Welcome to Dudley's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Dudley
Dudley was only 3 weeks old when his heart joined with mine. As his brother and sister huddled around their furmommy Dudley was off wiggling into the unknown part of the blanket. At that very moment was when he also became my Dudley. Once he came to his new forever home (1 week before Christmas) we were only apart a few nights out of our short 10 years together. Dudley was the best puppy EVER! He never chewed on anything but his toys--okay, maybe a few fingers--but the finger chewing he grew out of.

His favorite toy of all time was his 'Hedgy' and our local PetSmart always had them in stock.

Dudley loved all kitties especially if they were baby kittens; he was the best big brother; always watching over them while the momma went to get something to eat and drink and when they would get mewly he would go and alert momma to come back to the babies.

He loved Turkey-meat and Bacon snackies and would stand-up on his hind legs and dance until I would give him one (or two).

There wasn't any person he wasn't nice to and all scratches on his head were intensely loved. His favorite game to play with me was when I would lay on my side Dudley would come up behind me and burrow his head into my lower back and then I would turn over and scratch at the base of his little turned-up tail; and that game was called "In Your Butt".

Dudley (who also over the years acquired the nicknames of Dud, Duddy, and Do-munkie) was afraid of children since it was always just him and I and frankly I preferred it that way. Loud noises caused him to stop for a brief moment but he knew I was there and would protect him from any danger, and me, being terrified of lightening and thunder-boomies, Dud would either jump up into my lap or lay down beside me so that I could snuggle my face into his fur when it got especially scary for me and that was how I knew no matter what I would be safe.

So when I found him in the early pre-dawn hours of Sunday September 4th lying on his side in the kitchen I knew my world had changed forever. He slipped peacefully into GOD's loving arms without a sound and the look on his face was that of peace so I know he did not suffer. My heart has a monster hole in it where he should be but I also know that when I am ready Dudley (with GOD's help) will send another bundle of furry joy into my life because he doesn't want me to be all alone on this mortal plane. So for now I have his some of his hair and pictures full of love and smiles to help me through these days and on Thursday, September 8th, Dudley's remains come home to me. I will find him the perfect urn and memorial stone and will find the perfect locket so that I will carry some with me forever.

So my words to you Dudley are spoken with eternal love and delivered on the cool breeze that blows gently to you at The Rainbow Bridge. Please watch over me and when you reach down to kiss my cheek I will smile for I know it is you. Thank you for gracing me with your love for our short 10 years together and I know we will be together soon. So this is not good-bye this is "see you when I get home Duddy...Mommy loves you!"

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