Diarmid MacThomson Mor aka Diarmid was born on July 26, 1991 in Louisville, Ohio. At four weeks of age I first saw him and he picked me as his mom. At 8 weeks he came home in the palm of my hand at a whopping 2 pounds including collar and name tag. Like his previous sibling Angus, he was born on a family member's birthday. He and cousin Nancy shared the same day for 5-1/2 years until Nancy passed away. As a pup he made regional/national news pick-up with his grandpa. Diarmid had gotten loose from his leash at grandma & grandpa's house and had gone over the cliff side landing on a ledge 50 feet above a gravel riverbed. The soil was very sandy there and grandpa had trouble getting his footing also. Grandpa got him passed up to grandma and stepped on a hornets nest. While swatting them away the firemen were trying to help grandpa when he went over the cliff. Amazingly broke nothing, but had over 200 stings so spent a short time in the hospital. When grandpa was back home the local news and papers came to interview him with Diarmid. They made a good size article in the paper with a BIG picture and on the national news. As grandpa said "Why did I do it? He's my daughter's "baby" and she'd kill me if I let anything happen to him". Friends out of state saw it on their local news - they made history! Diarmid loved his grandma, grandpa, Pooh & Maxie, "his" Aunt Ruth and Cousins Nancy and her brother Bernie. For years he thought he was a cat. Spoiled is an understatement - human contact basically 24/7/365 his whole life. Stubborn to a fault, he was strongly loyal and very protective. He fiercely guarded "his houses" - i.e. mom's, grandma's and Aunt Ruth's. He had the most beautiful white coat - Dr. Snaveley would say that he was the whitest Westie he'd ever taken care of. It was natural, not much care but bathing to keep him that way and since he was "prissy" and didn't like getting dirty in the yard he stayed that way! Diarmid loved to travel - car rides were his favorite. When Pooh & Maxie passed to the Bridge the then 8-1/2 year old Diarmid picked out Westie baby Alexander as his and loved him a lot. They were inseparable. When he was 10-1/2 kitties Michael & Padraig came to live in our house. They all got along, and Padraig was "his" kitty. Diarmid, Blue Boy, Darmie doodle, Grumpy Butt, those were some of his nicknames. He liked things "his way" and always wanted the last word! Christmas was his favorite time - he loved to open presents. Tissue paper flew everywhere. Then, he left the present alone - the fun was in the opening for him. He tried for 7 years to teach Alexander to open gifts, but never had any success. Christmas wasn't the same for a long time after Diarmid passed and finally by about his fourth Christmas younger Cairn brother MacTavish figured out he had to rip open the packages if he wanted what was inside. Like you he knew that if he waited for to Alexander to do it they would never get open! On January 24, 2007 at 9:15 am Diarmid passed away suddenly while standing in one of his favorite spots in his grandma's back yard (near the cliff edge) with Alexander in the yard and Grandma nearby. He is missed greatly by his family and friends and especially his siblings. I know that he is now playing with siblings Pooh, Maxie and Alexander, along with those siblings who came before and after him - Ti, Padraig, Michael, MacTavish & Dugall. You were my little white guy, lots of spunk and lots of heart. Life has never be quite the same without you my little one. Alexander joined you at the Bridge in 2014, Padraig in 2016, MacTavish in 2018, and Michael in 2019 so the gang is all together again. Westie Dugall, my lovely sweet rescue boy passed in 2024 at the young age of 9-1/2, so now my trio is down to a duo with Westie Hamish and little Cairn brother Feargus who is 7 years younger. I swear you channeled your backtalking/last word nature to Hamish as he is just like you in that regard. Feargus is only half as mouthy - but at a much higher pitch. Hard to believe 1/24/25 was 18 years since you left me. Till we meet again at the bridge --- love, Mom Please also visit Alexander MacTavish Mor, Angus, Dugall MacKenzie Mor, MacTavish Dundee Mor, Maxie, Michael, Padraig, Pooh and Ti. |
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