Welcome to Dilan Pamper Boy's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Dilan Pamper Boy
June 10, 2024
My Dilan boy. I cannot believe you have been gone for almost five years. You live in our hearts everyday my little old man. Your little steps and your loving kisses will forever be remembered. I hope you, your sisters and your brothers are looking at us from heaven. Keep us safe and look after your new brother boots. He looks just like you. My Dilan, today is the anniversary of the day, you said good-bye to us on Earth, and went to Heaven with Diego. You were so special in all possible ways. Thank you for all your love, and don't ever forget, you didn't die. You just went to a special place where one day, we will meet again, and we will be together again.
Your dad
June 10, 2023
My sweet little boy, I am going to miss you so much. Carrying you around the house, calling you to put on your pampers, laughing at your funny jumps in the backyard. I now have another angel in Heaven. This has been one of the saddest days of my life. I have no words to express my love for my Dilan, and how he has taken a part of my heart with him, but I have the memory of holding him in my arms, and saying good bye before his peaceful death. He was a good dog, never had an illness. I will see you in Heaven where nothing will break us apart.
Love your Dad Juvenal!
July 10
Dear Dilan,
I hope that by now you are together with your brother Diego. Both of my boys are now in heaven, watching us and protecting us from evil. You are my little angel, and I miss you so much. I received a box of pampers that was scheduled for this month. It is painful to remember what those pampers mean to us. Your funny bark and laps around the dining table. Your sisters Dora and Lucy miss you, and they say hello from home. Love you my Dilan Pampers, my little old man.
June 10, 2020
Dear Dilan, your dad is very sad today. I remember you everyday, and it is hard to visit your memorial because I am not available to imagine my life without you and your brother Diego. My boys are in heaven, and they know I am very sad, and I miss them so much. Tomorrow is my birthday, and also the day you left me to to God and to reunite with Dieguito. I hope you are both looking at Dora, Lucy and I. We miss you so much my Dilan Pampers. I wish I could give you a hug, put on your little pamper and carry you around the house. I miss your laps around the table when we were eating. As sad as I am, I know you now Rest In Peace and you are in the hands of God and Jesus. You are enjoying the beauty of a world where there is no more pain and suffering. I love you with all my heart and I miss you. I will remember you until the last day of my day when we will all be together again. Till then, I love you and I hope you will come in my dreams to leak my face, and sleep right beside me.
June 10, 2021
Dear Dilan, I will never forget you my sweet little boy. I miss calling you for your pampers. I miss feeding you and seeing you running around in circles. You were my life and my everything. Every time I remember you, I cry. Losing you will forever be sad and painful, but I know you are now playing with your brother Diego. I know the two of you are watching us here. Lucy and Dora miss you. You are one of our angels in heaven. You are now in a safe, beautiful and peaceful place where none can harm you. Please, watch after us and show me your little face in my dreams, so that I can smile while I see you. I miss you my sweet Dilan Pampers.
June 10, 2022
Dear Dilan, today is your daddy's birthday, and one of the saddest day of his life because he lost you on this day. My sweet baby, I remember you everyday. I hope you and your brother Diego are playing in heaven, watching us from a distance. Your sisters miss you, and we all wish you were here. I love you with all my heart my Dilan, and I will always remember you my old little man. Love, your dad.

Please also visit Lucile.

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