Welcome to Diego Miguel, Muffin Boy's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Diego Miguel, Muffin Boy
Nothing can replace your little bark, wagging your tail and running up to me everyday.
Nothing can change how much I love you, and how much I will miss you everyday.
Your brother, sisters and fathers will miss you, my baby boy.
It has been six days since you went to rest in peace. I have kept your blanket right beside me every night, and I cried every morning when I realize that I cannot rub your little belly anymore. I miss you so much my boy, there are no words to describe the sadness in my heart, but I only you hope you can see me in heaven and watch over me.
Yesterday, I received Diego's little wooden box, which contained his ashes. It was the most difficult day of my life, but I also received his paw prints, and other things that will help keep his presence with me wherever I go. More importantly, there is nothing that can change the love I have for my little Diego. I will always love him with all my heart and soul, he is my baby boy. I miss him now more than ever.
I pray today for my Diego's soul. I pray everyday for my Diego to come down from Heaven to lay down beside me every night. I miss you my sweet little boy. Your Daddy loves you.
My little boy is now in heaven, and his daddy misses him today more than even. My only consolation is his little blanket that lies beside my bed every night.
My Diego, today is Christmas, and this is the first time that you will not be here with me to share toys with your brothers and sisters, to run around and bark. I feel so sad, but I know you are now in the hands of Christ, watching over us and sending us your spirit to make this Christmas about what is important: love for each other and enjoying time together. I love you so much my baby boy. Your family misses you, life is not the same without you here.
First Christmas without my precious baby. Today is Diego's first month anniversary. What a sad day, but full of wonderful memories. There are no words to express my love for my Diego. He is my angel, and I feel his presence in my life everyday. Your family misses you.
A new year has begun. This is a difficult time for me. I miss you my Diego. However, I found comfort and peace in keeping your presence alive here in your home. I have not stopped calling your name and I talk to your brother and sisters about how you are watching after us in Heaven. I love you Diego, and you are my happiness and no distance will be able to make me forget all you brought to life. Daddy loves you.
My Diego Miguel. We keep your presence alive at home. You are everywhere. It is sad to think you are not here with me to give you a big hug and rub your belly the way you liked, but just know that you won't ever die in the hearts and lives of your family. We love you Diego.
I cried today. Two months without my Diego, and it just doesn't get any easier. I miss my Diego. He brought so much happiness to my life. I love you Diego.
My baby Diego, we miss you, but you are not gone. You live in our hearts and thoughts. Your name and presence is everywhere, and you will be forever my baby boy, my angel, my sweet little Diego. We miss you so much.
Today is the fourth month anniversary of my little boy who is now in heaven. This day brings nothing but tears and sadness to my life, and the only consolation is to know that my Diego is now with God, and he can see me, and he knows how much his daddy misses him. I love you My DIEGO.
My baby Diego, not a day has gone by that I don't miss you. You will be in my heart until the day I die because you were my joy. I hope you can see from the rainbow bridge where you are playing with your little friends, and remember that your daddy loves you with all his heart.
My Diego has been playing in the rainbow bridge for six months. I still cry at east three or two times a week. I miss my little furry boy. He was my life, and I just hope he can see how much Daddy loves him and misses him. He always be alive in my heart.
My dieguito is heaven, and I still cry every time I see his pictures. My Diego, I hope you are watching your daddy from the Rainbow Bridge, and know that my heart breaks into pieces when I feel the need to hug you and I can't. You were my life my Diego.
I missed my Diego so much. It is hard to write a message every month in his memorial because I do not want to accept that he is not with me anymore. I find comfort and peace knowing that he is resting in peace in a world world where there is no violence and everything is love. I will love you forever my Diego.
Today is my Diego's first year anniversary. He has crossed the rainbow bridge, joining beautiful dogs in heaven. My heart is broken, and my soul cannot find comfort. I love my Diego so much. My life is not the same without him. He was my everything, and all I wish is to hold him and sing his songs, touch his little nose, kiss his ears. I just want him sitting beside me. Wherever you are my Diego, know that your daddy will always miss you and love you. You my greatest happiness, I will one day be with you. Your dad, Johnathan, your brother, Dilon, Your sisters Dora and Lucile, we are all sad. However, you have never left us. You are still part of all we do. Love you forever.
My beautiful Diego's second year anniversary. He is now in a better place, watching after his daddy, bother and sisters. His love will last forever. There is no one single day that I don't think of my Dieguito. He was and will forever be one of the greatest gift life has given me. You are my muffin boy. Your dad Johnathan says hello to you. He misses you.
My Dieguito, your brother Dilon is on his way to Heaven. He is running to see you, and to say hello. He will stay with you until we can all reunite together in Heaven. We will see each other there, and nothing will break us apart. Your daddy is very sad, but I know you and your brother are looking after me, and you will give me the strength to endure this pain. I love you my Dieguito hermoso! I still cry when I remember your sweet little face and kisses. You were my baby, and you will live in my heart forever!
My dieguito hermoso is in heaven. His body left us three years ago, but his soul and love live in my heart everyday. I remember you everyday, and my heart breaks in pieces when I realize that I can hold you my baby boy. Your dad will love you forever. Your sisters and I are here waiting until the day, we can all be together for eternity. My sweet Diego, there is no distance, sky or time that will change the love I have for you, my angel in heaven.
My dieguito hermoso, I miss you my boy. I hope you and your brother are enjoying each other's company in heaven. Your family misses you, but I can see you everyday here because you live in my heart and soul. I love you my baby boy.
My boy, today it has been four years since you left. Your daddy cries sometimes because he remembers you, and all the love you gave him. You were my happiness dieguito hermoso. I pray that you and I get reunited in heaven. I hope you have forgiven me for the many times I might have not given you all the love you deserved or mistreated you when you always wanted to make me a happy dad. Today, I understand that I have to give all my love to your sisters, so that when they leave this world, they go and join you and dilan to take care of daddy from heaven until we are together again FOREVER. I love you my boy.
My dieguito hermoso is IN heaven. I still cry every time I remember him. He loved his belly rubs, he loved to eat and bark. He was my everything. I miss my boy. I wish life would have given me more time with him on Earth, but I will see you again in heaven where we will be together forever. Love you with all my heart my Diego. I miss you my muffin boy.
MY sweet Diego is still difficult for me to write notes in your memorial. My heart breaks in pieces, and I start crying because you are not here with me. I know that now you are with your brother and sister playing and watching me from Heaven. You know your daddy is very sad because you have all crossed the rainbow bridge. It is now just Lucy and I making memories. Your daddies miss you, and we will always be sad because we have lost the most beautiful gifts God gave us. I love you my Diego, and there is no distance, time that will erase the love I will always have for you. Six years ago, a day like today, you went to sleep in the arms of Jesus, and since then you have been watching us, making sure that I lived and experienced the greatest love I could ever have. Thank you my Diego for taking care of me, you are my sweet little boy, and you will always be my sweet baby. Say hello to Dilan and Dora; I am sure the three of you are together, and It is my hope that the day I leave this world, you will be waiting for me to come and rest beside you for eternity.
My beautiful Dieguito, I know you are in heaven happy in the company of Dora, Dilan and Lucy. I hope you are looking at us, and sending us all your love. We miss you so much, and there is no a day in my life that I wish I could have you here with me. I pray I will see you in heaven, and we will be together forever. I love you my Diego. Your daddy misses you. You were my happinesss and I will miss you until the day we find each other again. There is no heaven or distance that can separate us You are and will always be here with me.
My beautiful Diego. I miss you my baby boy. I hope you and your brother and sisters can see us today. You sent us another angel. His name is Swiper, and he is now Boots' little brother. One day, they will too join you guys in heaven, and I will miss them as much as I miss you. There is no distance, time or day that I do not think about the best gift life gave me, you my Diego will always be my Alegria and love. I miss you my sweet boy.
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