March 28, 2006 The saddest day in our lives. It was too painful losing you. T'was not fair because you were only 4 years old. You loved life and enjoyed it 'til the very end. The huge void you left in our hearts will forever be here. Your favorite rug and couch will forever be empty. Our house will never be the same. It seems like only yesterday when we first took you home, you were only 8 weeks old. It didn't take long to train and teach you for you were far too smart. I will miss making your favorite chicken and eggs meals. I am not ready to sleep back on my bed. You loved snuggling with Daddy and I at night, and now you're gone, forever. Getting in the car is just as hard, for you were always there and enjoyed bye-byes. It's too painful driving by your favorite store or see your Trainer, Debbie and Groomer, Linda. I have not remove your shampoo and conditioner from my shower yet, your medicines still in the fridge. It will be there for a while. Your dish, mug and bowl,toys and cute wardrobes, your treats remain in the same place where you left them. I hug and sleep with your blankie at night sniffing your scent. Daddy can't bear to see the yard or even go near the patio door since we said good bye to you that Tuesday afternoon. Your kisses are terribly missed, Baby Girl. What I missed most is when you just sit and wait in the kitchen floor, sitting next to my feet, patiently waiting, because you knew Momma was making chicken for dinner. Our meals will never ever be the same. At meal times, you sat next to Ate just waiting for your food. Your favorite yogurt treats are still here. Mr. Fredie and Mr. Crabby and Mr. Froggy lost their friend and playmate in you. I have nobody to play fetch with anymore. Baby Girl, we terribly miss you and wish that this, was just a bad dream. Someone has to give me a hard kick and tell me real loud that indeed, you are no longer here with us. We find comfort, knowing that you went home and returned to God, and you're in heaven. Someday - Momma, Daddy and Ate will be reunited with you again, so we could touch and kiss and play all over again, forever. But until then, you will remain hugged in our hearts. No more pain and suffering, no more chemo and no more Doctors. How you endured not one, but two cancers in your small body is far too painful for us to watch. We prayed and hope for Miracles when we took you to the best Hospital and Oncologist. But Baby Girl your body told us that you were tired, to just let you go. Daddy was in denial until the very end, hoping that you were still going to get better. Your doctor honestly told us there was no cure for Leukemia, but she tried hard to kill the Lymphoma. You fought hard 'til the very end. Yes, you were a fighter! Even though your 5th birthday was 4 months away, we just had to celebrate it with your favorite cake before starting with chemo last February 26th. The night before you past away, you enjoyed your final chicken dinner and ate as if you knew that there was no tomorrow. In the morning, you cleaned your plate of your favorite soft boiled egg, and finished that final slice of your "Good Bye" cake. Thank you Baby for giving us a great final weekend. That Tuesday morning, I heard your paw steps coming towards me in my bedroom as I got ready to take you to your Vet for the last time. The rythmic sound of your paw steps, which I haven't heard in a long time, were music in my ears. You were walking around the house with a happy face, and your tail up. When you left the house for the last time, you walked yourself out into the yard, then to front door, while the cool breeze was blowing your beautiful coat, your pretty eyes squinting. What a sight I will cherish forever, and now a memory. The hardest one for us to see was Ate saying good-bye to you in tears. She couldn't bear to come with us and see you go to your Doctor for the last time. You dried her damped face with your kisses, as if you're saying, "Don't cry, Ate. I'm a big Girl, and I'll be fine". Then, you were so excited waiting for me to open the car door, because you just knew you were going bye-bye. If only you knew my heart was heavy and tears cascaded down my cheeks as I let you in, for the last time. You entered your doctor's office that Tuesday morning as if nothing was wrong, but deep down inside Daddy and I felt your discomfort and pain which you tried so hard to hide from us. You wanted us to see your smiling face. We are forever thankful for the many great memories, the pictures and your videos for us to cherish for a long long time. Baby Girl, when you came into our lives, I dreamed of having you around until Daddy and I were retired. We were told that you were going to be with us for at least 15 years - they lied. Life is never fair. Your illness gave us no warning, we're caught off-guard and this really hit us hard. I will miss brushing and braiding your beautiful hair in the morning. Yes, you gave us a hard time brushing your tiny crooked teeth, but who cares? You are forever our most beautiful little girl. This summer will be very difficult not having you around, lying next to me in the swing just enjoying the summer breeze, while you patiently waited for that chicken in the grill. Last Fall, we had a great time picking apples, peaches and nectarines in the yard. Oh Baby I can't stop crying in the car, at home - every which corner I turned I saw you. Ate is not taking your passing very well either. She is right now very angry with God for giving you those cancers. She is angry with your breeder. I questioned God too, Why? Ate misses your tiny paw steps around the house. The many fond nicknames she gave you - Duchy Buchy, Goober Booby, Moo, Snort, Bubu, Tootsie. Oh! too many, but you knew them all. Ate has been quiet and keeps pretty much to herself. I just need to allow her grieve in her own way - she is only 17, and you were her first pet. She has not returned to school and still recovering from her own major surgery. She sleeps with your picture next to her. The first night, she slept with your Urn beside her. I will miss your company when I drop Ate off to school when she's fully recovered from her surgery. I will miss your company when I pick her up after school. When you and Daddy dropped me off at the train station to get to work,you stared and stared until you couldn't see me anymore. When you and Daddy picked me up later, you looked and looked at every passenger getting off, until you spot me even from a far distance. Then your long bushy tail wagging 50 miles, your paws scratching tirelessly at the car's window. You were just too happy and excited to see the three of us home after a long day wait. You'd shower us with million kisses. Your kisses were the best stress busters anyone could ask for. The long wait was all worth it. All the holidays and the neighborhood block parties will never be the same without you. The little kids in the block will miss playing with you. Abby's Mom requested that I don't tell her kids of your passing. They will just have to find out on their own, and probably wonder why they don't see you playing in the yard anymore. Guphreet, your little Indian friend will be ringing our door bell anytime now, to ask me if he could play with you. How do I tell them kids that you are in heaven? Baby Girl, you maybe gone but you'll forever be in our hearts. Night, Night! Momma, Daddy and Ate loves you very much. You are our Angel, and please watch over us always. We'll looked up at the sky at night and know that the first shooting star we see is you. We will all be together again, promise. We'll have a big party at the Bridge. LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY. April 4, 2006 April 11, 2006 April 18, 2006 April 25, 2006 May 9, 2006 May 28, 2006 June 6, 2006 June 28, 2006 July 20, 2006 August 1, 2006 September 25, 2006 November 24, 2006 February 23, 2007 March 3, 2007 March 28, 2008 My Sweet Baby, March 11,2009 Duchess, My Forever Baby! March 28, 2009 March 28, 2009 My Dearest Angel, July 2, 2010 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY SWEET ANGEL! You would have turned 8 today. I lit a candle this morning and just stared at your urn while I talked to you silently in my heart. Baby Girl, Momma miss you as if you left me only yesterday. I'm sure that you're having an awesome with your friends at the Bridge.Loving you forever. Momma March 28, 2011 My Baby and Angel, it's been 4 yrs since you've been gone. Yesterday, I just happen to drive by Ate's high school. That feeling of depression hit me out of the blue. Tears rolled down my cheeks and the thought of you struck me. I looked at the spot where you and I waited for her in the car. She will graduate college next year, and you - gone 4 yrs. Then I realized that your anniversary was just around the corner. I miss you so much, come visit me in my dreams my Baby Girl! Momma July 2, 2012 Talking to your face in that photo by your urn like a crazy woman! Oh baby, I miss you as if you left me just yesterday ;( This would've been your 10th birthday! I see you in Belle! Momma March 28, 2013 Trying so hard not to remember this date, very sad day! Missing you so much! Momma March 28, 2014 Has it really been 7 years? Our Fur Angel, Duchess - to this day, Momma has missed you more than ever. You are so happy at the Bridge, and looking down on us everyday - that I know! Let me see your face on the clouds, or in my dreams. I miss you my girl! March 28, 2015 My Angel and Sweet Girl, Duchess - 8 years has gone by in a flash! You and I both know that I still kiss your urn each morning before I leave for work. Though its been 8 years, it still seems like yesterday. If I could only hold you in my heart once more... even in my dreams, that would be of great comfort for me, knowing you're happy at the Bridge! I miss you to this day, my little Girl! March 28, 2016 9 years have gone by fairly quick. I remember this sad day as if it was yesterday. Little one, I miss you everyday. But I also feel your presence every passing day. You watched and protect us - daddy, Ate, Belle and Melody. You're happy at the Bridge and that's all that matters. I love you and miss you so much! March 28, 2017 10 years ago went by just like that! I clearly remember that very sad cool spring day when we said good bye to you, baby girl - as if it happened yesterday. Your memorial corner in our family room where your pictured oak urn rest has remained lighted to keep your memory alive! In a couple of weeks your memorial cherry tree will be blooming with it's pretty pink flowers! I truly believe that you're watching over us everyday. Your spirit is well alive with Belle.. sometimes I want to think that it's you inside her body. Belle's traits are very much like you, Girl ! She sleeps with me each night. Momma can't believe that it's been 10 years since you went to heaven - the Rainbow Bridge! I believe that someday we will be reunited again! I love you forever.. and miss you so much :(.
It just doesn't seem like its been 11 years! As much as I didn't want to reflect on that sad fateful day when we said good bye to our most beautiful and so smart baby girl, I just can't help it. Momma can't help but stare and look and kiss at your beautiful wooden oak urn sitting at a special place in our family room. I do that everyday. My Duchess, your memory is well and alive in our home and it will forever be. Our babies now - Belle and Melody believe it or not are both 11 years old this year too. They have kept our home full of joy and life.. I know that - that's what you wanted. Oh I how I miss you my baby :(' Your big human sister, Ate Laura got married last October to a great man who's never had a pet growing up. They adopted two fur babies from a rescue - they named Scottie and Sophie. Please watch over our fur babies that we may enjoy their short lives with us. Momma misses you so much and I truly believe that someday we will be all reunited. I love you forever! I miss you everyday! March 28, 2019 My dear little one Duchess, 12 years ago today about this time early in the morning, our house filled with emotion, as we prepare to say good bye to you.. it was a difficult and painful decision that Momma had ever made. I made you your favorite breakfast of rice and eggs! You cleaned your plate just like that! You finished a good slice of your goodbye cake and wanted more! Vivid memories that 12 years later seems like it was yesterday. I only try to reflect on the beautiful 4 short years we had. I feel that you're with us everyday. I still kiss your beautiful Oak urn at your special memorial corner in our family room every single day. There's not one day that passes by that I don't think of you, my sweet baby Duchess. Belle ๐พ who we got 4 months after you entered the ๐ Bridge, on July 2nd unintentionally on this day that happened to be your 5th birthday, is also now 12 years old! I believed you gave her to us on your birthday because you've seen me cry everyday since you were gone. So Belle has outlived you, my angel. She now limps a little when she walks bec of her arthritis. We had a big scare before Thanksgiving when Melody who's now 11 years old fell suddenly ill and had to be hospitalized following an emergency surgery to remove her swollen spleen. She stopped suddenly eating one day and would just sleep. Panic overwhelmed me. Rushed her to her Dr! Little did we know that she was bleeding internally. Melody now sees a cancer Dr as she has leukemia. Hers is treatable while yours wasn't - you had an acute leukemia๐ข you can imagine what momma was going through. Melody also now lost her left eye vision.. she has glaucoma on both her eyes and the eye Dr is trying to save her right eye. I bet you see everything that's happening at home. Thank you for watching over our family! The weeping cherry tree planted in your memorial garden 12 years ago will be blooming her pink flowers soon. It was a beautiful cool spring day when we said good bye. It still hurts. Keep watch on the Belle and Melody. I miss you every day yet I know you're happy and healthy at the Bridge. Enjoy with your furry friends until we all could be together again! I love you my furry angel, my little girl - Duchess ๐ถ๐พ๐ Momma April 3, 2020 My Dear Sweet Duchess, Momma did not forget your anniversary when you went to heaven. I have been thinking about you. You can probably see that I'm still struggling to even write this. It has been 13 years since you crossed that beautiful ๐ Bridge. I miss you every single day๐ข It has been tough and painful this past few days. I could no longer bear to see the pain and suffering of your little sister, Melody. As painful as it is, we said good bye to her last Saturday.. on a beautiful cool and sunny Spring day. The sixteen months she gave us following her illness and diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia was a bonus. She was a little fighter until the end. Oh my heart is broken into pieces ๐๐ญ I have been crying just as much as I did when you left us. She gave our family over 12 years, over twelve and a half years to be exact of happy, loving, and many sweet memories. Melody had outlived you.. you were with us for just short four years only. You had an acute leukemia.. that kind of cancer is quick. I'm comforted that our Little Melody has company in heaven. Her furry parents, Justice and Emmie also welcomed her. I cannot imagine the fun you are all having now. I find comfort knowing and believing that you are all happy and healthy puppies again, running in that green mushy grass over the meadows. Her sister, Belle has also been quiet and depressed just as momma is. She's missing her little sister, Melly๐ญ๐พ๐ค The two of them have been together for twelve and half years, inseparable pair. I swore to your Ate Laura that I can't go through this pain again and again๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ. I'm still adjusting to the fact that I only have Belle now. Please watch over her. I pray that she stays healthy. Please don't take her away from momma any time soon. I'd go crazy and deeper in grief. I'm still mourning Melody's passing. I'll be creating her own virtual cemetery here too as soon as I could get myself together. Enjoy playing at the ๐ Bridge with Little Melly. I miss that sweet peach, the nickname I gave her. Give her many slurpy kisses from momma. I love and miss you, my furry babies.... until I see you both again, and not to part ever again, that's my promise ๐ญ๐ญ๐๐๐พ ๐พ๐ถ๐พ๐พ๐ถ March 28, 2021 To my First Furry Child, Duchess ๐ถ Where did 15 years go? It feels like just yesterday when my heart was heavy from grief and my eyes blurry from tears that would not stop from rolling down my cheeks. I guess time had made it easier for me. I can only picture you romping over the beautiful green grass at the meadows chasing butterflies and the rainbow side by side with our little Melody and Belle. I still could not make my self get started on making Belle's memorial here. Her crossing over was hard to take, just like yours. Her's was quick and I was still grieving the loss of her sister, Melody when she crossed over. Do you remember Belle? It was her you sent me 15 years ago which actually happened on your birthday, July 2nd 2006. Because you were our first furry child, with no experience of how painful it was to lose one, I definitely was unprepared. I couldn't function, I took two weeks off work while mourning your passing. I was extremely depressed. So .. four months after we lost you, big human sister Laura found Belle, a beautiful 6 months old puppy. I insisted I wasn't ready since I was still overwhelmed with grief of losing you, my sweet Duchess. I was waiting for a puppy that had your colors, white and gold. Belle was black and gold. To this day... I truly believed that it was your way of comforting momma. You sent Belle to us on your birthday. She lived for almost 14 happy years until she became suddenly ill. I will have to create her memorial very soon. My three babies now at ๐๐พ Bridge, I know and I feel in my heart that the three of you, and you being their big furry sister are watching over momma, that you are happy playing with each other and the other fur babies you've met, that you are all healthy puppies again. Until then, keep watching over your humans. We will reunite and when that time comes, we will not be separated again. That's a promise, my kids. I miss you three so much๐ข Watch over our two new family members, Mia and Mindy too. Melody sent Mia to me.. and Mindy was sent to me by Belle during my lowest times after I lost them. Three year old, Mia is a gold with black mask joined us in June 2019 three months after losing Melody. Mia is Belle's replica, almost. You see, after we lost Melody.. Belle became depressed and was always looking for her sister, Melody.. always sitting on the couch staring outside the window. They were together just six short months. They had the best summer together walking side by side at our cul de sac. Little did I know that Belle was showing Mia around and preparing her, I think. Then in Dec 2019 Belle became suddenly sick. I was angry with God and asked Him, WHY? I've been a good momma, you know it Duchy. We lost Melody in the Spring 2019 and lost Belle in Winter 2019. I was crushed๐ฅ I should be ready to share Belle's story and make her memorial here soon. Momma miss you kids so much๐ญ Please take care of each other. I know it's beautiful there in heaven. Keep watching over your human family and our new furry kids, Mia and Mindy. Until then... your paw prints are engraved in momma's heart. It is now Spring again, and soon your beautiful weeping cherry tree will be blooming with pink flowers. Dad also planted another weeping cherry tree last year next to yours.. it's Belle and Melody's memorial tree. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH โฃ๏ธ๐ถ๐พโค๏ธ MARCH 28, 2022 Just where did 16 years go? That's how long it's been since you crossed over the beautiful Rainbow Bridge. There has not been a day that I didn't think of you, kissed your oak urn and talked to you, my sweet girl. By now, you've probably met and played with your sisters, my babies who filled the big hole in my heart since you suddenly left us, Melody and Belle. They came into my life on the same year, and left me also on the same year 2019 just months apart๐ฅฒ That was tough to take. I struggled with grief unimaginable. The three of you are now in heaven and keeping yourselves company and watching over your momma. To cope with my sadness, I rescued tiny Mia after losing Melody and rescued one year old Mindy after losing Belle. The three of you have become momma's angels. Today, I reflect on that beautiful cool Spring Day when we said good bye to you. You'll always be special as you were our very first family pet. Enjoy Melody and Belle in the beautiful green meadows. Play as much as you can ๐ถ๐ Momma will always miss you girls. Forever in my heart โฅ๏ธ๐๐ถ๐พ March 28, 2023 And just like that, 17 years has passed since momma said good bye to you, my sweet Beautiful Girl.. our first family pet, my Duchess. It seems like yesterday. My memory of that day still remains vivid. Your memorial in the family room is lit each night just as it was since the day you left us. There is not a day that go by without thinking about you, my little girl who was just over 4 years old when that crazy cancer invaded your tiny body. I missed you so much to this day. It's Spring now although still chilly. Your memorial tree will be blooming with pink flowers soon. I will be tending to your small garden with flowering annuals underneath the tree too. I'll scrubbing the dirt from snow and rain from your memorial rock.. engraved with your name and paw prints pretty soon. I hope that you keep watching over the loving human family that you left behind. Your big human sister Ate Laura now lives in Yorkville, a town about 20 minutes drive from our house with her husband, Steve and two Shih Tzu rescues, Scottie and Sophie. Remember, that she was the one who found you and begged me to take you home when you were 12 weeks old. Oh how you're missed no matter how many puppies we've rescued. Every one is unique in their own way. Play with your sisters at Rainbow Bridge .. Melody and Belle. I love you all and miss the three of you so much. Keep each other company. Melody's anniversary of crossing over the Bridge was just last week, March 23rd. It's been 4 years since we lost her. Tell Melody and Belle how momma missed them so much too. Your paw prints remain in in momma's heart forever! Please also visit MELODY. |
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