Welcome to Diane's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Diane
Diane was brought to the shelter in May of 2004. I first saw her in September, after having lost my kitty, Boots, my companion of 16.5 years. I was heart-broken over the loss and would start crying every time I passed by the kitties in the windows of the shelter. I looked at all of them, I just couldn't help myself. I put my hand up on the glass, and Diane looked up at me and promptly put her own paw up to match me! I had to have her! She was the one!! When the adoption counselor brought her out to meet me, I sat down on the floor and she ran right over to me, a purr-box of love. I applied for her adoption and took her home that same day. What Boots taught me, and meant to me, was something I never thought could be repaid, but I began volunteering for the cat shelter in October of 2004, in her honor. I've never looked back.

Diane was the most amazing cat. Everyone she met, she took an instant liking to. I never saw a cat who literally liked everyone. All the cats I knew up until then would favor their pet-mom or pet-dad, sometimes both, but never strangers. Diane would wander over and lay at their feet, and would wait to be petted, not pushy, just mellow.

She liked other cats too. Not just tolerated them, but really enjoyed being around them. Diane was an only cat from September of 2004, until a neighbor took me to see this stray cat in April 2005. This cat hissed at everybody...except my neighbor and me. She plopped herself down on the sidewalk and rolled over for belly rubs. Well, how could I resist? But how would Diane react? I was going on vacation in a week, and my neighbor was cat-sitting Diane. It would be 2 weeks until I could bring the stray to the vet. If she had any diseases, I didn't want her to make Diane sick. Luckily, I had a long hallway where I could keep them separated until I got home from vacation. When I got home, I got another surprise...Diane and the "new" cat, now, Maggie, were best buds!! Maggie had knocked down the pet-gate and made herself at home. (I only took Maggie to help find her a home, not to keep her...the best laid plans.....need I say more?)

And that was just the start. After Maggie, I volunteered to "foster" Sadie, in May of 2006. That went well, so well, I couldn't give Sadie up. I officially adopted her from the shelter on September 30, 2006, passing away in January of this year. (You'll see her memorial linked below, and her story.) But Diane was just so happy to have Sadie become a part of our household. There was never any hissing or discontent, Diane just had the attitude of the more, the merrier.

Then I was a foster mom failure for Chi Chi. Yep, I kept her too, adopting her May 2007. (You'll also find her memorial linked below.) And Diane welcomed Chi Chi to the household. Diane's special pal was Sadie tho', and Maggie found Chi Chi to be her best bud. All was a happy state....

Then Chi Chi passed away, after a brief battle with cancer in August 2010. I felt so bad that I could only give this older tabby girl 3 years. I could see all nine of her lives in her eyes. She had so much soul in her eyes.

In December 2010, another brown tabby came into the shelter. My heart was captivated. With the craziness of the holidays, I waited until January of 2011 to bring home Zoey. Diane liked her too. How lucky can any pet-mom be with a cat as sweet as Diane?

Diane was like the mom-cat, grooming Sadie, and to a lesser extent, Zoey. I can only imagine that Diane is at the Rainbow Bridge, grooming Sadie, licking her face, her ears, and all over her head, as they are re-united once again.

I came home on this day to find Diane had passed away sometime during the day, while I had been at work. She had exhibited absolutely no symptoms of distress. She had been peeing and pooping and eating regularly. This morning, she came into the bathroom as was her habit to get first scritchies of the day. She ate her breakfast and wandered off in her mellow way to snooze on her bed. What a shock it was to me. It left me so stunned that I barely had the brain cells to call the vet, and arrange a cremation. I'll pick her up the week after next, and she'll join Sadie and Chi Chi in the memorial "garden" I have where all their ashes are.

I know I will never meet another cat like Diane. All cats have their own distinct personalities, but Diane was truly a rare gem in her own special way. I will miss her dearly

Please also visit Boots, Chi Chi and Sadie.

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