On March 17, 2019 Hamish, his grandma and I drove to the rescue to meet "Peaches" a Westie who had been surrendered by the owner of a commercial breeding facility who did not want to have to follow the new more stringent animal health laws the state had put into place. So he dumped 10 pairs of breeding dogs at the vet to "put down or whatever" and left. The vet checked them all out further. She had the initial information on all the dogs as the individual had done the initial work required by the state and had the records for these sad but beautiful purebred dogs. She found them to be relatively healthy, although severely underweight, matted coats and poor dental from diet and chewing on their cages. But their temperaments were wonderful and not a mean one among them. She contacted a local rescue who with her fosters was able to take all 20 dogs and began the work of getting them treated, shots and neuter/spay. After a month they were ready for homes and that is when we went to see "Peaches". My Hamish was a very sad Westie as his big Cairn brother MacTavish had passed away suddenly from acute renal failure in October the previous year (having never been sick a day in his life) and we had been on rescue lists with Westie and Cairn rescues trying to get him a new brother. We finally looked like we had a match chance so made the drive to go and meet this little Westie guy who was only 3-1/2 months older than my Hamish. Hamish took to him immediately and "Peaches" while timid and shy did not seem frightened. He sat in my mom's lap and was petted and then sat in my arms and seemed to enjoy the attention. The rescue and I decided he was a good match and home Dugall MacKenzie Mor came with us. The 90 minute ride home he watched out the window sitting next to Hamish with no shaking or anything which was a good sign. When we got home Hamish was eager to show him around but realized that Dugall really still didn't understand the concept of grass or stairs having lived the first four years of his life in a cage. We did learn that he was born on St. Patrick's Day of 2015 so I adopted him on his fourth birthday! He was my second boy born on St. Patrick's Day as my tabby Padraig had also been a St. Paddy's fur baby. His first days home he tended to lay against doors, walls or furniture and never in the open. I had a double playpen that he seemed secure in with Hamish and he seemed pleased it did not have a top (I don't like crates or cages, but having that open top) and he learned he could stand and see out with no obstructions and the door was always open. He had no idea what a toy was or how to play, but he immediately followed whatever Hamish did. Plus, his house manners were perfect - never an accident which was amazing. Hamish was so sweet with him as he knew this guy was new to things. Although Dugall was technically older he was really younger to the spoiled dog life Hamish had lived. They quickly became attached at the hip and were inseparable from the start. Hamish was whole again having a brother in his life and Dugall began to blossom into a quiet and loving one who found he love the attention of his humans. Dugall also loved his kitty brother Michael and they grew close very quickly. I had no idea what he would look like as he had been shaved completely down on rescue but he came into be the the most gorgeous triple coated Westie. I let him grow out about 4-5 months before grooming him the first time and his thick fur broke scissor and clippers alike! I had to purchase all new equipment to finish him, had lots of blisters, but when I was done I had one gorgeous boy with gorgeous round black/brown eyes. During the day he and Hamish would go to Grandma's house while I was at work and he loved doing that. Just like with MacTavish and Hamish before, I would stop after work, have dinner with my mom (my dad had passed away) and then bring the boys home after dinner. They loved their grandma very much and she spoiled them so. Then in September 2019 I had to have surgery and after a time I could work if I worked from home but not travel downtown into my office. The boys were in heaven - mom was home all the time and now grandma would come to our house for dinner. By the time I was ready to go back to the office I had to have an emergency surgery from a complication so again continued to work from home. Dugall and Hamish were OK with that. When I could go back to the office Covid hit and everyone was working from home in the office so I became permanent work at home moving all my office equipment to my home office. With beds under my desk Dugall would spend the day by my right foot and Hamish by my left. Dugall felt that his life was complete with his brother, his mom and his cat. Then in October 2019 Dugall lost his kitty brother Michael. He was 18-1/2 and had come to the end of his life which made Dugall very sad. He was use to being in a household as a threesome. My asthma to cat litter was getting worse so I knew that I could not get another kitty so decided on getting a third dog. A first for me as I usually had two dogs and two cats. I continued to watch Cairn and Westie rescues for young dogs as I needed that to get these boys moving again. It Would take me until 2022 after being on waiting lists with reputable breeders to finally get my Cairn boy. Dugall was very happy in July of 2022 to make the 90 minute drive with Hamish to go pick up his new baby brother Feargus. He was fascinated by the little guy but would also get very annoyed when he would wake him up from his nice afternoon nap! At 7-1/4 he was becoming an "old man" set in his ways so this young pup was just what he needed to get his butt moving again. He lost 2-1/2 pounds the first six months the little stinker was home with him. He started sleeping less and playing more, just not as much as Hamish. He loved to sit and watch Hamish and Feargus run and wrestle and when he felt that play time was over he would give one loud "hurrumph" to end the match and they would stop. Dugall loved to go for car rides and during the nice weather on Sunday afternoons we would take rides for a couple hours out into the country. Of course had to stop and get a nice pup cup or some Dairy queen for the boys too! They had on their harnesses with seat belt clips and Dugall would half sleep and half look out the side window and watch the world go by. He was such a good traveler and if we stopped to visit folks he was a perfect gentleman and always well behaved. In early 2024 he had a bout of anxiety which we attributed to trauma memories from his past creeping up every now and then. Tried some meds but they seemed to cause more issues than were worth it so decided that if he got too anxious to just give him an occasional trazadone. With lots of love and attention/support his anxiety relaxed and he calmed down. Then he developed pneumonia and I almost lost him, but he quickly rallied but remained with a chronic sinus problem so constantly sneezed. By late summer he began to sundown - getting mildly confused as to where he was as the sun would set. Pleasantly confused and happy as a clam, just had to do a lot of redirection. Other than that during the day he was the same as always. I gave him some brain supplements and got him ramp for up the deck stairs (he was never good at stairs anyways) outside and one for from great room to the rest of the first floor that he loved using. When he started falling off the bed at night got him a nice orthopedic doggie bed that was right next to mine and he slept there. After knowing he fell off the bed he didn't mind me putting him in his bed at night when his brothers were in my bed. Before this he would have cried all night, but he knew that he was safe down there so didn't mind. Vet told me he could be this way for many long years as he was otherwise healthy so I didn't care. Every evening he would come up to me and tap me on the leg to be picked up. He would snuggle down in my lap with his head on my chest and go to sleep for a couple hours. He was happy and content and that is all I wanted for him. His brothers would be wrestling and playing and he would just snooze away while I watched TV or read a book with him in my lap. On October 9th he slept late, getting up at 11am and came into my office to say good morning. They all had their baths and then were wrapped in towels to dry. He was a bit fussy and didn't want to blow dry so I put a dry towel down on my office floor and turned on the space heater to lightly blow on him to finish drying. Now that he loved. I brushed him down and he was content. He found his favorite spot to go lay down by my foot and I finished my work. Dinner time came and he got up and he wanted on the couch next to my mom. We were going to do fall pictures in their new fall scarves that evening (hence the baths earlier). He was laying all white and fluffy with his head on a pillow, his grandma petting him and he looked up at her, smiled and just died. He was there one second and gone the next. No sound, no nothing. My mom said, Laurie, come check him, there is something wrong. I looked and said "mom, he is gone" and started to cry. Hamish & Feargus sat there not making a sound just looking at their big brother. They knew he was gone. My lovely boy, the sweetest little guy. Quiet, loving who didn't have the greatest start in life. I gave him the best life ever for just over 5-1/2 years. He wanted for nothing and had a loving mom, grandma and brothers. He loved life, hugs and a warm lap. The vet said the neglect of his first four years probably led to his early cognitive decline. But, I didn't mind confused - he was sweet, just forgot where he was sometimes - heck who doesn't sometimes walk into a room and forget why they went in there themselves? I fed him the best foods, gave him the healthiest treats, and the most love I could. I adapted everything I could to meet his needs just so he could be with me as long as he could and I just wish it could have been longer. It doesn't seem fair that his little life was cut short because of the cruelty of his original owner. He came home today - his ashes were delivered in a beautiful redwood box with his name in gold on top and a lovely plaster pawprint with his name. I can place it with MacTavish and Michael's pawprints as well. The last three boys that I have lost and still miss so much. He is my Angel now and at the Bridge with Angus, Diarmid, Alexander, MacTavish, Ti, Pooh, Maxie, Padraig and Michael my pups and kitties over the past 50+ years that I have loved and lost. He is running free without any restrictions with his brothers and one sister Maxie. Hamish & Feargus miss you very much my lovely boy. They are confused as to why you are not here with them. Hamish has been a duo before and has Feargus by his side, but Feargus, he has been a trio his whole life. There were three in his litter and he came home to you and Hamish so doesn't understand being a duo yet. They miss you and still look for you. I find Feargus laying in your favorite spots where he never laid before and Hamish, he jumps down off the bed most nights to sleep in the comfy ortho bed I got for you that is on the floor next to the bed that I got for you because you kept falling off the bed. He lays with his head in the same spot you always put yours. You passed away peacefully and quietly and mom could not ask for a better passing if you had to go. No pain, no fear, nothing but being petted and getting loved to your last breath. I wish you did not have to leave just yet, but God said it was your time. Until we meet again one day again at the Bridge. Mom will love you always ..... Please also visit Alexander MacTavish Mor, Angus, Diarmid MacThomson Mor, MacTavish Dundee Mor, Maxie, Michael, Padraig, Pooh and Ti. |
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