wait for his special treat. It was something that I was happy to be able to do for him for all of his life. In the end his kidneys began to fail and he started to go downhill. The only loving thing that we could do was help him on his way to the bridge with as much love and dignity as he deserved. 2/6/2017 I can't believe that it's been a year since we said good bye to you sweet boy. A day doesn't go by that we don't think of you or mention something that you used to do. In your honor and memory we help transport kitties to their forever homes. It's just a little something that we can give back for all the happiness that you gave to us over the years. 2/6/2018 Two years ago we had to let you go. It was one of the hardest things we've ever had to face. You were our Big Guy. We've helped 5 more kitties get to their forever homes. Things are pretty calm around here. TC and Calvin are almost 7 now. Calvin has calmed down but not much. :) We miss you and will love you forever. 2/6/2019 Another year has gone by. Mom is retired now and you would have loved it with her home all day. She is going to start volunteering with the organization that transports kitties to their new furever homes! All this in your memory. We have helped more kitties get to their new homes this year. Calvin and TC are loving having Mom home too. Dad is still working harder than he should but he is always available for pets and cuddles. We miss you and love you Big Guy. 2/6/2020 It's been 4 years. It doesn't seem possible that it's been that long. Mom is still enjoying being retired and Dad will be done later this year. We still talk about you and remember when you used to jump up to the tops of doors and then startle us by tapping us on the head. I hope that there is a nice celebration today for you on your bridge arrival day. Mom misses you each and every day. We will always love you. 2/6/2021 It seems hard to think that it's been 5 years. We are both retired now so Calvin and TC have full time parents. You were a special guy and we miss you and talk about you often. I volunteer setting up transports for kitties to get to their new homes. It makes me feel really good to know that I am helping them live the rest of their lives in happiness and comfort. Enjoy your special celebration today Big Guy. We love you. 2/6/2022 It's hard to believe that you have been gone for 6 years. Things are pretty much still the same here. Calvin and TC run the house and we are their servants. We still think about you and talk about you often. Your friend Heather is retiring from pet sitting. I know how much you loved it when she came over and she loved you too. So we will get a new pet sitter now. I'm still helping homeless kitties get to their new homes. I enjoy being able to contribute to the organization that runs it. We love you Big Guy, now and forever. 2/6/2023 Another year has gone by. We still talk about you and some of the things that you used to do.The new pet sitter is working out okay but TC and Calvin are not wild about someone new. They hide. Maybe you could let them know that she is good and only wants to take care of them. We love you Big Guy. 2/6/2024 We will always remember how you loved to jump up high. We have lost another pet sitter. Monica decided that she needed a more regular schedule and I get that. So now we are looking for someone again. I know there will never be another Heather though. You were her favorite! Nothing new around the house. Still lots of birds to watch out the back windows that you would have loved. Love you and still miss you Big Guy. Please also visit Chloe, Dennis and TC.

Dexter's People Parent(s), Kurt and Beth, would appreciate knowing you have visited their Dexter's Memorial Residency.
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