Welcome to Dexter's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Dexter
Dexter, you were truly our "baby" dog, and I will miss you every day. I'm so sorry you had so many health conditions, but I honestly did everything in my power to help you and give you the best life possible. I'll miss everything about you especially cuddling in the bed with you and carrying you in my arms close to my heart where you loved to be. You were the center of my universe, and you knew it too. I wouldn't have had it any other way. Letting you go was the hardest thing for us to do but we know it is what was best for you and that's all that matters. I hope you are healthy and happy now and that Kosmo and Sebastian greeted you at the Rainbow Bridge. Until we meet again Dexter, this time will be forever. I love you with all my heart and can't wait until that day when we meet again. Until then I know when I think of you the tears will stream down my face but at some point, those tears with turn to a smile as I remember all the wonderful time we spent together and all the unconditional love you gave.

Dexter, it's been a little over 5 months without you and I've been missing you like crazy lately but today it hit me all over again, like it just happened. I have no idea why. I have to be honest, I feel like the vets at the emergency clinic failed me and in return I failed you. I took you there so that we could figure out what was wrong and get you treated but instead, you ended up dying while in their care. I had no idea when I left you in their care that it might possibly be the last time I would see you as you and alive. Had the thought even crossed my mind, our goodbye that day would have been very different. I'm so sorry Dexter and I miss you with my whole heart.

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