Welcome to Domino's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Domino's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Domino
We adopted Domino from a shelter to give him a loving home, he was only 5 years old. We bonded with him so quickly because he was so sweet, affectionate, sat on my lap, and even slept in our bed with us.
He was not eating so we thought he was just adjusting. We took him to the vet after only having him for 5 days and he had jaundice and his liver was not functioning correctly. He needed to have a feeding tube put in. After surgery he ended up not waking from anesthesia. We are and were devastated.
We had this handsome boy for such a short time and who would have thought that we would have developed such a close bond and love him so much in such a short time period but we did. After the loss of our boy Seymour in May this has made it even more difficult to bear.
Domino, we want you to know that we never wanted you to think you were abandoned. We loved you very much. We wanted you to be able to eat, be healthy, and give you a loving home. I'm so very sorry if we let you down or if you felt we left you. We wanted to be there for you constantly. We would have given you the forever home that you wanted. We will never ever forget you even though we spent a very short time with you.
I hope you are at peace now at Rainbow Bridge and I hope you meet our Seymour and our Freaky. Love you little buddy always!
Mom and Dad

Please also visit Seymour.

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