Welcome to Drako's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Drako
Drako loved to go swimming, loved going in the truck, playing with his basketball, eating peanut butter and having cookies & milk with his Daddy every night. He slept between us for 14 years and there is an unbelievable emptiness here at our home. He was one special guy. He knew the names of all of his toys, and he had plenty, and would bring them to you as you called them by name. We couldn't even spell the word COOKIE or he was already headed to the cookie jar. He was a great protector and was not about to let anyone approach unless Mommy or Daddy said it was ok. We miss him more than words can say.

7/2/2014 The guys are back to work on the house. It will be so beautiful when they are finished. Oh Pooty I wish with all my heart that you could be here to enjoy it. Marlon held Mommy as she cried and he said it would be alright cause we still have our memories. Daddy mowed the yard yesterday and your ball is still right where you left it, we don't have the heart to put it away yet. We went for ice cream last night and it broke my heart to only get down 2 bowls instead of 3. I hope you are having your own bowl of ice cream at the rainbow bridge. I miss you soooo much.

7/4/2014 Happy 4th of July Pooty. Mommy & Daddy sat on the back porch tonight and thought about you with love in our hearts and tears in our eyes. How we wish you were still here with us. Daddy says you're not gone as long as we keep you in our hearts. We miss you more than words can say.

7/8/2014 Good morning Pooty. Mommy & Daddy went for a ride yesterday to Clarksville....Daddy is on a quest to buy a boat! We stopped to eat and I brought home the white box, I just cant seem to get use to having only Bowen & Merlin waiting for what's inside. On our way home we saw two dogs wandering in the road and felt so bad for them. Where is their mommy and daddys? We would have given anything to be able to keep you and love you forever and these poor babies are wandering alone. It doesn't make sense. Daddy says I can't save them all but I am soooooo very grateful that Jeffrey saved you and brought you home to us. You were such a cute bundle of fluff when he dropped you in my arms. I have so many memories that I keep close to my heart and as long as I have those you are never far away.

7/10/2014 Hi Poot, Today Mommy turns 55 yrs old....I can now qualify for my senior discount! But that means nothing to me since I don't have you here to help me make this a Happy Birthday. Finally after seeing several boats, Daddy bought one last night. This boat is blue also, just like the other two were, how funny. Trying to decide on a name for it now. What do YOU think we should name it? Aunt Cyndi will be here tomorrow, on her motorcycle. I remember when you use to hear the roar of bikes coming to the house before they even got there. You always were a smart one. Thank God for my memories!

7/14/2014 Hi Poot, Mommy & Daddy took the new boat to the lake yesterday. You would like the lake as there is lots of room to swim. I hope you're enjoying the lake at the Rainbow Bridge. Daddy told me that he had a dream about you the other night. He said you and him were playing which made him very happy...oh Poot, Daddy and I miss you soooo much. Every now and then I think I see you coming around the corner and Daddy told me that he has had to look twice cause he thought he had seen you too. I believe you are still right here keeping us safe. We love you!

7/20/2014 Good morning Pooty, Mommy & Daddy tried to sleep in this morning but brother Bowen said it was time to get up and get the goodies! We have had a couple of deer visiting us everyday now for about 2 weeks. Brother Merlin no longer chases them but Bowen seems to think its fun. The deer are really smart and have figured out that they are safe as long as they're outside the fence! We are almost done with the railings on the porch and we are getting ready to screen the one side. Daddy and I sit out there just about every night and talk about how much we love you and wish you were still here with us. Hold on Pooty....Mommy & Daddy will see you again one day.

7/28/2014 Gorgeous morning here with 67 degrees. Pooty you would love this weather. Its the coolest July ever on record! Mommy & Daddy took the boat out on Friday, yes Friday, can you believe Daddy closed the shop to go fishing! Mommy caught 10 fish and Daddy caught 6....I win! We went to dinner on Saturday and the restaurant was playing music and your song "somewhere over the rainbow" came on and Daddy was the first to notice it......Mommy had tears in her eyes. We miss you soooo much. Daddy hasn't slept well since we lost you as he hears every little noise around. You were a great comfort and companion to both of us. Our hearts are overflowing with sorrow but we hold onto all the love and joy you brought us.

8/5/14 Hi my handsome Pooty. Mommy went back to work last Friday. We are getting things ready for the kids and they will return on Aug 14. I look forward to holding those precious babies in my arms and singing them 'our song' at nap time. I had a dream about you that you were surrounded by mean dogs that kept biting your legs and I marched myself right in the middle of those bully dogs and picked you up and carried you to safety. You will always be my little pooty and you will always live inside my heart. I miss you so much but I know you were tired and hurting. Wait for me poot, don't lose hope cause Mommy & Daddy WILL come to you again one day.

8/13/2014 Good morning Poot. Mommy has been so busy preparing her classroom for all the kids that are coming back this year. I can't wait to see their little faces as they steal my heart but NONE could ever live in my heart forever they way you will. I miss you Pootnoodle!

8/22/2014 Hi Pooty. Mommy and Daddy miss you with all our hearts and we know there will NEVER be any other that can fill your paws but Daddy's heart has been so empty without you. We have so much love to give and have decided to rescue a puppy. Oh Poot, you would love her. She is a red nose gator head pitbull puppy named Gabby. She is 12 weeks old and has many traits that we first saw in you. She is a quick learner and has mastered the dog door already, but boy oh boy can she chew! We left her alone for about an hour and we came home to find Mommy's shoes chewed in half and the newspaper that was on the table was shredded! In time she will be a great addition to our family. Brothers Bowen and Merlin are tolerant of her to say the least but she is their little sister and they are trying. I know you are shining down upon us and can see that Gabby is a joy for Mommy and Daddy but our hearts are and will always be with you, our beloved Drako. Mommy posted a picture so you will know Gabby when her time on earth is done and she crosses the rainbow bridge. Find her and show her the love that we know is in your heart.

9/12/14 Hi Pooty, Mommy hasn't visited in a couple weeks but that doesn't mean you haven't been on my mind or in my heart. Your new baby sister is sooooo much work. She has just about mastered how to go outside to use the potty but we have discovered that she is afraid oof the dark...oh goodness! She has these little baby teeth that need to chew on EVERYTHING. It reminds Daddy and I of when you were a puppy. Oh that feels like so long ago. Gabby brings us joy and adventure but our hearts are still mourning the loss we will forever feel since you have passed over the rainbow bridge. Wait for us Poot as we will once again run free with you.

10/3/14 Hi Poot, the weather is getting cooler and Mommy & Daddy know how much you loved to run in the yard doing the 'DOGtona' 500! We are amazed that your new sister, Gabby has sooooo many traits that you had. We try not to compare her to you as you were the best, one of a kind and she deserve to come into her own. We are trying to teach her not to chew but so far we have lost a couple of rugs and some magazines and she likes to chew up Lucy Goosey's clothes! She is still a puppy and Daddy and I are trying to be patient. Brothers Bowen and Merlin are trying to be patient as well. I close my eyes and see you everywhere. My heart will never heal from the pain of letting you go but I hold onto the hope of seeing you again one day. I love you Poot Noodle, Pooty, Bucket Head, My Drako!

10/27/14 Oh Drake, forgive mommy for being away so long. Both mommy and daddy have been busy building the barn and working on the other property. Daddy has the barn almost done and we will move the fence soon. We wish you could be here to enjoy the larger fenced in portion. You would have been able to go to daddy's barn to visit as I know you hated to be away from him. It just wasn't meant to be Pooty but we know the time we had with you were fun loving, wonderful times and you filled our hearts and home with love. Always know that you can never be replaced and we hold you in our hearts all day every day no matter where we are. We love you!

11/29/14 Happy Thanksgiving Pooty! Mommy & Daddy just came back from visiting with Granny & Cyndi in Texas. While there Grandma Mary called and said that she had to say good-bye to her beloved Snowflake and he has crossed the rainbow bridge. Will you find him for Gram so I can let her know that he is not alone and that you both are running free and having a wonderful time chasing falling leaves. I remember when they brought Snowflake here when they came to visit for Mommy's 50th birthday. Gram was so afraid that he was going to get hurt out in the big back yard, but all was well and he had a good time. Love him Pooty and keep him by your side. I know Grams heart hurts like Mommy & Daddy's do. Hold on Poot....we'll see you again some day.

12/6/14 Hi Poot, Mommy & Daddy are getting ready for Christmas. It will be a very sad one since you will not be here to join us and we will not be going to Florida to see the girls. It's gonna break my heart to hang your stocking but will do so will love in my heart for all the wonderful memories you have given us. We put the tree in the corner but have not decorated it yet....kinda a test to see if Gabby will eat it....Lord I hope she grows out of this chewing stage soon! Did you find Snowflake? Gram is so sad. I told her that you would find him and keep him company. Missing you more than you know. <3

12/24/14 Hi Poot, are you getting excited? Santa Claus comes tonight and Mommy & Daddy put something special in your stocking but you'll have to share with the others. Little Miss Gabby is doing better. We have had the tree up for 3 weeks now and she hasn't touched one ornament although she doesn't like the tree skirt and keeps pulling it out from around the tree! We will miss you not being around the tree in the morning with us but we know that you will be in our hearts always and that's worth gold! Hold on Poot....we'll see you again someday. <3

1/30/15 Hi Poot, Happy New Year and Happy Birthday! It's been too long since Mommy has been on here. You are always in my thoughts even when I don't write, so please remember that I love you always. We have had very little snow this winter and we wonder if there will ever be enough to make a snowball so I can throw it at Daddy..hehe! New baby sister Gabby is growing so big. She doesn't like the cold weather so it will be fun to see how she likes the snow, if we get some. Human brother Jeffrey is thinking of moving to TN which means human sister Steph and the girls won't be that far behind. Brother Merlin is happy as usual and brother Bowen has his good days and bad. He has lost alot of teeth and I wonder how he eats his chewy bones but he will NEVER let the others get them! We are winding down at work, only 56 more days and then I will be off to Florida to see the kids. Not sure what I will do with the rest of my summer since my lovely friend & neighbor Phil has passed on. If you see her please give her a hug. She always loved you when she came to visit. My heart longs to see you but I know that eventually you, me and Daddy will be together once more. I love you!

3/5/15 Hey Poot Noodle, Wish you were here right now. We have 8 inches of fresh snow and I know you would love to romp through it. Sister Gabby is experiencing the snow for the first time and she goes crazy. Poor brother Merlin is her 'whipping post' but he chases her every now and again. Brother Bowen, gosh Pootie he is getting old, has to walk real carefully as not to slip on any ice. He fell in the last storm and has had trouble with his hips ever since. I understand that he hurts alot more now that he is 17 yrs old. Momma gets sad thinking about losing him but I know that when he crosses the rainbow bridge that you will find him and you will run free together. Mommy and Daddy miss you with all our hearts. We love you Poot!

4/19/15 Hi Pootie, Mommy & Daddy are sitting home...it's raining, AGAIN! Daddy says he has never seen so much rain. The basement is a bit wet but we had the basement people out and they said they can fix it so we can put the other room downstairs, but we will be remolding the kitchen first. I am going to Florida in a couple of weeks to see Jeffrey, Stephanie and the girls. Mommy hasn't seen them in a year and a half. Time goes by so fast. I can't believe that in a couple of months marks the anniversary of the day you crossed over the rainbow bridge. They say time heals but my heart still hurts and I miss you every day. Wait for us Poot, Mommy & Daddy will see you again one day.

5/18/15 Hi Pootie, Mommy just came back from a visit to Florida where you were born. I got to visit with Jeffrey, Stephanie & Slim and the baby, Myah that you didnt get to meet. When I got home Daddy had already moved alot of the fence to include the barn. You would have loved all the space that you could have run in with your brothers but I know you have so much more space to run free and jump in at the rainbow bridge. Mommy & Daddy miss you soooo much and look forward to the day that we can see you again.

6/23/15 Oh Poot, it's been a year since Daddy called me and told me that he had to put you to rest. My heart still remains heavy as I think of all the memories we shared and all the fun we had that will forever remain in the past. There will NEVER be another that fills my heart the way that you did. I anxiously await the moment when we lock eyes on one another and free the pain that is in both of our hearts. I love you and miss you so much!

9/13/15 My Dearest Pooty, Mommy thinks about you all the time and my heart aches that you are not here with us. The weather is turning cooler and I know you would be running around doing the dogtona 500! Sister Gabby is learning to be good and not chew everything, thank goodness! Brother Merlin has now become Gabby's chew toy but I think Merlin likes having someone to run with. Brother Bowen is getting slower every day. Mommy worries about his health a lot. I ask God to bless him and I know Bowen will tell me when he's ready to go meet you. Can't wait for the day that we get to see you again....remember that we love you always, be patient, we will be together again.

10/19/2015 Hi Poot, Mommy & Daddy sent brother Bowen to the rainbow bridge this morning. Please please find him and tell him we love and miss him. Run free together boys!

11/26/15 Hi Poot...HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I hope you and Bowen are having fun together. I just wanted you to know that I am thankful that I was your Mom and I was so blessed to have you in my life. I love you

12/8/15 Hi Pooty Boy, I left a message for brother Bowen, hope you have found each other and are making special memories that you will one day share with me and Daddy. I put up the Christmas tree and decorations. I hung your stocking next to sister-dog Ginger, she was much older than you. I cried when I found your ornament and hung it high on the tree. No fear this year Poot as your stocking will be filled with love all the wonderful memories that Mommy & Daddy have of you. Love You!

12/25/15 Merry Christmas Poot Noodle. Mommy & Daddy wish you were joining us for Christmas this morning. Christmas is a day for joy, peace and family and you were so very much a part of our family. A bit of joy has left our home since you crossed the rainbow bridge. Mommy & Daddy went to the humane society this morning and brought presents to all the furbabies that are still waiting for their forever homes. Daddy said we had to leave or he would have brought home another one....and he thinks I'm the crazy one!. I hope you and Bowen have found each other and are spending this Christmas and everyday together like old times. Missing you everyday...I love you!

2/18/16 Hi Poot, Mommy & Daddy went out to dinner with Gary & Debi the other night and we had some laughs as we remembered some of the silly things you did. It really pulls at our hearts that you are no longer here with us. There is a commercial on tv that has a guy taking his dog, who is 14...your age when you left us,for a ride in the car, to visit a girl dog and to the beach along with taking selfies together and it breaks Daddy's heart when he watches it. New brother Rocco likes to sleep on Daddy and he doesn't say much but I know its not the same as having you here. We love Rocco with all our heart and we are sooo glad that we rescued him and gave him a good home just as we did with you, Bowen, Merlin and sister dog Gabby. Oh boy, sister dog Gabby is a story all her own. She is getting better about chewing things up. She has those eyes that melt your heart. I hope you and brother Bowen are running free together and sharing memories of Mommy & Daddy like we are sharing memories of you. Miss you!

3/27/2016 Happy Easter Poot, Mommy & Daddy love & miss you so very much but you are always in our hearts!

5/31/16 Hi Pootie, Mommy is in Florida visiting Jada (you remember her)and her sister Myah. They needed me to take care of them for a while but I sure am missing Daddy. Daddy told me the other day that he found your old ball in the basement and finally had heart to take it out and play with sister dog Gabby. Daddy says she played with that ball just like you use to. It brought a smile and tears to Daddy. I know he misses you soooo much as do I. You were a good boy Drako and we love you and miss you every day!

Hi Poot, today is Daddy's birthday and he has posted a picture of you telling everyone how much he misses you.....plus its national dog day, so ofcourse he is so proud of you too. He tells everyone how wonderful you and brother Bo were, working together to take care and protect Mommy. We still have bother Merlin who reminds us everyday of the fun and commitment we gave to you Bo and him but have welcomed so may others into our home that deserve so much love. We will always be grateful of the love that you have shown us! We love you!

11/24/16 Good Morning Poot Noodle......HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Mommy & Daddy added a new baby to our ever growing family. He is a little pitbull we named Grayson. Lord he is full of energy! It seems like just yesterday that Jeffrey brought you home to me, no bigger than a minute and I fell in love. My heart breaks that you are no longer here with us but I know you live on in our hearts. Run free with brother Bo....we love and miss you everyday!

2/24/17 Hi Pootie, Today is sister Stephanie's birthday, hard to believe she is 33 and its so hard to believe that you're not here with us. We tell everybody we can all about the fantastic boy that you were. Mommy has been on a little break from work since she fell and broke her finger right after Christmas. Wish this old broke finger would move like it use to. Daddy aka Dr Cox, says that in time it will get better....kinda like a year or two! We've had a very warm Winter so Daddy is getting ready pretty soon to treat the yard for those pesky bugs. Our friends just lost their little dog yesterday. Her name is Sage...will you welcome her to the rainbow bridge and help ease her pain as she is probably missing her humans. You live in our hearts everyday and we love and miss you!

6/23/17 I can't believe it's been 3 years since you've left us. My heart aches for you every day. My memories of you keep you fresh in my mind and my heart. Go find brother Bo and run, run free together. I love you Poot!

9/29/17 Oh Poot Noodle, I miss you! Daddy just made me listen to some old country song about home grown tomatoes...I know it sounds funny. Daddy says to let you know that he has saved your black basketball and he will bring it with him when he gets to come see you again. We have surrounded ourselves and our home with many dogs that need our love but there will never be one as special as you and brother Bo. Brother Merlin is still here and sends his love. You will live in our hearts forever!

6/19/18 Hi PootNoodle, Mommy is sorry she hasn't written in quite a while. Our home is so busy these days with 5 furbabies to keep up with. Today was a sad day for Mommy as I took someone's little furbaby to the vet as she wasn't feeling well. The doctors did some tests and poor little Bella was so frail that the doctors said it would be better to just let her go on to doggie heaven. I held her and told her she was loved and held Bella's little person as she cried. I told them that you and Bowen would great her at the rainbow bridge and that you would look after her forever. Mommy and Daddy wish with all our heart that you could have stayed with us always but we know that all dogs go to heaven where they run free and never hurt again. We keep you in our memories and it makes our hearts sing. We love you!

12/8/18 Hi Poot, Mommy's heart hurts as brother Merlin gained his angel wings yesterday. Please watch out for him as he gets to the rainbow bridge as he will be scared but I know once he sees you and Bo he will be fine. Our 3 musketeers will be together again. We miss you!

9/20/20 Hi Poot, Its been so very long since Mommy visited and I'm sorry. Always so busy with work but that doesn't mean I've forgotten about you, that could never happen. You appeared just the other day on my memories and oh how special those memories are! I remember when Jeffrey came in put you in bed with me.....so much love started right there! I hope you are watching out for your brothers, Bowen & Merlin. Knowing that my 3 musketeers are together again makes me smile but I wish ya'll could have lived forever, its so hard letting go. Mommy and Daddy think about you guys all the time. We love you so much and will always miss you.

6/29/21 Hi Poot, Wow 9 months have passed since I came here to write. In those 9 months, Mommy & Daddy were getting a new granddaughter and she arrived yesterday. her name is Harper and she is a rainbow baby so she shares something special with you, Bo, Merlin, Grayson and all the other babies. You would love and protect her just like you did for Jada. Mommy & Daddy miss you everyday and talk about you to other people all the time and how fantastic a team you and Bo were. Daddy has a hard time and cries when he thinks of you. Send him some love, I know he will feel it. I know you are always looking out for us, and we love you so very much!

6/23/2023 Oh my sweet Pootie, its been sooooo very long since Mommy wrote to you and sooo much has changed. Mommy & Daddy are no longer living in the same home which makes me sad but that doesnt mean that we dont still love you so very much. I can't believe that you have been gone for 9 years now. I remember so well when Jeffrey brought you home to me and put you in my bed wearing that little Dolphins jersey. I fell so in love with you at that very moment and my heart still beats for you today. I changed your flowers and gave you some ice cream as an extra special treat. I remember how much you loved ice cream, and having milk and cookies with Daddy. I know you are free of pain from all those nasty worms and that you are whole again and happy, probably running with Merlin, Bowen and Grayson. Give them some love for me and hold on to the thought that we will all be together in time. Until then please know how very much Mommy & Daddy love and miss you, that's one thing that will never change.

Please also visit Bowen.

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