Welcome to DIXIE's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
DIXIE's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of DIXIE
Almost 6 years ago this little pup would show up on our front porch, stay, play with our pups, then go home...wherever that was at the time. It was sometime later we found out who she belonged to,they said it was okay Dixie visited us as her 'parents' lived across the street and down the lane. Each day, she would come up, play, Bob would bring her home but then she started coming back up the instant he dropped her at home - like she wanted to be with us and her new found friends. It wasn't too long after that her 'parents' asked if we wanted her, one word led to another and we said we will take her. Her 'parents' finally 'signed' her over to us in 2014. She was taken to the vet, received all her shots, all the food she could eat, all the frosty paws and loved every second of her new life. From that moment on, she was ours, she received all the love she never got before and she lived in the lap of luxury.
She was a pretty healthy pup from that point on except she was originally diagnosed with Lyme's (no shot before us) disease and was put on Doxycycline for weeks but she weathered through the tough times. It was at the end of October when she stopped eating so we took her to our vet and after many tests, x-rays, ultrasounds, blood work and so on, he diagnosed her with pancreatitis. She was on medication for quite awhile to combat the pancreatitis and a couple of months later - March 2019 - we took her in for her yearly shots and at the point, she was diagnosed with kidney failure - all stemming from Lyme's. She stopped eating, drinking and became very lethargic although her tail kept wagging, she always wanted to go for a ride, always wanted to go for a walk and then this past weekend, after being hospitalized for several days to hydrate her, she took a turn for the worst and no longer wanted to eat or drink so we knew it was time.
Dixie was so loved by us, her 'fursister Molly'and all her family and friends. She will be in our hearts forever, we will continue to miss her and love her til the end of time. We love you Dixie...xoxox

Please also visit Kyra.

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