Welcome to Duffy's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Duffy
I had three wonderful cats when Bill and I first married, named Frosty, Rocky, and Tiger. We never had children, so these were my fur babies. As the years passed, Rocky died at 14 and Frosty at 16, leaving the youngest Tiger behind. We buried them in Pinehurst. Bill and I wanted more cats, so 12 year old Tiger would not be our only fur baby. So, when 4 kittens were born where I worked and abandoned by a ferel mom, we adopted Duffy and Maxine. They were only 3 weeks old when we brought them home, so we bottle fed them and they thought we were their real parents. Tiger became their big brother, and we formed a new 3 cat family.

Duffy almost died when he was a year old from a rare blood borne deer tick bite. The vet saved him by giving him heperin. God bless Dr Jack Broadhurst in Southern Pines, NC, who was smart enough to give him the right dose to save him!

Duffy was so loving and playful. He would go down to the creek and catch frogs. He would sleep with stuffed animals on our guest beds, or with us. He would sit on my lap and Maxine in Bill's lap when we watche TV at night. Duffy really loved his twin sister Maxine, and always protected her and made sure she was okay. He becam a very big cat (27 lbs), but he never scratched anyone. He really was just a big baby.

Duffy loved to be brushed and to get his big belly rubbed. He would roll over and just wait for you to pet his belly. He had beautiful agouti colored hair, with big spots on his belly. Often he would sleep on his back, spread eagle, to show off his beautiful belly.

Tiger died in Dobson at the age of almost 20. We buried him down by the Fisher river. The next year, Duffy got sick and started loosing weight in late summer 2011. The vet in Dobson could not save him, and we finally had to put him to sleep. Dr Lamb told us about the Rainbow Bridge, where Duffy went when he died. We had Duffy's remains creamated, so some day we could bury him with his twin sister, Maxine.

Duffy's life served a purpose beyond just being a wonderful pet. He taught me how to greieve the loss of a cherished family member, somehow knowing what I had to face would be easier, having gone thru loosing him first. Duffy's death prepared me for losing my husband Bill, only 16 months later. I know my husband Bill is now in heaven with Jesus, and that Duffy met him at the Rainbow Bridge, where they wait for Maxine and me some day. I am sure that Frosty, Rocky, and Tiger are there too.

I just adopted two new little 12 week old kittens, Kirsty and Kaila, in honor of Duffy, and to help Maxine and me cope with loosing Duffy and Bill. Now it is just me and three female felines, a three cat family again. Duffy inspired me to keep going and adopt more kittens, and they look just like Duffy.

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