Welcome to Diesel Caturano's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Diesel Caturano
To my Handsome Diesel
We are so proud to have you pick us as your parents that day at petsmart. No one could have asked for a better friend, companion and healer than you. You have brought so much joy, fun, friendship, laughter, tears and reliability. Mommy, Daddy and CC we are the lucky ones. You were not here long but your impact on us will always be remembered. You will never know the gratitude your dad has for you that you saved his life. He will now go on knowing you are helping him from the other side of that rainbow. You can now join your sister and run free and play with all your new friends pain free and live your life to the fullest. I will always remember your head butts, your yelling in the middle of the night and the sitting and watching of our favorite time of the year (football). Your spirit will live on forever. No need to cry and reach out for anyone to save you, like I said you saved us. That first day in petsmart and the foster home no more. We love you always big D.

Oh Diesel, its mommy and daddy's first Christmas without you and it is so hard to celebrate this time of year with out you and your sisters. We know how much you loved hanging out under the Christmas tree and fighting cc for the spot. We had to finish baseball season with out you playing catch with us and a whole football season without you by our side watching them play. You don't understand how much you are truly missed and still love u. it has not gotten easier for mommy or daddy to see you picture everyday and wonder what you are up too, will you be waiting on the bed for us or are you playing nicely with your sisters. We know you are the best big brother and you are taking care of them just like they are looking after you. your daddy blames himself he did not do enough to help you just like you helped him. if you didn't mommy doesn't know if daddy would be here with her right now. you are such the angel we knew you were from the minute we met you. miss you so much little man. 12/26/17

It has been 1 yr since you left us my little man. It was a tough day for mommy and daddy. Even your friend Berkley misses you. He remembers you on the short time you had together but I know he will always remember you as his big brother and leader. Even Chelsea you older but yet little sister left us after you and now I know all three of you are together playing with a babaeball cause it is that season you love. Fathers are the best and you my friend had the best mitts for catching. I love you and will miss you furever. Keep watching on everyone else here to show them the way. Enjoy ur time with ur sisters. 🐱🐣🐰❤️❤️It's easter and the bunnies are out. Wish you were here to see them4/1/18

Oh my boy, what can I say two years has come and gone and it is no easier now than it was that day. You were my best little man and best big brother to your sisters. I just hope you are having an amazing time with them now and all playing and enjoying the endless sunshine and rainbows and treats. Baseball is not the same without my little catcher. Mommy still has your baseball. Keep on catching and running and playing with your little friends and sisters. Miss you always
Mommy and Daddy loves you
Berkeley misses you too 4/1/19

Hello my big boy. It is so hard everyday. We talk about you all the time and your pictures have been popping up on mommies phone e with ur sister lately and it's so hard to look at you too and think we didn't fail you both. But we know you were ill and we did al we could but every Christmas 🎄 when the tree is up I see you laying underneath on the skirt and just resting all day and night and loving it. Miss you to pieces big man. Always in my heart

Miss u my baseball buddy. Opening day was yesterday we was a few innings. It's just not the same without our little catcher. I knew u were there because all of a sudden on the screen they zoomed into a catchers mitt for no reason. To show the style. ( never saw that before) and it was pure black like ur 🐾. I knew I said see ma I am watching too. And I play catch with my sisters all the time like you said. Luv you my boy. Mommy and daddy miss u lots

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